Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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valganty anye jñānanimittatvam upetă
bahyo hetur hetur ihantar na kila syat | svasmad devo jṛmbhitacidviryaviseṣāj
jāto viśvavyāpakavijñānaghanas tvam ||18||
As to the others (i.e. external objects), let them remain active as (i.e. we accept them as being) the efficient cause of your omniscient knowledge. But here (i.e. regarding the production of a result), in truth (i.e. from the absolute point of view), an external cause (i.e. an efficient cause [nimitta-kāraṇa]) can never become an internal cause (i.e. a material cause [upādāna-kāraṇa]). You are, by yourself, distinguished (from others through your) perfected consciousness and energy, (and so you) have become the lord (i.e. the supreme teacher), a solid mass of knowledge which pervades the entire universe. (18) [443]
अन्यः कर्त्ता कर्म किलान्यत् स्थितिरेषा यः कर्ता त्वं कर्म तदेवास्यविशेषात्त् । देवास्त्वं किल विज्ञानधनं यः सेाऽयं साक्षात् त्वं खलु विज्ञानघनोऽसि ॥ ११९ ॥ anyaḥ karttā karma kilānyat sthitir eșă
vaḥ kartta tvam karma tad eväsy aviseṣāt | devākārṣis tvam kila vijñānaghanam yaḥ
so 'yam sākṣāt tvam khalu vijñānaghano 'si ||19||
From the conventional point of view [vyavahara-naya], it is indeed accepted that the agent and the object are different (from each other). But since, (from the non-conventional point of view), there is no distinction (made between these two), you who are the agent are also the object. O Lord! indeed, you who produced the mass of omniscience are in reality that very mass of omniscience itself. (19) [444]
विष्वग्व्याप्यः सत्यविशेषे स्वगुणानां देवाधारस्त्वं स्वयमाधेयभरोऽपि । yonuızıqzada cafeenem àñaìsääcufa faenaucitsug 11 20 11 Viśvagvyapyaḥ saty aviseṣe svaguṇānām
devādhāras tvam svayam adheyabharo 'pi | ek ädhär ädheyatayaiva jvalitātmā
tenaivoccair valgasi vijñānaghana 'yam ||20||
Jain Education International
O Lord! From the point of view of non-distinction (between substance qualities,) you are (both) the substratum of your own qualities, and (qualities) which entirely pervade (your space-points), and also the aggregate of those things which are placed (upon that substratum, namely the qualities themselves). Thus, from the point of view of unity of substratum and thingsplaced-thereon, you abide in your majesty both as shining substance and as the mass of omniscience (i.e. the qualities). (20) [445]
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