corroborare congeladen
thoo, nor over shall be. Nay wal THOUGARS. AND though the play of life bi pagio, ad Seppo (X BIPDY GRAJDA
o sotrophet in thee acts draw to their done. I SOCIOLOOY MA SUNNOT , To all the soule: Ob y grogo
- best of soula, beloved and blest, 89 L Sociology Anoience; and mo
mong handanal quale i n forth! Plunge in the duak1 Ravel what are its data and methodol ye in the doom. And from it wing the question was raised by Mt. Pro
tion! Ton pulini janodiondo your shining way to God! Ya herald derick Harrison in hia Presidential s
Presidentit might, sining on the verander ark
p onsor verander soula go forth, and call a sleeping address to the Sociological Society
'hospital, corrobora ozeanother world to wake and live. Sontinel- Mr
Mr. Harrison in the greatest apostle antimony that noen los aoule, pou out, and stand yo firm of sbe Comptaan Creed of Hama
would that quiablish the truth Guard ye your trust, and alter not, dity in England, and, www to
We undestand what is called the obey! Heroes and children, barda,
expected, be approached the subject armourers, and bearer of the light, from the standpoint of that parti
Theological Stage. We anderstand go forth and strive! B. free of self! calor philosophy with which he is
that in a certain low stage of intel War with the hosts of qvil night
lectual evolution, mae posits the to completely identified. Compta't and day. Smide them and spare
arbitrary, lawlows, personal will or Positivim was an attempt to cope nos, high of hand and will. Con
whim or impulse of truet a philosophical and scientifia
sapernatural quer the weakness in your hearts, basis for the dominant 'humanita
being. behind every phenomenon, and be men of & new great race,
This theological stage is a fact, raniam of the French Revolution earth has not seen! Go forth! Go
matter of experience. We see it That humanitarianism lacked, how forth 1 And when the dream is done,
in little children. Wo road of it in over in two thingo ; Arat it bad no return! I shall await ye at the doors
the preserved records of the child poroeption of the Divine, which is of death! Pralaya, Pralnya in come.
hood of the race. We obeerve it in at once the cause and the explanaFear pot! Go forth!
the primitive tribes of our own nion of the an per-physical in mankind;
time. But this fact cnnnot be disand second, it had no perception of
missed by simply putting a label on what we now know race-consci
it. It domendo an explanation. It ousness, I. for one, fail to see how without these two fundamental
presses for its meaning. The intellect
in never satisfied with mere facta; conceptions, any Science of Sociol
explanations and interpretations of ogy can be built up. THE POSTULATES OF SCIENCE
observed facts and phenomena aro I am the printer of Karmayogin.
Science in systematised knowledge
the necesary functions of the in. Hince my imprisonment as the It is, as Mr. Harsiaon bimself says+
tollectual life. These are universal printer of the now defunct Navaknowledge gronped and classified
funetions as much of the intellect wakti News Paper, which extended under a few large generalisations.
of the child and the primitive map over a pretty loug period of Any knowledge or any group of
as of the adult and the civilised 10 months, my affairs have drifted knowledge in, therefore, not entitled
morbers of the race. This theolointo a hopeless confusion. After to the position and dignity of science
gioal wage itself is a proof of it. It my release it took sometimo to
is the peculiar interpretation unless brought under some large
of recover my strength and spirits and
somnion experience which people generalisations. But the question begin work again. The difficulty
give, in this stage, that constitute arises, what are the bases of thene of my situation has boen considor.
the characteristio note of it. That generalisations ? On the one hand, ably increased by the necessity
interpretation is grnd granted we have butside facts and phenoof having to marry a daughter
But what is your interpretation of mens ; on the other, the observing who has almost exceeded her
Phenomena ? That is the fandamind. Science would be impossible marriageable age from the Hindu
mental question. And still more in the absence of either of these two point of view. Some kind friende
fundamental questiou is, what que factors. But to come people, at least, have taken pity on me and moured
your credentials selaim the right the problem is pushed one step furbridegroom for my girl. The
of interpreting plenomena at all? ther. Is there,or is there sot, e noonsmarriage must somehow be per
These are fundamental problem, sary relation between the outer frota formed in Baisakh next. As I am
not of any particular scienow, buyot and phenomene, and the obserying dow living from hand to mouth
all sciencor. mind? How does the mind claim and have hardly any crodit to to understand and interpret some
GODAŅD LAW. Inanage a loan I have been most
thing that is not of it allt I do The primitive mea posita a por reluctantly driven to appeal to the
not know if Mr. Harrison denies the on, wwentially like biltrinell, but publio who I hope, will appreciate
truth of the distain that all kpowinnitaly superior to bilo lavel my mitution adil help me out of
ledge is really well-knowledge; that ligonos sad atrength, behindrary the wife.lty. All ountributions
wo know things, not rally in they plenomenon, while bd cannot ex to lo sont to the Manager Karma
aro, but only and always withoy plaia w the foot of visible Yogin, Slampoukar Laue, Cal
J.impras us. In ordinary partynon paruonut, cum To blanche Monomohan Chou
make, no doubt, distinough all porabe dudan between impresion and thordid thing procedeme But the distinction des bulya p tion, the underlying Jeneral degrin and mot klima
pasos o indisporro L afall is what we ons