OF National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
5th CHAITRA, 1316.
No. 37
Vol. 1
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PASSING THOUGHTS. wait fur. Ours is only to love and Super-conselousness the ground of action.
Work and suffer, and struggling In other words, behind the best Ramakrishna Paramabamsa.
to the last with all our might, secure work lies n quiet kuper-consciousness
in the conviction that the Great Tho starve of Runakrishna l'am
---knowledge that the work itarfs Power which bore un will bear others tuahamss is an event that annually
not the great thing, but the spirit als, apad round out in fulness of stirs Calcutta to its depths. Year
that speaks in it. It is the pure aftor yenr the number increnser, of
fruition the live brought forth of help and redemption, the pitying those who believe that the birth of
Sonie such faith is an absolute love, the stowfust hope, that deterthe sage of Dukshineshwar les been necessity, to those who pledge them
inines the value of the act. The the critical event of the present ages, selves to in cur, for life and for
deed itself, the work performand is in Indin. Some believe this, for
death. Our own action is limited merely appoint, and does not count. one reason, others for another. The and gold by our own vision, our in comparison with the thoughtdevotee sees in him the last of the
own opinion, om own knowlge. furce went out, and the spiritual Avutars. The historinn MICH the Other with a litterent, or a defec.
energy generated. (id working tive experience et variously key-stone of the idea that consti
through many people -clay, in dif
humo tutes Hinduism. The partits fuels in of which we du tot approve:
furent ways, and through mistakes M that he antisfies all parties and cou.
may entail suffering and introdis
ein ways that are provedinisHlicts with none. The philosopher tahet... others by methurls that * niistuke, yet even these defects
cannot retind the onward march of are mutually destructive. A certain tinds him the living embediment of
what has been begun. the highest
hoan! jy is essential to all w.tk. Vedanta. And even
1. would take a Titon like Bhishni Who then, are to be condenned? amongst the workers, there are some who de ive from the spectacle of his
himself, to throw his whole heart Are we then to condemn ne one! birth, the faith that inspires and
into non entine', al cuz that he Are all to be hell equally useful, Nuction all their struggles
k w belonged Deither to G. nor equally valuablu, incewhether What is a Nationalist?
the future. Mere ort in are not they wall or not, (turl works through For 4 nationalist may be describ e d. The trution inaker, there all equally? In the regule to be day one who believes that th...
fore, werk tot mont; but he doned, and the trailer tuned lgbt hy already shenenuintis. He t Iron tra!.. the while
nu a mint? Very much the contrary, In not waiting for neone to arrive,
the very hotele dla on him. We are not to uk that a mai nad for God to remember His Indin, for
that he wutk ache niquition with us, but we are always to ide. thin lemer of the age and the heroes
lly is in the metre current of mand that he stand with God. to be wrn. In the eyes of the na
destiny that is working through Here there invat he nexlack tionalist, all this har boen done for
hinaud his efforts, and that, what Th politicmnul extent, the us alrealy, and it r ain with 19
everontward om uttak, 1. relin 18 and the Sundhi worker, to work out the fut l'id upon 118.
wouli, un lot wit WAR WO.heart the s tref row'i 1..ultra We have every 6, N. that it
od At Biacere Le carried in the orld can all co-cul, lung people ever hal. ......: othing self-sa.ce way, on that self-me ny they can heartily ; bute to ask ft.ore to streat
ther's characters 1: t the