Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 718
________________ . Lone some great moment of thy life which onco O fair young sovereign ruling with pure eyes Neglected never can return." She paunod And little fearless hand fragile and mild And great Urjoon monde answer, deeply moved : This strong and savage nation! Didst thou know? Has my clasp slackened or bast thon perceived Didut thou expect me in thy soul? Ansur odly A waning passion in my kins? Much more Thy heart's Arst Antterings recognined their lord My soul needs thee than on that fated day And never with such gladness mountain queen When through Bengal of the enormous stream Exchanged tremendous sent and Austere powers, With unreless horsohooves hurrying to the east Her noble Ancient right, for only love I camo, a wandering prince, companioned only To lay her head upon my feet and wear By courage and my sword; nor My kinser, not that crown. Content with love knew ench flowers All else thon gaveat. Now th u spekest sadly, Too like a mind matured by thought and pain." Were by the wayside waiting to be plucked To be continued. As thene darktresses and sweet body small AUROBINDO GHOSE Of white Chitrangada. Dost thou remember! bio daties, he had been able to love RAIKUMARI LEPER At the same time the danger to which Sum of Rs. 19,300 in the fund of the way. ASYLUM public bealth was every moment exposed lam. This happy result wu dus mainly DEOGHUR. In consequence of the possibility of non to his untiring exertion towards thin cional contact with these lepere did not noble cause. Since then Rai Bahadur escape their vigilant attention and to The town of Deeghur being the sont of Barnda Prawda Basu Deva Varmana, reAvert it was the secondary object of their Raidyanath, the presiding Volty of Hindu tired executive engineer, has been per anticipated measure. Unfortunately medical science, among other incurable forining the duties of the honorary secre little onald be done for want of funds. aufferars, large number of lepers has all tary of the asylom. Under his careful Junt at that moment nur eminent country. along been noticed throughout the year supervision tha fund of the asylum bn man the late Dr. Mohondrial Sircar to come avor bore from the different parte further received an addition raising it to onme forward with handsomo offer of of the country with strong expectancy the sum of nearly Rs. 99, 100. The Rs. 5,000 for the construction of build. of relief by the mysterious grace of the management of the Mylum in at present Ing to accommodate the lopers. Thus divine healer. Balore the catablishment vested in a Trust Committee consisting of encouraged, thene gentlemen proceeded to of this sylum the condition of these 18 members among whom are imcluded invite subscription from the public in aid misrahlo wrotehen was really pitiable the local Deputy Commisioner, the Subof an Mylum for lapera. Being wucobaful during their stay at this place. There divisional Officer, the Deputy Magistrato in their effort to a certain extent they having been no provision whatever for and other respectable gentlemen of the invited Sir Charles Elliott, the then place. This Committee was established their shelter and food they had to PLAS Lloutent-Governor of Bengal, to lay the in the year 1908. Last year the total their daya on public streets and in the income of the waylum Amouuted to Rs. foundation stone of the present asylum 3,282, the total expenditure being RA opon compound of the temple and to depend for their mustegauce upon the named after the wife of the generous 2,071. At the end of 1900 there were 15 doctor, which ceromony took place on lepers in the saylum. During the last rasual charity of the generous public. nine year ending with 1909 some 429 For this roanon their painful life was the 19th July, 1892. Subarquently the lapors received Admission into the usylum saylum was formally opened on the 28th rondored doubly minorable. Their piti. out of whom 199 left the waylunu cured of August, 1995). It WAN started with Horen, 171 left incured, 39 died, leaving able condition oxcited sympnihy, among fund amounting to nearly RA 2,000 and 49 the number of the present innater thors, of men like the Inte Pandit managing committee to look after ita Here lepers are treated according to the principlow of Homeopathy. On (umjananda Jba, the Into Sreejut Rajinteresta. From the very beginning peruma! of its annual reports it is observed narayan Baru and raejut Jogendranath Sreeiut Jogendranath BARU Acted witA with much satisfetion that through the Ramn. Then kind-hearted gentlemen sat honorary secretary. Having rendered unnollah efforts of some kindly disponed together to devian Moana for affording disinterested service in this capacity for gontlemen subcription la regularly rais ed from the Simla offices which is annualy substantial relief of permanent nature nearly five years and ball when in sont in aid of the Mylum. Last year the to thoan bomoloan and helpless leper January, 1901. be made over charge of num realised from this source Amoubted to Ra. 577. In the year 1907 the Governmegt of Bengal mado grant .Re. 9,500 towards the support of the asylum. The RAJ RAJESWAR BHANON J RAJESWARBRESA BRANDAR. Coverpment have also hold out a promise to the efect that they will make Offior-18.4. AKRUR DUTT'A LANE, Office and dispensary-18-4, fur tbør grant, vie., twice the amout to be MBOW BAZAR Calculi, raised by public rubeoription in Iceu of Store house of all genuine &'wadeshi Ukroor Dut's Lane Bow bazar the shoro grant That is, if the sum of goods, Calcutta Ru 3,000 is raised by public subscription Wholesale and rotail dealen order Strictly Shastrio and cheapest Clovernment will offor Re 1,000: it ,000 tha (tovernment offer will be rrised to suppliers and commission Agenta. Ayurvedic Firm. Our Makardhawi Ru. .000 and so on. Curs are the best and cheapent. Chabanpran, Chhagaladyn, Ghrita w w Wholelo sales at the factory and Srimad nenda Modak are anri- Just out Just out! raton. Orders oxecuted promptly. volled. For particulars Apply for ITU Trals solicited. for our catalogue AC MADILR AD I SAD BEING PAGES FROM THE LITROY THE SWAMI VIVEKANANDA BY HIS DIBOIPLE, NIVEDITA OF RAMKARNA-VIVEKANANDA 4 DALHOUSIE SQUARE EAST, CALCUTTA. authorees of the WEB OR INDIAN LITR, CRADLE TALES OF HINDUISM ESTALBISHED 1887. Kau Tes Morts to THE PREMIER HOMEOPATHIC Paper boarde Re. 2-8 ESTABLISHMENT IN INDIA. Cloth beards Ro. 9-19 Postage estra If you want reliable and genuino Homoeopathic modicines, take care To be bad at that you get them from RINGER'S. .. UDBODĦON OFFICE, 12-13, Gopal Neogi's Lane, CALOUTTA, C. RINGER & Co.


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