Do poboobadooooooo
recipients of this unwelcome 'visit must men ly on considerations of abs
thank their lot for the small mercies e fruth ur right, but of the con
which were at one time to rano. ples impuls and motives working Win or without us Individual con
THE "HITABADI" SEDITION CASE. Che thus the expression really
PRINTER RBI. RABAD ON BAIL OY P 5,000. dividual character. Nutiona chur.icher. Nition "HITABADI" OFFICE At the Caleutta Police Court on Wed
ne day before Mr. Swinhoe, Babu Nirodea nnCWC is the expression of
Barau De Printer and Publisher of National charter. An appeal to ARREST OF THE PRINTER. the "Hitabad," A vernacular newspaper bis tells, for it is an appeal to the
Street presented the of was placed for trial on charge of pubHiv mul and being of it people, Art Cominotion at about IP, M. Tuce. lishing seditious articles, namely "Bharaus
ppeal to the concrete and retun, u
lay last when Superintendent Ellis with Budget- Huff in Primeru " (the In. and the ideal, in the life of thnt D
dian Budget) on August 8, Iant: "Nutau er Frimani, Baillyanath Mukerjee,
l'annalal Drahmacbari. Nuls Inspector Police Ayin (the New Police Bill) on 11ation. The British Concionce to Allul (hunni and A P of constable August 11, last, and "Keno Awhila"
August 1, lat, And which our moderate friends hnve marchel on to the Witched office and
(Why have you come 1) on August 17 been appealing so long, is not this entered the premises ariel with a body last, in the shove paper. The actised
W real thing.
Wirtant against the Printer and Publish Arrested on Thalay by Superinten. If we want to influence er and another March warrant. The
dent Ellis of the C. I. D. British public opinion, we shall have I WILM in ict of three lending
Mr. RC Sen, Bar-at-law instructed to find out the real consc11c of Irticles appearing in the I r i - The 13 Babus Munoj Mohon Bose, Kcahub the people. Au appeal to this real Indian Budget" in the Atb : (2) The Chander (tupla and Sarat Chandra Chat
New Police Act" on the 11th and (3) terjee applied for bruil. conscience, will not give us whnt we " Why Do You Canne on the lith Aug.
Mr. Swinhoe orderod the accused to arc striving for ng ultimate goal
unt. The articles, neling to the be released on bail of Rs. 5,000, with amely self-goverminent or Svarnj.
charge in the warrant, were construed two wuretion of Rs. 2500 euch And Rxed But it will make, if any thing can, to come under the clutches of section
the day of hearing for the 6th proximo
Babu Narendra Nath Sen and Makurlal the pursuit of our policy and 121A. I. P.C.
The nelrhemmenced at about 1-10 Dey havo atood uroties, jurange of peaceful and lawful
T. M. Tolicu men wir Atationeel on all sc!f-relinnt retivities ansier and
Rides of the premises and communication A LECTURE AT THE ALBERT iminensely improve the possibilities with outside was not allowed for sometime.
HALL PROHIBITET). olorful progress towards popular The l'rinter, Rabu Nirad Barien
A RULLBDUED ON THE C. 1. D. tredom in Inlin. having prowentel hinalf Wan Armed
INDICE. with due tony. A inintu merel Birn CITANDRA PAL
At the Calcutta Police Court on Tuesfollowed and the alien were pleased today before Mr. Swinhoe, an application Moize the following articles:
WAR made on behalf of Pundit Bboji googtrodo dolortone aadaagaa L. A file of the litrehodi daily Edition
Dutta to have bis Worship's order, dated THE CALCUTTA HOMEOPATHIC
frotu 22nd June 1908 to 29 September the 25th instant, prohibiting him from 1909, including copier dated 8th, 11th
holding meeting in the Albert Hall, PHARMACY. and 17th Agugout 1903.
renciuced. 2. A Hegister of attendance of the
Ou Wednesday, Mr. Swinhoe issued a Established 1866. Compositors etc.
Rule on the C. 1. 1). police to show caune The first in the lening Home otho 3. A Register of attendance of the why the order abould not be resinded. l'harmowy in Fu. clorkr.
Mr. Humne, public propecutar, will 1. Copies of thn Hitabnili, dated Ath,
appear to whow cause. Lary Ogunt of bo'sala 11th and 17th August 1000.
