Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 104
________________ लघुतत्त्वस्फोट: 55 In you who shines forth with evident majesty and with the peaceful light that touches infinite forms, there are manifested on every side these selfpowers (bliss, etc.), (powers which are) intensely perceiving the self and unified with the undivided consciousness. (22) [147] अनन्तविज्ञानमिहात्मना भवाननन्तमात्मानमिमं विघट्टयन् । प्रचण्डसंघट्टहठस्फुटत्स्फुटस्वशक्तिचक्रः स्वयमीश भासते ॥२३॥ anantavijñānam ihātmanā bhavān anantam ātmānam imam vighaftayan pracandasamghajjahashasphuţatsphuţa svašakticakraḥ svayam îśa bhāsate //23// O Lord ! In this perfected state you take your self, endowed with infinite knowledge, as your object ; you shine with the multitude (cakra] of your own powers, (powers) which are manifested as a result of the tremendous and forceful impact (of the self knowing only itself). (23) [148] स्वरूपगुप्तस्य निराकुलात्मनः परानपेक्षस्य तवोल्लसन्त्यमः । सुनिर्भरस्वानुभवैकगोचरा निरन्तरानन्दपरम्परास्त्रजः ॥२४।। svarüpaguptasya nirākulātmanah parānapek şasya tavollasanty amūḥ / sunirbharasvānubhavaikagocarā nirantarānandaparamparāsrajah ||24|| Not depending upon anything else, you are totally free from all sorrow, well-secured in your own nature. Within you shine forth the garland-chains of unbroken bliss, which have become the sole object of (your) intense experience of self. (24) [149; प्रसह्य मां भावनयाऽनया भवान् विशन्नयस्पिण्डमिवाग्निरुत्कटः । करोति नाद्यापि यदेकचिन्मयं गुणो निजोऽयं जडिमा ममैव सः ॥२५॥छ॥६॥ prasahya mầm bhavanayũ 'nayã bhavấn višann ayaspindam ivāgnir utkasaḥ / karoti nādyāpi yad ekacinmayam guņo nijo 'yam jadimā mamaiva saḥ //25/cha/V1// Like a blazing fire forcefully infusing an iron ball (with heat), you enter me by means of this prayer. If, (having done this), you (still) do not render me one who is purely consciousness, it must be due to my own dullness. (25) [150] VI Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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