Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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लघुतत्त्वस्फोट: प्रच्छादयन्ति यदनेकविल्पस (श) डकुखातान्तरङगजगतीजनित रजोभिः । एतावतैव पशवो न विभो भवन्तमालोकयन्ति निकटं प्रकटं निधानम् ॥३॥
prachhādayanti yad anekavikalpas(s)anku
khātāntarangajagatijanitai rajobhiḥ etāvataiva pašavo na vibho bhavantam
_alokayanti nikatam prakatam nidhānam ||3|| o Omniscient One! The dust (of karma) originates in the fertile land of the mind, (for the mind is, indeed) a source from which manifold thorns, having the form of imaginings, arise. Igonrant beings cover themselves with this dust; hence they cannot see you, an illumined treasure in their very midst (i. e. very close at hand). (3) [28]
यत्रास्तमेऽपि (मेति) बहिरर्थतमस्यगाधे तत्रैव नूनमयमेवमुदीयसे त्वम् । व्योम्नीव नीलिमतते सवितुः प्रकाशः प्रच्छन्न एव परितः प्रकटश्चकास्ति ॥४॥
yatrāstam ep(t)i bahirarthatamasy agādhe
tatraiva nūnam ayam evam udiyase tvam / vyomniva nilimatate savituḥ prakāśaḥ
pracchanna eva paritah prakatas cakāsti //4/11
The world (of ignorant beings) sets (i. e. sinks) into an impenetrable darkness whose form is the (multitude of) external objects. (But) you rise up in that very darkness, spreading everywhere, bright and brilliant, like the sun in a clear blue sky. (4) [29]
नावस्थिति जिन ददासि न चाऽनवस्थामुत्थापयस्यनिशमात्ममहिम्नि नित्यम् । येनायमद्भुतचिदुद्गमचञ्चुरुच्चरेकोऽपि ते विधिनिषेधमयः स्वभावः ॥५॥ nāvasthitim jina dadāsi na că ’navasthām
utthāpayasy anisam ātmamahimni nityam / yenāyam adbhutacidudgamacañcur uccair
eko 'pi te vidhinisedhamayah svabhāvah //5//
Jina! You do not grant (i. e. preach the doctrine of) eternal existence and yet you always prevent (people from drawing the false conclusion) that this great soul is impermanent. (This preaching is) consistent with [yena] (the fact that) your nature, wonderful and brilliant with pure consciousness, partakes of both the postitve and negative aspects and yet is (at the same time) unified. (5) [30]
यस्मादिदं विधिनिषेधमयं चकास्ति निर्माणमेव सहजप्रविजृम्भितं ते । तस्मात् सदा सदसदादिविकल्पजालं स्वथ्य[]विलासमिदमुत्प्लवते न चित्रम् ॥६॥
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