Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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अन्तर्निमग्नान्यनयस्वभावं स्वभावलीलोच्छलनार्थमेव । विशुद्धविज्ञानघनं समन्तात् स्तोष्ये जिनं शुद्धनयैकदृष्टया ॥१॥
svabhāvalilocchalanārtham eva / visuddhavijñānaghanami samantät
stosye jinam suddhanayaikadrstya //1||
I shall praise the Jina from one point of view, (namely) the pure (i.e. non-conventional) way of seeing (him). Within (this) Jina's nature, all other partial descriptions are subsumed; he is on all sides a mass of pure consciousness. (This pure consciousness) seeks no end other than manifesting its own blissful nature (1) [226]
निरर्गलोच्छालविशालधाम्नो यदेव चैतन्यचमत्कृतं ते । उदारवैस(श)द्यमुदेत्यभेदं तदेव रूपं तव मार्जितश्च (स्थ) ॥२॥ nirargalocchālaviśāladhāmno
yad eva caitanyacamatkştam te / udāravais(s)adyam udety abhedam
tad eva rūpam tava mārjitaśca(-sya) ||2|| Your miraculous and undivided consciousness rises and shines forth with great clarity and unobstructed, brilliant light; that (consciousness) is (itself) the true nature of you who are purified. (2) [227]
चिदेकरूपप्रसरस्तवायं निरुध्यते येन स एव नास्ति । स्वभावगम्भीरमहिम्नि लग्नो विभो ! विभास्येकरसप्रवाहः ॥३॥
cidekarūpaprasaras tavāyam
nirudhyate yena sa eva nāsti / svabhāvagambhiramahimni lagno
vibho vibhāsy ekarasapravahah ||3||
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