Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 721
________________ KARMAYOGAN. HEWITT ON THE EARLY MERCHANT CIVILIZATION OF THE DRAVIDIAN BHARATAS. 30 The closing sounds of the Mahabharata add farther proof that it is an allegorical history of India, during the ages between the first entry into the country in the Neoletbie age of northern races, who brought with them the sesame oil fax, millet and corn crops of Asia Minor and the final disruption at the close of the Bronge age of the empire of the peaceful trading classes formed by the union of the northern and indigenous triber, prout The individualium engendered by the The history of this period, which was new creeds produced a state of society I narrative form. which differed greatly from that existing comprised in the original in the days when all were trained to folthe neuclus of the poem, has been ing the translated into Sanskrit, from the original low the rules of conduct and the teachings of these national inculcated by the Leaders of their village, Dravidian language which its their tribe and their family. When men symbolie bistories from enatents were derived, and edited and began to think for themselves, to listen to others who opened ont new views, to re-edited by many generations of Sansmake experiment and thus invent and krit-speaking bardia posts, who succeed. The learn new trades, leading to the accued the national historigraphers. mulation of wealth, the dawn of a new object aimed by the original author of pedage began in which the leading section who groupedago the final focus of the poem, of society were divided into trade guilds, Brads gunus together the picture of the events which which still maintained over their memmade the history of these ages of probors a system of disciplinary rules learned to the nation, was greae vitally important to from the earlier village institutions, but apparently to paint in his panormic who, though they retained the bulk of narrative & vivid consecutive dramatio the trade profits the coffers of the history. The successive acts of the drama were represented as following guild, yet encouraged their members to think, scheme, and emulate one another one another in an ideal year of eighteen months or cantos and culminating in the in promotieg the advantage ofthe corpo rate body to which they belonged while rule of a new and righteous race which had all the guilds worked together with the bean moulded into a nation in India, whose view of making their commercial policy ideal form of Gavernment was that estab dhis benefit all engaged in it, and of discourag lished by the Pandavas under Yudhis benefit all thirs, when they were elected Kings by ing methods of working which different trades competing rivals and not partnera, the celebration of the national Rajauya sacrifice. This was overthrown by the seeking as their principal object, the irruption and revolt of the warlike Kaurava, sons of the black horse of the north. It was then that the rule of India fell into the hands of mix race, the Khali or litties of Indian history, who adopting the moral teaching of the Brat Jain leaders, substituted a system of education based on individual self-improvement for the communal ethics of the earlier ages. The votaries of the cred and the various forms of the new creed and the artisans' practising the various trades which grew up as wealth and industry increased, grouped themselves into new associations separating themselves in a greater or less degree, from abe castes or communal ethics of the earlier Agon. The Ram votarise of the various forts of this new creed and the artisans, practicing the various trade which grew up as wealth and industry increased; grouped the selves into new associations, aparating themselves, in a greater or less degree, from the castes or communal village unione, founded non supposed identity of descent, and from the first trading caster, offuntion which were groups united by community of funtion. It was these extra caste associa tions which promoted the extra ordinarily active religious movement which produc ed the first forms of the Buddhist and Zorastrian reformations. common mon good. Under this system war was regarded as an evil, and the united efforts of all the ruling powers to promote active and remunerative trade, without the disturbances of of military quarrels, produced an age of Universal peace and prosperity, which is represented in Indian history by the eighteen months year of the Pandavas; and in considering the Causes which culminated in this result it must not be forgotten that Indian society 10 ita initial agricul.ural stages was essentially peaceful and that neigh. bouring villages did not quarrel, but that ench cultivated its own fields and arranged its own affairs without interfering with those adjoining them, and that the strict attention paid to the ascertain Please call at or write with particulars to Kabiraj-JOTINDRA NATH GUPTA KABIRATNA THE FOUNDER AND LATE PRINCIPAL PHYSICIAN TO AURVED BISTAR SAMITI ront and record of village boundaries preserved by the Gend votaries and do. rait priests of the boundary snake-God Gorays removed the principal mum of agricultural quarrel. It was the Takkas and Kauravas whe formed the bulk of the warrior invaders of the North who first introduced the elements of atrife into the country, and it was when sheen were overcome under the new government instituted by the Pandavas that the people gladly resumed the former peace ful course of existence which had beent disturbed by the northern i born intruders. Tu co was this peaceful society of traders which was broken up by the northern Celto-Gothie Gothie sanskrit speaking invaders, who in the begining of the Iron Agen quered the country and introduced the Vedie Sanskrit rule which succeded that of the Dravidian Bharata. The whole evidence shows with a very near approach to certainty that the only Bharata speech of northern India was some dialectical form of Dravidian Gondi such as the Dravidian Brahui spoken in Baluchisthan. Bactrian And this conclusion is corroborated by the constant use in Sanskrit of the Dra vidian cerebral letters C th d dh and 1, which are absent from all other IndoEuropean languages except Sanskrit, aud send in which the Zendvesta was written and and Pustu the speech of the Afghana. were introduced Vedio sanskrit dialects and languages derived from it by the children of Dravidian speaking mothers whose father belonged to the conquering the krit letters TOLK race, race, 5 11. It was owing to this amalgamation of the Bharata people with the Fan-krit. speaking invaders tust we find the ancient" traditions, ritual and customs of presanskrit India preserved in the Rigveda, Medals ownmake FOOTBALLS. Agente wanted everywhere. Lists free on application. SEN & SEN 1,. Chowringhee CALCUTTA. Gold & Silver ماهن FOR SWADESHI SUGAR The Sugar manufactured by th Cawnpore sugar Works Ld. are t tified by respectable persons different parts in India a butt genuineness and purity. In order to make it convenient to the pubar we have arranged to keep in stok seors packets which we can supply on order at 11 as. and 10 as per packet of No. 1 & 2 Hugn. SPECIAL RATES TO WHOLE DEALERS: Apply for particulars to GHOS.. & Co. Aganta £7, CANNINGSTREET, Ca'cut'u


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