Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 695
________________ KARMAYOGIN. to it, even if it have to seek for the absolute. No wonder that a six- them to the ends of the earth-is weekx reading of it stirred the Amer. part in an organised worship. For in ithelf a revolution, of a most pro this, we must re-serutinise our ok ican Emerson to the writing of the found and searching character. It rites, and try to restore to them greatest of all his works the essay on their ancient complex meanings of is a revolution, moreover, that the "Over-Soul" if the national the Ages before the priest alore no vne dreams of denying. All the intellect be capable, in many tields, became the repository and excent. world mits that it has taken of achievements is great in this in of sacramental acts. place. But true revolutions never Doubtless religion, where is the limit to the this new tendoney will ntfeet onr stop with themselves. They are power of the Indian mind? "He ecclesiastical architecture, in course like the first circles formed on the that is with us is more than all the of time. For us, howeter, at the water, when * stone is thrown. hosts of them thnt bu ngainst NR." moment, this is of no consentence They go on and on, producing other But it is not only in religious being merely an effoct. What circles. Similarly, every revolution philosophy, that the influence of the have to think of, in the setting in in the source of rhythmic changes prosent age and it problems is like motion of use. Just as in the in the society in which it occurs, ly to make an indeliblo impression. family ceremonies, different me which go on anil on, producing It will re-act also upon our ritual bers of the family-the father, the bi'condary and tertiary changes, to and ceremonial life. There is no mainta, the women, ther, mother the end of the epoch, when they are doubt that Hindu worship needs in-law and Risters in-law har wallowed up and re-energised by haully some means of corporate and cnch their appointed function the nuclear forces of the succeedling organised demoerntic expression. and individual piut In this age. The little service that is held night- civic and national ritual of th.. A movement of national dimen. ly at the tree beside the Howrah future, different reactions of the sions must have a new philosophi people must play their allotta cal idea behind it, which will, from the fact that it tende uncong- parts. We cannot imagine i Ser however, be new in appearance only ciously to supply this niced. One vice of Civic Praise here in Cala being really an immense dynamic great reason for the success of Chai- cutta, for instance, in which pos. concentration and re-birth of all tanya in Bengal, Iny in the fact sibly i predlakihint of the ICthat is already familiar to the that his Senkirhuns, with their pal boundarin might be performed people. In it, the nation recogni- singing and ecstatic dancing, nfford- and a great tire of consertion sy, with pride and delight, its own, od menns of self-expression to the lighter, on some spreally ninetti the national genius. Every man populacc. Vor can it be doubted spot, unless all the various part of knows that he and his ancestors that the organised services of the Calcutta were fully represented. have contributed to the making. Bruhino Sanjaro a great basis of Nor could anything berunder developing and conserving, of this, their popularity. than a great civie anthem in which the national, treasure. A thrill of All the parts of a Christian tho men of Bhawanipur. Entally self-reliance passe9 across a whole church are represented in a Hin. Burra Bazar and the rest, each sc. people. Their feet treal firmer, du temple, showing that even tho tion headed by their own Brahmins, bir heads no bold higher they architecture of Christianity comes should all chant separate Anh. feel for the first time, the gigantic from the East. But the national each ending in the united acclaims of the whole city power that surges within them. genius of Christian pooples for orgaFor fifteen hundred years, at least nind co-operation has been reflect The probliwhirl in an ethe Gita has been, amongst all our eil oven in their worship and the ent procession, and the value of the toxts preeminently the national nat-mandir, or choir, is placed, with procession, for purposes of communal scripture. Today it stands, like a them, directly in front of the panel ritual, is obswus. Lights, banners now discovery, as the gospel of the turry, or templo proper, while the whun, bell, W ww the curva national reyival. But this newness nave, or court of the people is in of flowers and branches, and the is only an optical illusion, arising front of the choir or nat-Inandir. sprinkling of Change water, allas from the accident that tony The whole is bound together under their place in such celebration for the first time, we can compare it single roof, and the building tar- India is the Innel of process. IL ought not to be ditlicult so with tho uther scriptures of the rows at the choir, so that it and world, and so view it in its whole. the sanctuary stand alone, with the velope this lite, 14 to give it i people before them at their feet. and unforeseen ness. Soon thus, we find that it ander la The effect of this arrangement beautitul c l l stands alone. Wherever we open it, that the building, from what F dings full of The We find it talking of the Presence puiut w view it, culminate in the reciting of that pervades all thing, the one : tiphon, tha y , tuy that throby throughout the Many fraltar, and that the people, however far away they be, still form an in ties of worshi the vast and blowy Infinite, that p tegral and necessary part of overy allwer, in alion, is cannot be namr.ort or measured, seen service and act of wornbsp. *, to one of exhortalie or touched, yet solves all mystories, Other It is important that we and bostows all froudom. lo the priest, I aust tode of democratio worrlaip. Th. fisithe deal with fragmentary expe-should evolve services in which the wania are ounceived of as an essen- priyer-irama organin the worlu riences, and symptomatic emotions ; pers ,and creates itinmunal . here alone we are on the ground oftial and unseparable factor, fully in these cum the India the all-comprehensive, the universal, articulate, and taking & recognised 3KET USE CHATARJI RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS THE BEST & RELIABLE IN THE ww


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