LAND AND ITS PEOPLE. priests, generals, landlords, capital| THE ANCIENT ABBEY OF ists, lawyers, kings, queens, patro
AJANTA. nisers and polite idlers goce scutt
-10: Of those who are truly the People
ling down into general oblivion. Ohnity-Bui lius tied by Huddhis! they..r jonlous of their land, the Faithfulness emerges, self-reliance,
monka fer unit I worship. Strictly -- Winds and the fields, and the one self-help, passionate comradeship.
paralile to Ch stinn (burrin, lich H are covereil with their love -
resemble it to an extraordinary degre Freedom energes, the love of the parable froin life.
even www. The difference between mas land thr hroal waters, the air, the Every thing that the band has
gad nilon tre exactly the salon. A days unudulating fields, the flow of cities bareupin the place of the altar. Ajunta w ann wer in the breasts of the
and the people therein, their faces has four chaitan. prople, and quickly grows love for and the looks of them, no less than
Piha- A Bacchint monitory. A the use of those that live on it.
first these ennaisted of the rule of the tiles and the slow
central space Without this love, i propean
irregular shape, with small cells opening harly growth of the oak and the it. this is the creaton, nourish
into it. Afterward, it becages h a trailer herbage of spring and still went and define of outions
rangle or unin court with great de clay and storms and transparent tuary, on it longent wide, curtaining an R alpeple in the UIT.
image of Buddha, pillared alumine lispring # anate nach
IS A great land poise is in veranda, ani cell AM in the earlier lifony in the carth les cam--waiting for the word by
examplex. There are twentytwo han Indelle children, bulbrand,
many unfinished, at Ajanta. which it may live ngain. bol bered and talks with them
Pagube Astupa or tupo erected ner
see the stretcher sleeping the shes or relics of great teacher. Au chindlay storms and gur shit, figure waiting for the kiss and the
puu-air tupa is the Sanchi Tope. There -* nd winter alike. reawakening
ale Al within all the far Chait y H a s the key to the
I hear the bell pealing, noil the u Ajanta. Exidently the form Wis wbude duration )
crash of hammers, and so beautiful (1.1 per the fall
| Like the urrean culum of we parke pula in a lay show.
httorvan, run the line of sluinn anh t er plures: the Ny ware
I soci ratlanul waiting for its
aut culonnades along the hillside the Inapon the bowlands,
own propi to come and take pris fue to the wuarie, in the len of Ajunts. the sun with it w nor. Session of it.
Twenty.wix enve, there are all, making tut ustunder the brumbles
Sederties from Extel her- the lonx level Bun, overhung lov the
dudel rila of Luk blue stone that 1. Is the word hence
WA* unubtedly chipul into hape and the worlupo.hing 119
latene long to replanine that SWADESHI BRASS
walaud to nuts whuh kise to this CANDLESTANDS anicnt abbey hub of its molemnity
and beauty. As we a re the caves hthority
from the boulder-strewn team, we Tomgant. Arables
huwd of feet away, they appear like htul trany of the Far Better and
MLICH of pullara verandah, broken W ote the high
Cheaper than
Ane brir the state and into
the distince, in the lull rele fronte tihotalling through the imported
Kreat churityi-hall. It thu that one.
ME THE WRIT of CT Truul G arnt ami lwind pole! SOLEN FN: DENIAL. AND Twenty-ses, and are atlete by the three to their play the orth
sert and regularity by to
am hirinlaw, D
Nineteen wie emey just
cha l et Lath ne slightly make 11. Shunbazar Street,
hy of rurk, and only Tent and ...alliemable oluntathil why pl
I'went stand on the Brit
II. w lovely and re this le AWESOME
which we tid the 10
) ed al t bill on the frowne
on itself. The t ent that I larongh it inte, et al., .' ther northe end, and the Init without any lunt ! with her twisting Am windows
aroto ng it to midler xiram SINT TICKAL BRAND
Are the sites that have ever see det!
Specific for
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From All causes ALWORKS,
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14, , ya, tata, ETUI 1975-941943 a 717 Il fa 131 1695 $*$13 16, **04.46f9737 IS