Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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अविज्ञातृ तवेदमद्भुत स्फुटप्रकाशं सततोदितं महः ।
न जावपि प्रस्खलति स्वशक्तिभिर्भरेण संधारितमात्मनाऽऽत्मनि ॥। १८ ।।
akartṛ vijñātṛ tavedam adbhuta
sphuṭaprakāśam satatoditam mahaḥ |
na jātv api praskhalati svaśaktibhir
bhareṇa samdhāritam ātmanā”tmani ||18||
The glory of your (omniscient knowledge) never lapses; it is pure knower, devoid of (the idea of) "doer." Its light is bright and wondrous, ever manifest, held firmly within you together with your other powers. (18) [168]
तवेति विस्पष्टविकाश मुल्लस द्विलीन दिक्कालविभागमेककम् ।
त्रुड (ट) क्रियाकारकचक्रमक्रमात् स्वभावमात्रं परितोऽपि वल्गति ॥ १९ ॥
taveti vispaṣṭavikāśam ullasad
vilinadikkālavibhāgam ekakam /
truḍ(t)atkriyāk ārakacakram akramāt
svabhāvamātram parito'pi valgati ||19||
Your omniscient knowledge, within which divisions of time and space havedisappeared and the cycle of agent and action has been broken, moves everywhere simultaneously. It shines with completely manifest radiance; it is One, and nothing but its own-being. (19) [169]
प्रवर्त्तते नैव न चातिवर्त्तते स्वभाव एवोदयते निराकुलम् । अपेलवोल्लासविलाल ( स ) मांसल स्वशक्तिसम्भारभृतं भवन्महः ॥२०॥
Jain Education International
pravarttate naiva ca nativarttate
svabhāva evodayate nirākulam !
svasak tisambharabhṛtam bhavan mahaḥ [[20//
The light of your (omniscient knowledge) is held along with your powers, which are strengthened by the delights of infinite bliss. It neither comes into existence anew nor transgresses (the self, i.e. it does not really become involved with external objects); its own nature manifests itself, unimpeded. (20) [170]
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