Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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असीमसंसारमहिम्नि पञ्चधा वजन परावृत्तिमनन्तशोऽवसः (शः) । लगाम्ययं देव बलाच्चिदञ्चले स्वधाम्नि विश्रान्तिविधायिनस्तव ॥१॥
asimasa msāramahimni pañcadhā
vrajan parāvrttim anantaśo 'yas (š)aḥ / lagāmy ayam deva balāc cidañcale
svadhāmni viśrāntividhāyinas tava 1/1/1
O Lord ! Helpless in this terrible beginningless transmigration, I have passed countless times through the five-fold cycles [parāvrtti).* (But) now I ardently take refuge beneath the cloak of consciousness of you who rest in your own abode. (1) [151]
कषायसङ्कट्टनघृष्टशेषया ममैकया चित्कलया व्यवस्यतः । क्रियात् (कियान्) प्रकाशस्तव भूतिभासने भवत्यलातं दिनकृन्न जातुचित् ॥२॥
mamaikayā citkalayā vyavasyataḥ / kriyāt (kiyān ) prakāśas tava bhūtibhāsane
bhavaty alātam dinakrn na jātucit 1/2||
Using the one bit of knowledge that has survived the impact of clashing with the passions, I endeavor to praise your majesty. (But) how much light (can my feeble efforts produce) ? Indeed, a torch can never become the sun. (2) [152]
* This refers to the five parivartanas, viz.' dravyao, kşetra”, kāla', bhavao, and bhāva°. For details see Sarvārthasiddhi, II. 10.
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