Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 209
________________ 160 श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरचितः unimpeded (i.e. not dependent upon external efficient causes [nimittta-kāraṇa] how can the network of cause and effect be manifest? For in truth, that (external efficient cause) cannot negate (the process of) your becoming. Similarly, in this world, the substance (i.e. the material cause [upādāna-kāraṇa] cannot negate the production of (external) causes. (Thus, from the non-conventional point of view, independence of the material and efficient causes is affirmed.) (14) [464] warifa a youà four cafu naifanefrantzut i भवनैकविभूतिभारिणस्तव भेदो हि कलङ्ककल्पना ।।१५।। bhavatiti na yujyate kriyā tvayi kartrādikarambitodayā | bhavanaikavibhutibhāriņas tava bhedo hi kalankakalpanā ||15|| It is not correct to say that an action, which arises qualified by such instrumentalities as agent, etc., can take place in you. (From the non-conventional point of view which disregards all divisions), you embody nothing but the splendour of existing in your own-nature; hence, dividing you amounts to a (false) speculation which casts blemish upon you. (15) [465] अजडादिमयः सनातनो जिनभावोऽस्यवकीर्णकस्म ( श्म) लः । अयमुच्छलदच्छचित्प्रभाभरमग्नस्वपरक्रमाक्रमः ॥ १६ ॥ ajaḍādimayaḥ sanātano jina bhāvo 'sy avakirṇakas(s)malaḥ | ayam ucchalad acchacitprabhābharamagnasvaparakramākramaḥ ||16|| (From the point of view which, disregarding their distinctions, sees substance and modes as identical, it can be said), O Jina, (that) you are nothing but this state (of omniscience), the embodiment of absence-of-insentience (i.e. consciousness), etc. (And being simply this state), you are eternal, free from impurities; in the light of your sparklingly clear and splendid consciousness, all the qualities and modes of both yourself and others are reflected. (16) [466] भगवन्नवकीर्णकस्म ( श्म) लो यदि भावोऽसि विभामयः स्वयम् । तदयं स्वयमेव विस्फुरन्न विमोहं समुपैषि कुत्रचित् ॥१७॥ bhagavan avakirṇakas(s)malo yadi bhavo 'si vibhämayaḥ svayam / tad ayam svayam eva visphuran na vinoham samupaişi kutracit //11// O Blessed one! You are this very state, the embodiment of light, free from all impurities, which is manifest (purely) through its own-nature (ie. without external agency). Thus you do not come to (what, from the non-conventional Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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