Book Title: Laghutattvasphota
Author(s): Amrutchandracharya, Padmanabh S Jaini, Dalsukh Malvania, Nagin J Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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The subtle forms of dirt were forcefully destroyed; thus, only the unctuous residue of attachment remained. Aspiring to get rid of that as well, you rested for awhile in the state of subtle passion (i.e. the tenth gunasthāna, called sūkṣma-sāmparāya); and instantly you became one who has snapped the bonds of all passions. (15) [65]
उद्वम्य मांसलमशेषकषायकिट्टमालम्ब्य निर्भरमनन्तगुणा विशुद्धीः । जातोऽस्यसंख्यशुभसंयमलब्धिधामसोपानपङिदत शिखरकशिखामणिस्त्वम् ॥१६॥ udvanya māmsalam aśeșakaṣāyakittam
ālambya nirbharam anantagunā visuddhih/ jāto 'sy asamkhyaśubhasamyamalabdhidhāma
sopānaparktiśikharaikasikhāmanis tvam ||16|| Depending entirely upon the infinitely expanded purity (of your self), you ejected the thickly-layered dirt of passion, leaving no residue. Thus you became the unparalleled crest-jewel (adorning) the summit of the staircase that leads to the stage in which immeasurably pure conduct is gained. (16) [66]
शब्दार्थसंक्रमवितर्कमनेकधावस्पृष्टया तदास्थितमनास्त्वमसंक्रमोऽभूः । एकाग्ररुद्धमनसस्तव तत्र चित्तग्रन्थौ स्फुटत्युदितमेतदनन्ततेजः ॥१७॥
śabdārthasankramavitarkam anekadhāva
sprstyā tadāsthitamanās tvam asankramo 'bhūh ekāgraruddhamanasas tava tatra citta
granthau sphuţaty uditam etad anantatejah 1/17//
Because of having recourse (in the past) to scriptural knowledge, with its shiftings of words and meanings, your heart dwelt upon such knowledge
ch characterizes the first sukladhyāna). (But now, having destroyed the passions), you became free from all “shiftings.” When your mind became fixed on a single object, the knots of your heart were cut; and in that (very state, i.e. the kşiņamohagunasthāna) arose your infinite knowledge. (17) [67]
साक्षादसंख्यगुणनिर्जरणसजस्त्वमन्ते भवन् क्षपितसंहतघातिकर्मा । उन्मीलयन्नखिलमात्मकलाकलापमासीरनन्तगुणशद्धिविशुद्धतत्त्वः ॥१८॥
sāk sād as mkhyagunanirjaraṇasrajas tvam
ante bhavan kşapitasamhataghātikarmā/ unmilavann akhilam ātmakalākalāpam
āsîr anantagunasuddhiviệuddhatattvah //18//
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