NEED OF CITIZENSHIP AND And in truth the exaltation of one! Let un net before ourselves the manter SANNAYS.
thing door and demand tho decrying of ideal, even in things relative "I dont EVERT roligion centres round some ita fellow. The inal is always infinite. Make gond
ita fellow. The ideal is always infinite, make gond crew Rir, 1 make the rest particular idea: Ancient Egypt rad always divine. A highly moralined that can ho made" wid an indignant death, Pernia round the mystery of Good ciety, produres the greatest Nint The work man in reply to tuo cha an enand Evil; ('hristianity round the redeem- purity of Inthers and inothers maken po q uiry. This ought to be our attitude. ing love of a divine Incarnation. Ouly
wible the birth of Avatars. Whare mar. We must make the bent screw that can Hind wir sins at the beiglata of Yxira
riage in faithfully kept there wincere porably he made in every directin it gya sud Mukti, and at nothing wular. Nurnou in posible, not amongat profi.munt he the same. The best not ton This is indeed the weak point of Hinduism
gates and rintous lives. Similarly, the prod, the highent not be difficult, fir un as the Swami Vivekananda so often
prenence of honoable citizens in neory to attain. Nothing less than the utmost. aid "Only renunciation and multi in
to the maintenence of grand religious Nothing rany. Nothing cheap. "The this map! Nothing for the householder
ideal and the citimes as nerary to it same energy that might have funde in M his half-joeular way of referring manifeftation as the monk.
Ascetic will also make a workman, if that to the went be felt keenly.
will better weive the Mother's purpose.
But if this in no we have to march one And let our ideals un higber for our The quality, by which Hinchiam hne
Ancient ncriptures with a new im. W. friends Alan. Tet NOHA consort with it in her power to make up for this
munt monk for all that can mupport and mean company. Monk or citizen, let a defect of her greatnean, is her capacity
encourach us in doing manfully the work man le noble. Whether Brahmin or Jer uynthetiwing
of the prent world. Ranunciation ran Parinh let him practing welf-respect, Ana very religious ides with which she onnine in coulot. The
be achieved through duty quite as well an domand the like from othert. We help alwuptive power of Hinduism
by the abandonment of duty. We have no one by being so prive as to convert reli
thousands of texi to tell us but the hiun into a brute. rion conpled with its resistant power us
prevailing preconception in favour of In the school, the loonu are grudunt. civilisation, furnishes one of the most
Nannya han lei tn nur ignoring all that ed, but all alike are Adwention. All ! startling paradoxes in the history of
favoura dharma. The weak point of E.- Are equally the currern of the wheel man. Terived originally from a veritablo
reponn anciety lion in the abnonce of the authoritien. Even with our civiliza network of religion, in which the
nionantie ideal. Tron. But equally muretion, the integrity of the won of businna 20-ordinating element was the philosophy
is it that tbe weak point of Hinduism in is to the full acceptable an offering an gow known as vedant, it has throws
tho want of emphasis on the ideal of the the renunciation of the monk, for unless out reforming necta in Mabopimedan householder sad the citizen.
there be honest men of the world, the period, and thrown out reforming
The roun lien largely in the fact that religious order un come to an end. sects in the Christian period, each of
when our texts were formulated our - Thu Hinduim fully recognining the there being in fact the exprewaon of its
ciety war in rich in virtue an in material need of the practical and nocular life, and admiration for the new ideal of which
rouree. When the last of thono desert drawing from within hernell, the wtores it has caught a glimpa
us, it is difficult to prevent the decay of that are necesary for its development To-day, however, Hindus so that the the former; and what is wanted to day in and growth, Sythetises once more ideale greatest call upon the religious instincts a deliberate rechture of both.
that seemed opposite. The Super - Social of the country, lies in the need of assimi
life is noen in its true relation to Society. lating wholo aew era of tife. We For this we must exalt work. W. The goal is preached an attainable, not muut minko possible the Whort view. must look upon the world at a wcbool in only by the Sadbu in the forent, but Ano of the Christians. There must be some which it in with whilo to whine for pro by the butoher in the town, and the religious teaching and encouragement for
motion from clan to cewe must met our wife in the hono. those who only want herven not mukti buuller to the wheel and brukglo un There must be recognition of right. cuasingly to attain the end we have set INDIA IN A NEW LIGHT. muren, es well as of huliners. Righteous. Lefore ourselves. Our philosophy tells
RESEARCHES OF DR. P. C. ROY. na lies in duty done: holiness sequins us that absoluto progren is impossible,
(thern Mugrino ronunciation. A thousand good citizens in the things of this life. But relative ary necountry, u the background of one progress in fully peililo and while
Dr. Praplulla Chandra liay, 1), Sc., Ph. gront Fannyruin. There must be we move On thin plane of relativity, we
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