Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 57
________________ श्रीमदमृतचन्द्रविरचितः एकोऽप्यनेक इति भासि न चास्यनेक एकोऽस्यनेकसमुदायमयः सदैव । नानकसञ्चयमयोऽस्यसि चैक एकस्त्वं चिच्चमत्कृतिमयः परमेश्वराऽर ||१८|| eko 'py aneka iti bhāsi na casy aneka eko 'sy anekasamudayamayaḥ sadaiva | nānekasañcayamayo 'sy asi caika ekas tvam ciccamatkṛtimayaḥ parameśvarĀra ||18|| O Ara, the Highest Lord! Although you are one, you appear as many (from the modal point of view). And yet you are indeed not many, (because the modes are not your totality). You are always One, being a complete aggregate of the multiple (modes); but (when one looks only at the present moment) you are not a collection of modes, (but rather a single mode at a time). Hence you are one (from this latter viewpoint as well). You are full of the wonders of unified consciousness. (18) [18] facffetsfa az afɛātsfa zi¿ gratfo azafaatscafe fafann: 1 wifeaatsfa afzgfågåfa unâfânta ya a faaı xfaenfa með 112911 nirdarito 'pi ghatase ghațito 'pi dāram prāpnoși dāraṇam ito 'py asi nirvibhāgaḥ | bhagojjhito 'pi paripūrtim upaiși bhāgair nirbhāga eva ca citā pratibhāsi Malle ||19|| O Malli! Although you are divided (into substance and qualities), you remain unified (because both of these reside within the same space points). And although unified in that way, you nevertheless come to be divided (because of the increase and decrease effected in the particles of the same qualities through the change in modes). And although you thus come to be divided, you are indeed free from divisions (since those particles do not separate themselves from the qualities). And although you are thus free from divisions, you attain to perfection only by virtue of such divisions (i. e. you are the sum of your parts). You are partless, and you shine forth with (unified) consciousness. (19) [19] उत्पाटितोऽपि मुनिसुव्रत रोपितस्त्वमारोपितोऽप्यसि समुद्धृत एवं नैव । नित्योल्लसन्निरवधिस्थिरबोधपादव्यानद्धकृत्स्नभुवनोऽनिस (श) मच्युतोऽसि ॥२०॥ utpățito 'pi Munisuvrata ropitas tvam aropito 'py asi samuddhṛta eva naiva | nityollasan niravadhisthirabodhapāda Jain Education International vyānaddhakṛtsnabhuvano 'nis(s)am acyuto' si ||20|| For Private & Personal Use Only


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