is beligtinent is to smadi o boblent Moon ubat it might load.wp-Tip the air Watho Mödlernto ptalin and point, like and poople of whore, ho been oblikeratod. before I form avor anything more than thulo? Jatniand the procbus is making great our eyes. A political party can At best, it was "the mock Warhire headway. But what right have we only exist, so long at it is possible by which, in limo of peace, an army to deperkt on anyone but oursed vox for it be proclaim aggressive keeps itself in training. What work for the proventing of this? What policy, which can rack public more than this did Malerno poti obstacle box anyone to feir, in rob. fuidh. When auch a policy is - ties ever accomplish? W is the bing us of knowledge, but the might dered absurd, the party perishes, bo- Congreas that opened the eyes of of our dwn minds? Who is it that cause it can no longer command
the people to the needs of the ngr! will macrifice and labour and build the popular onthusiasto necessary Was it Moderate juara! that on und wtruggle till we have grasped to its existence. In this sense, cated us to stand by ourselves, and and mastered our intellectual hori Moloratism is doa amongrt us. seek within ourselves the sources of wigo Ourselves. Ourselver. Al. No one can any longer believe in our strength! It must bo ndureitted wnye ourselves. Because wo know the presibility of the wins.it pro- that there always lagged behind and with all our might will demon- poses. It hrs gverirawn ita account, public opinion; that the Congress strate the truth that knowledge is or the balance has been confiscated,
never wholly expread the heart of more precious than rubies, we can as we may like to put it, and it the people; that the newspapers, not be effectively deprived of it: At lacus bankrupt of belief.
ndmirably as they have wornetin whatever sacrifre, we shall insist Now Moderatism was chiefly nasisted, have never at any time upon it. We shall give onr very valuable, because it represented the played a leading or forintive put lives for it. Wo must have know- only form of political activity pog. in our evolution. Is it ont almost ledge, at 'n ll costs. Wo must be sible to us under present circum- kindness, to snatch from the cripple educated hien. As a nation, we stances. To say that the idea is tho crutch on which he loans, if must load the culture of the world. Head, is tantamount to Raying that we see that it is work and faulty, In days when thint culture wis cing. the path of politics is closed, and and may lord him to diraster? sical, literary, and ysychological or "No Thoroughfare" writton np Meetings prohibited, papers up mathematical, we lod it. Now that largo, at the entrance. We must pressed, comrades under Arrent, 18 it is scientific, with side issues in bo oontert henceforth with that the cause of the tirtionalist and his mechnical applicnti-n; we must political development which we hul organisation therefore dead? Bu again lead it. We shall new he nlready reachod. Fortunntely, no means! That Canse WAH ben content with uren a second place that WIR good deal. Anyone of a THOUGHT, and that thonght in these things. The whole hintony who studiou the history of the Cun. ha come to it of the wo:ld show that the Indian grong 14 surprinod at the way in now that it is the shaping and 2010 intellect is 'n.conl' to none. This which to parliamentary iden'necms pulling shadow of the Ithat acco must be proved, by the performance to have wprung into our midt, full panies thought, that gives to in its of a insk beyond the power of others, grown from the brain of the infi- in livjeluality and power. A tree the sizin of the first place in the nite. The experience of twenty-five may be concions, vnguely, of moon intellectual advance of the world. years lus neither added to it, nor and sim, of heat and cold, of water Is there any inberunt Weinkues that taken away. The explanation of and thirst, but we have ont je would make it moyille for us to this fact, lics of course, in the elimined that the tree can realise do this?
Ar Are the countrymen of
countrymen of moerntic modes of conference which itull, and so convert itu knowledge Bahkaiacharya and Sankarachary are in vogue in the unrivided into will. The enthra Acertain inferior to the countrymen of New fhinily, the village, and tho caste.
power of thonyht. Its station ton and Darwin! We trw not. It Viewed in this connection, the his
are in somno respecte keeper thu is for 'un, by the power of our tory of the Congress furnishes a
those of human bings. But they thought to break down the iron very valuable object-lesson in our
only extend to a certain limited walls of opposition that confront us, own efficiency, and we canot atford,
bright in scale of dignity. The und to seize and enjoy the intellecas a people, to despise anything that
smell, hearing, are nuly portant to tual sorékoignty of the world. is capable of feeding our courge.
the eat, as they stand related t. But now that all activity is for
certain of the lower and grosser THE WORK STILL POSSIBLE. bidden to bar poor friend is there
needs. Worlds upon works of any political activity left, that we
higher things may come and to may practise for our country? Or Many people feel that the rapid
around her, ushis nay talk, or coun
e're terrorists the only pooplo whose . succepsion of suppressive enactments
cily be hell which the change activities can contidus unbated? which we have lately seen, hás mado
handy, yet puer remains interent. It is n grave question. But let us all open and publlo work for nation
Hercuely absorbed in the catching of ask. Was the constructive work wlity imposible. Between tho easy
. a one! To all the higher mot ever political? No Mulerats over aner stimuli, she is italitlureat; her acquiescence of.s governinent per Vape and tbe keret activity of the yot, at a Budget Debute, hand the
inind takes no account of thein. She middle courage to get up and dove n vote Serrorist they sya na poetible middle
has nower to act upon them. for a prohibitive tax on iupported 1 courbe left. The laborious path of cotton goods, much less get sucht Tho yorile of an apostlo fall upon political struggle, which w chalk motion page. A graceful pro. her curs. Tout to her they are as od out by bur Moderate pitri grimme of communions theoritically. I wore than the minime of tho voie.
marly sighties oder wie non potuible, is after all, only a castle of njleu screaming at her neigh **SE FOLLATARNILLOR AND SURGICAL WSTRONENTS THE BEST & RELIABLE IN THE MARKET