Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 131
________________ 82 श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरचितः o Omniscient One! There is no one who can obstruct the homogeneous expansion of your consciousness (i.e. an expansion which involves no qualitative change). Well-secured in the profound greatness of your own nature, you appear as a stream whose essence is unified (i.e. constantly blissful). (3) [228] उपर्युपर्युच्छलदच्छधामा प्रकाशमानस्त्वमभिन्नधारः । चिदेकतासङ कलितात्मभासा समग्रमुच्चावचमस्यसीश! ॥४॥ upar yupary ucсhalad acchadhāmā prakāśamānas tvam abhinnadhārah / cidekatāsankalitātmabhāsā samagram uccāvacam asyasīša! 1/47/ You shine forth, endowed with an unbroken stream (of omniscience) whose pure light flashes ever more brightly. The brilliant (rays) of the self are held together by your unified consciousness; with these, you O Lord ! (even) transcend the distinctions of high and low in the entire range (of objects, i.e. you see all objects with equal clarity, regardless of their size or subtlety). (4) [229] समुच्छलत्यत्र तदा(वा)द्वितीये महौजसश्चिन्महसो महिम्नि । जलप्लवप्लावितचित्रनीत्या विभाव्यते विश्वमपि प्रमृष्टम् ॥५॥ samucchalaty atra tad(v)ādvitiye mahaujasaś cinmahaso mahimni / jalaplavaplävitacitranityā vibhāvyate viśvam api pramrstam 1/5/1 When the unparalleled light of your consciousness, endowed with great brilliance, fully manifests itself, then everything else) appears like a painting that has been blurred by a flood of water (i. e. fades by comparison). (5) [230] विशुद्धबोधप्रतिबद्धधाम्नः स्वरूपगुप्तस्य चकाश (स) तस्ते । अयं स्फुट: स्वानुभवेन काममुदीर्यते भिन्नरसः स्वभावः ॥६॥ viśuddhabodhapratibaddhadhāmnaḥ svarüpaguptasya cakāś(s)atas te / ayain sphutah svānubhavena kāmam udiryate bhinnarasaḥ svabhāvaḥ 1161/ Having your splendour united with pure consciousness, you shine forth, well-contained within your own nature. Your own-being, the character of which is different (than it was during the mundane states), and which becomes evident through your experience of it, is freely manifest in you. (6) [231] Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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