Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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An existent is divided into prior and later states, but also is one; thus it attains fully to unity as well as to multiplicity. (But) you, having achieved unity of consciousness through your ever-present one-pointed intuition (of the self), do not ever appear like the goddess of fortune, who is (always) sullied by (the presence of) misfortune. (i. e. Your unified consciousness is never vitiated by the presence of changing states). (20) [245]
आद्यन्तमध्यादिविभागकल्पः समुच्छलन् खण्डयति स्वभावम् । अखण्डदृग्मण्डलपिण्डितश्रीरेको भवान् सर्वसरश्काचस्ति ॥२१॥ ādyantamadhyādivibhāgakalpaḥ
Samucchalan khandayati svabhāvam / akhandadrgmandalapinditasrir
eko bhavān sarvasaras cakāsti ||21||
The perception which (forcefully) arise in the minds of ordinary people) pertaining to distinctions of beginning, middle, and end etc., cut the ownbeing of reality into parts. You, (however), although endowed with all aspects, shine forth as One, because your splendour is united with unbroken intuition. (21) [246]
भामात्रमित्युत्कलितप्रवृत्तिर्भग्नक्रियाकारककालदेश: । शुद्धस्वभावकजलोज्ज्वलस्तवं पूर्णो भवन्नासि निराकुलश्रीः ॥२२॥
bhāmātram ity utkalitapravsttir
bhagnakriyāk ārakakāladeśah / śuddhasvabhāvaikajalojjvalas tvam
pārņo bhavan nā 'si nirākulasrih //22/1
You are one for whom the only description possible is "nothing but knowledge." You are, (furthermore), one who has broken (the cycle of) action, agent, time, and space. Sparkling like clear water with pure own-being, you are perfect, a soul whose "goddess of wealth" is without afflictions. (i.e. You are totally unsullied.) (22) [247]
एकानपूर्णस्तिमिताविभागभामात्रभावाऽस्खलितंकवृत्त्या । चकासतः केवलनिर्भरस्य न सङकरस्तेऽस्ति न तुत्स(च्छ)तापि ॥२३॥
bhāmātrabhāvā'skhalitaikavyttyā / cakāsataḥ kevalanirbharasya
na sankaras te 'sti na tuts(tucch)atā 'pi //23||
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