difficult to some nerme parsons favourably disposed towards work of thle nature. TiM only necessary to suitably place before them the object under our consideration. Thos with the sympathy and support of our fellow brethera in different spheres, will it not be possible to start leper asylum and for this purpose cannot provincial the Rajkumari Leper Asylum be utilised as a central institution? In these auspicious days of national self-consciousness, applemented by organised activity in every direction, will it be inconsistent with the spirit of the time to eberish uch an idea in our hearts t In
magnitude the greatest difficulty that In every undertaking of appr appreciable generally stands in the way is invariably experienced in the incipient stage. But fortunately in this respect owing to the exertion of our revered countrymen men. tioned above the fine seeme clear and the passage comparatively smooth and easy. going. The successful execution of this undertaking promises threefold blessings:
There can be no differenog af opinions an regards the usefulness of this institubioh. The total netuber of lepers in United Bengal is 37,400, and the number f leper saylama established in this province 10 or 11, where regular arangement exista for the maintenance of nearly 1,650 lepers only. Of these say. Jums seven are under the kind and careful supervision of Christian missionaries, the number of their inmates being 1,300 By this, as well as other acts of charity ruly becoming the noble religion which they profess, they have placed our coun try under an eternal obligation. There is one asylum with 800 inmates under the direct management of the Government. While under the anpervision of our own countrymen we can count only one or two ayluma which make provision for nearly 50 lepers only. From the above statement it is clearly evident that here, as in other spheres of our activity, the diacharge of only a very small portion of our public duty is due to our own exertion. So long as a single helplem leper, solicitous of redress at our hand, is left uncared and unprovided for, we are not justified in adopting the attitude of indifference which so prominently characterises our conduct so far na this question is conearned No amount of excuse will ex9aerate us from the responsibility which wyth religion and morality enjoin upon us Thus a very spacious field of disinterested and really beneficial work lies extendextend ed before us and is waiting for our sympathy and exertion for its consum mation. A humble suggestion as to how this tnak can be successfully accomplish plish tank. ed is placed before the public for their
1) Relief of the sufferings of helpless (2) Prevention of the dangers of infec tion to which public health is at present exposed.
(3) Prevention of helpless lepers from renouncing their religion and embracing Christianity under the sympathetic influence of Christian missionarien
The object of this representation is to appeal quality of publie not strained, upen
quality that i Pie mercy-the depends entirely the fulfilment of such a
Xind consideration. In the Simla hills,
life that
to offor our mites
corners would have been illumined?
redress the sufferings of those of our he the one and only aim of which la to toss and wretched brethren to whom the rhelp. the seat of the Imperial Government, in hope of recovery never comes in life that most of the offices kind-hearted gentlemen comes to all. Does not then behove us out of their own free will, take upon long woe-begone lot, to provide what assuage their life themselves the task. colleeting subscriptiens in aid of the innuates of the asylum of Arabia anid: palliative we can! The mighty prophet ia question. The amount thus collected man's property is due to the poor." Were One-tenth of every in each office is deposited with a gentle this noble dictum intelligently acted man, who is thus enabled to transmit the upon, how many of our dark and distoal whole amount to the secretary of the asylum every year. Is not action on e similar line feasible also in other Government and mercantile offices Will not not the members of the legal, medical and and ngineering profession, when respectfully approached, show their readiness to anoriate themselves with this work? La it not natural to tural to expect substantial contribution from several commercial centres whose charity in deserving cases is a wellestablished het Need we fear that in [This appeal is made with the permaissuch places unselfish, workers will not be mission of the Secretary of the Asylum forthcoming for this noble undertaking? by who aid in any shape will be thankIt is our firm conviction that is every wally received and acknowledged.] sphere of human activity it will not be
March, 1919.
slightest taint of doubt or suspicion it in To make the movement free from the highly dreirable that those commanding public respect and confidence should kindly take the responsibility of collecting whatever may bo voluntarily advanced in this connection.
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In the discussion on Mr. Harell's pa per on Indian art read before the Indian section of the Royal Society of Arte which was published in the last two issues of our paper. Dr. COOMARAWANY said that he so fully agreed with Mr. tule Havell's argument that there
mond for him to enlarge upon the same theme H. thought Mr. Havell bad said rather too little than too
mach of the apathy of of the Britan Govern
neut with regard to all matters rect. ed with Indian art. No one going fer the 6rst time into the Indian section of the Museum at South Kensington was likely to some away with any special feel. ing of respect for or any enlarged com prehension of, the expression of India" thought and feeling in art. The Museum was rather an emporium of ladustrial art, valuable as far as it went, than an effec tive record of India's creative imagination Then again, Colonel Hanna's large collec tion had just been allowed t to go to Ame rica because the Indian Government wer indiffertat t, and iguorant of! of Indian art. As a smaller instance, he might cite the case of some small bronse replicas of seventh or eighth century Buddhist image which he had lately had made; these had been purchased by several Continental museums, but refused at once by the swa great museunis in London, including the Indian Museum already referred to AL Bouth Kensington, uereover, there was Bet a single Mogul or medieval Indian painting of the first rank. It was the
e in India. At the Bombay Bobool of Art, where students might be observed making shadings from antique easte, and tecture, there was not a single good speci drawings of Gothic pseudoclassic archimen of medieval Indian painting or sculpture; and so far as painting was cou cerned, the same was true of the Marus
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