Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 213
________________ XX (वंशस्थवृत्तम्] अतत्त्वमेव प्रणिधानसौष्ठवात् तवेश ! तत्त्वप्रतिपत्तये परम्। विषं वमन्त्योऽप्यमृतं क्षरन्ति यत् पदे पदे स्यात्पदसंस्कृता गिरः ॥१॥ atattvam eva praạidhänasausthavāt taveśa tattvapratipattaye param/ viņam vamantyo 'py amstam kşaranti yat pade pade syātpadasamskstā giraḥ || 1/1 O Lord! Even false (i.e. absolutist) doctrines, when profoundly contemplated (in the light of) your teaching (which is characterized by the term “maybe” [syāt), can lead to attainment of the highest reality; (for when this teaching is applied), its every word causes (these absolutist doctrines) to throw off the poison (of their absolutism), and inundates them with the ambrosia (of truth). (1) [476] Td (OL परापरोल्लेखविनास(श) कृद्धलाद् विलोनदिककालविभागकल्पनः । विभास्यसौ सङग्रहशुद्धदर्शनात् त्वमीश! चिन्मात्रविभूतिनिर्भरः ॥२॥ parāparollekhavinās(s)akrd balād vilinadikkälavibhāgakalpanah / vibhāsy asau sangrahasuddhadarśanāt tvam iśa cinmätravibhūtinirbharah //2/1 O Lord! When you are seen from the pure point of view called "sangraha," which forcibly erases all lines of distinction pertaining to prior, later, (etc. insofar as it subordinates divisions and takes note mainly of the universal), you shine forth (as being) complete with nothing but the majesty of pure consciousness, in which every conception of division pertaining to time and space has been dissolved. (2) [477] विशुद्धचतिव्याप्तिरसेन वल्गिता अपि स्खलन्त्योऽस्खलिता इवोच्छिखाः । निरंशतत्त्वांशनिवेशदारुणास्त्वयोश ! मूर्च्छन्त्यजुसूत्रदृष्टयः ॥३॥ visuddhyativyāptirasena valgitā api skhalantyo 'skhalitā ivocchikhāḥ / niramśatattvāmśaniveśadārunās tvayîśa mūrcchanty rjusūtradıştayaḥ 1/31/ Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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