Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 75
________________ GIN. of a few of those whold," it might want rejected his one's own advancement. The first wem, havo Averted the whole cata. Work. It was that his step forward to taken by the in trophe. So Arjan thought when he w 'Woved all leave him tinct of that love in the mother Rang asido his bow. He wusthe whole the other. When than who has who is randy' to acrifice her life hop of the Pandavas and without wried out great work in destro for the young, by the instinct of him their victory must noen i mere red, it for the cold by which he protection in the male who is rady dream and to fight ag act of mad hai misured the fans within that to morifice his life for his mate. ness. Yet it is to him that the Zahl- the force itself bread him to procon, The growth of this instinot in geint pmolnimn the utter helplesanen mit broke Napoleon. Some instru- the sign of an enlargement in thn of the mightiest and the core fulfilments are transured ap, some are conception of the self. So long ment of God's decree. "Even without Aung aside and shattered, but all aro as there is identification of self only thee all thes shall not be the men instruments. This is the greatness of with one's own body and its of war who stand arrayed in the great meh, not that by their own desires the site of the jita in oppring squadrons." For theee men strength they can determino great unprogressive and animal. It in are only alive in the body in that cventa, int that they are servicerblo only when the wolf enlarge to which stands behind and fulfil ituelf and specially-forged instrumente of include the mato and the children they are dead mon. Whom God pro- the Power which determines thom. that advancement becomes pouri tects who shall slay? Whom God Mirabeau helped to create the French ble. This is the first human state has alain who shall protect! The Revolution, no man more. When but the animal lingers in it in man who plays is only the occasion, he met himself against it and 'strove, the view of the wife and children the instrument by which the thing beooming prop of monarchy, to mchattels and possersions meant done behind the veil booomes the hold back the wheel, did the Fronch for one's own pleasure, strength, thing done on this wide of it. That Rovolution stop for the backsliding dignity, comfort. The fainily evon . which was true of the great slaying of France's mightient ? Kali put her viewod becomes the basis of civilisaAt Kurukshetra in truo of all things foot on Mirabeau and he dimppear tion because it makes social life pousithat are dine in this world, of all thoed; but the Revolution went on, ble. But the real developtnontofthn creation, destruction and preserve for the Revolution was the manifes god in man does not begin until the tion that make up the lila tation of the Zeitgeist, the Revolu- fainily become so much dearer than The greatness of this tonching is tion was the will of God. the life of the body that A man is for the great. Those who are commis s o it is always. The men who ready to sacrifice himself for it and wional to bring about mighty chan- prided themselves that great events give up his creo or uven his life for yes are full of the force of the Zeit- were their work, because they soem- 'its welfare or itu protection. To give prist. Kali has entered into thom er to have an initial hand in up oncs enne for the family, that is and Kali when she enters into a man thom, go down into the trench of state which most men CRICS nothing for rationality and Time and others march forward over have attained ; to give up one's possibility. She is the force of Na- their shattered reputations Thone life for the honour of the wife or the fore that whirls the stars in their who are swept forward by Kali with safety of the home is an act of svrbits, lightly as a child might swing in them and make no 'terms with higher nature of which man is op * ball, and to that force there is no- Fate, they alone purvive. The great- blo in individuals, incluson, but thing impossiblo. She is aghatana- Dess of individuals is the grentnost not in the inars. Beyond the family ghatana-putiyani, very skilful in of the eternal Energy within. comes the corninunity and the next bringing about the imponible. She step in the enlargement of the self is the detatmashakti swaguneit! THE DOCTRINE OF is when the identification with the nigudha, the Power of the Divine self in the body and the self in the SACRIFICE. Spirit hidden in the modes of its family gives way to the identification Gwu working and she needs no with the self in the community. T. thing but time to carry out the The genius of self-sacrifice in recognize that the community has ir purpose with which she is commis not conimon to all nations and to larger claim on a man than his wioned. She inoves in Time and the all individuals; it is rare and family is the first condition of the very movement Pulls itself, creates procion, it is the flowering of advance to the social condition. its means, accomplishes its ends. It mankind's ethical growth, the evi- It corresponds to the growth of is not an accident that she works in dence of our gradual rise from the tribe out of the patriarchal one man more than in another. He the wolf-regarding animal to th family and to the perfection of those is chosen because he is a likely ve Mullest divinity. A ab capable communal itutitutions of which our wol, and having chonon him she nei- of nolf-sacrifice, whatover hin other villagu community was 4 type. ther Nicota him till the purpose is sin, has left the animal behind Here again, to be always prepared to fulfilled nor allows him to reject him he has the stuff in him of wrifice the family intorest to the larher. Thurefore Srikrishna tells' future and higher humanity. gorinterest of thecommunity must be Arjun. J.A nation capable of a national act the fint condition of communal life 24 H 1 Ton fa una of self-sacrifice cheures ita future. And to give ono's life for the Nefety बिवावासाबरोबतिच्या नियोचाति veiled by forms ofoltikpoonia Self-seriflice involuntary of the community the act of divinity or which marlo the consummation of "The thought which thou thinkest however, the condition of our the eplarging self in the communal and takest refuge in egoism wying existence. It has been gradual iden. The next enlargement is to I will not fight, this thy resolve is growth in humanity. The Art the self in the nation. The evolution thin thing: Natate, will yoke sooriflope are always welilah--they of the nation is the growth which is thíos to thy work" When into to tbo scribce of others for molt important now to himanity


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