T'he date of hearing was fixed for the Irmeliciny has just arrive 5. One muket containing 127 M O
8th proximn. Aww pucific for Caner and other Receipts and Coupons and 10 intimation
sheet dated th August, 1909. KILIMOLAN,
Ono jacket containing 78 M. O. D .I. N. Mukerjev M. D).. (In L
Rercipt and upons and k intimation ph) con le consulted daily from sheets. O IN 7. One packet cuntaning 48 M. O.
REWARD Recripts and Coupons and three intima. BERIGNY & Co. tinn Sheets, date 17th August, 1900.
Rupees 200 9 A Roginter containing the name of ab. 12, LAL BIVAR STRIRT, C
.....-000--... /.
weribory W RINO amongst the booty.
But it wil left at the request of the mana- MESSES. S. CHOUDHURY & Co.. doggago pagiqua3a25.00
dealers in genuine Swadeshi noteRAKHI DAY and the Deportees vion of the MAC. Caping and proof of
The polire al proped for the produc. 2 Vinw of the Apprva link Rakhir
[mpers, Envelops and Ciris, declare tall and to remind every Bengal
Articles published but they had to Iran
of the the idea when the prteen, The National Empori-
editor told them
with all the emphasis they can com that their nuper are destroyed amon on of 42-4 Harrison Road are inaning
mund that unlike the onionry
they done with them. Santrale Rakhi Cards with wilk Rakhi
bazar-goods, their noteppers, En1 . On the first page there is our A SUPPLEMENTARY SEARCH. tikbi Mantra, on the record a bit tone
velops Cards are not manufactured When the overflowing crowd wartrug. up perture of the Deporte, on the ihn
out of foreigmunde papers. The a lly kutu porod put in their
gling to keep in through the windows of
the Irinledi office to shortsinw h
WAL t .nl on the last pago la khi ngh
notepapers, Envelops and Cards e 3. inain their attention WAS One Liinu ertch.
diverted to charmant of t. AUROBINDO RAKHI CARDS
manufactured by them are made headed by Inspertar Brahmachari who with half tonu portratie of Aurobindo procedim a little to the month fast and !
only ont of pure Swauleshi papers. (thosh with his wife one anns
ford their un wollcome Appearance et h.
Any one proving the contruy will 31-1 Colobola Street where Rnbu Paneh Bharat mata illustrated Rakhi. Cari Panerji ling. A Aurrh not Irw elit leward of Rs. 200.
in its vigour was also innde. there and the NATIONALISTS SHOULD READ. valuable treasures which the Police could
S. CHOUDHURY & Co. In thir hands on consisted of threr let. 1. Sveturints in the ter of the following descriptions addreng
3, College Squire. ud to Pancheowri Babu:BANDE MATARAM vol. I. pp. 93.
Calcutta. 1. Letter of invitation from PhaniPrice 10 ex.
bhuarn Banerjee to attend the ceremony of 2.
the opening of the Swadeshi Steamer Seluet reprints from the Service at Jinkergacha. BANDE MATARAM vol. II. pp. 100.
2. Letter froua Satinb Chandra Santri
Manager "Basumati " asking to publish Price 8 128. an ohitary re the death of his father.
Shawls (diferent designe) Rs. 10-19 (Both ogrther on Rupee.) 3. Lotter from Promothanath Tarka
each. Alwans 7 to 10 R. WRAPPERS 3. Speecl. of B. (. Tilak 5 as.
bhuman asking to revine the Mor copy of the translation of & Pali story.
Rs. 4-12. Finnols, sergen, Kash 4. Speeches of Arubindo Chose Having seized documents of such incri
mere etc. of all prices and designs minnting nature they. marched back to 58. the "Hitabadi" Ottice which they all left
ALL PURE WOOL 5. Aurobindo Chuse's Lettors to
at about 4-30 - M. with the documents . Conpare oúr prioen. his wife. Price one anna. and the printer, the big game of their
Liberal discount to trade chicalrous expedition. Mannger, VANDE MATARAM.
Both the searches were gone through I SWADESHI WEAVING CO, LD.) POONA CITY. smoothly and the behaviour of Superin
12, LALRAZAR, Calcutta tendent Elle ne mot coprteous, The
oló dobogdoocpoot
for the
Articles publi
that her when the town had to la
rated Riskli Con Road tro pori-