Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 194
________________ लघुतत्त्वस्फोट: 145 and "other" (with regard to substance, space, time, and modes), and so there will be discord among the objects, because the distinctions between them would be lost). (22) [422] धत्तेऽसौ विधिरभितो निषेधमैत्री साकाङ्क्षाम् वहति विधिं निषेधवाणी । स्यात्काराश्रयि (य)णसमथितात्मवीर्यावाख्यातौ विधिनियमौ निजार्थमित्थम् ॥ २३ ॥ dhatte 'sau vidhir abhito nişedhamaitrim sākāmkşām vahati vidhim niședhavāņi ! syātkārāśrayi(a)ņasamarthitātmavīryāv äkhyātau vidhiniyamau nijārtham ittham 1/23// The (words expressing the) positive aspects, insofar as they are qualified (by the negative aspects) on every side, are (always) accompanied by the “friendship" (i.e. compatible presence of these negative aspects). And the words expressing the negative aspects are in the same way accompanied by the positive aspects. Thus, the positive and negative expressions, (namely "ust?" and "nāsti”), which have increased their inherent power through the support of the expression "syāt," express their referent (fully). (23) [423] इत्येवं स्फुटसदसन्मयस्वभावं वस्त्वेकं विधिनियमा[भया]भिधेयम् । स्यात्कारे निहितभरो विवक्षितः सन्नेकोऽपि क्षमत इहाभिधातुमेतत् ॥ २४ ॥ ity evam sphuțasadasanmayasvabhāvain vasty ekam vidhiniyamo[bhayā]bhidhe yam/ syātkāre nihitabharo vivaksitah sann eko 'pi kşamata ihābhidhātum etat // 24 // Even a single (word), if supported by the expression "syāt,''can, when the particular aspect (to which it refers) is to be expressed, convey the (full) reality (of the object). (For) this one (reality) has a nature that is clearly endowed with both"existence" (sat) and "non-existence" (asat aspects, and (thus it is properly) indicated by both positive and negative expressions. (24) [424] स्वद्रव्याद् विधिरयमन्यथा निषेधः क्षेत्राद्यैरपि हि निजेतरः क्रमाऽयम् । इत्युच्चैः प्रथममिह प्रताड्य भेरों निर्बाधं निविषये चरन्तु शब्दाः ॥ २५ ॥ 11511611 svadarvyād vidhtr ayam anyathā niședhah k setrādyair api hi nijetaraih kramo 'yam / ity ucсaih prathamam iha pratādya bherîm nirbādham nijavişaye carantu šabdāḥ 1/25||chal/XVIII Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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