ascertaining what Dethods of Bampons in some of its principles, we must MR. HAVELL ON INDIAN ART.
art teaching could usefully, be introdused ho content to allow this source of paper read before the Indian action
inte Japan, it received the unanimous listurbanco to remain. A really of Royal Society of art. January 18th
adice from all the authorities it cobeolt: uational system of education would Bic George Birdwood in the chair.
ed, both here and on the Continent, to not allow itself.to be controlled by
Art till survived throughout the length
make the traditional art and bradth of India as a part of a great
practice the kuropoan ideas in this all impor
bumin of natioual art education. If this is traditional culture, intimately bound up tuunt matter. All there is a process
the right artistic policy for Japan, it is with the religion and daily life of the
right for India also, and I should itaagide w simple and inomontone that it great man of the Indian people. In this
that no competent authority would Duw un vasily be moule a part of our traditional culture art will i. w much a
dispute that the Mme principle applies to nyktom. part of national life and education as it
art education in every country. But this It consists in bringing about passi. WAS in Europe froin the dawn of
clear conception of policy leaves the quer civilization down to the eighteenth Hty of the restless food of thought
tiou of wayu and meana unanswered, al century. Opposed to this view of Art insations rising of its own momen
imposes upon Schools of Art in India. na part of religion, life, and work
tank which, under present, circumstances, tam from the passive memory inde- are two great exotic forces-Western com
is totally beyond their power. indout of our will and control. This mparcialism, in which art is merely an in
In the first place, before any European plivity liberaton tho intellect struinent of wealth, and Western educa
art expert can qualify himselt for the tion, represented by Anglo-Indian schools to in the siege of old A9gociations
taak, he must for understanding the sims and collegen, from, which art and religion and also impressions. It gives it
of Indian art learn a good deal of Indian are almost totally excluded. To theme power to select only what is
art history, philosophy, religion and my. may be added the principles of Anglo
thology, and to obtain this knowledge he wanted from the storehouse of the Indian administration, in which art has
munt spend many years of study, research MANIVO memory, automatically hitherto been treated as it generally is in
And travel. But the art expert, who is hrings nbout the habit of getting modern European lifo, ooly as a luxury
went out to India with a despatch from the right "impressions and enables the and means of intolloctual rocreation or
Secretary of State announcing bisa Alausemont. m ollect to dictnte to the chitta
sion to pronote the revival of Indian art,
Tur Schots or ART. whatsanskaras or 1480ciations shall
Las his ardour for research considerably Art adosinistration in India is now
damped at the outset by finding that the to formed or rejected. This is the repromented by four Government Schools
principle laid down for his guidance in inal offico of the intellect--to disof Art, which occupy an Anomalous pori.
totally opposed to all the traditions of the criminate, choose, select, arrango. tion totally inolated from the rest of the
department of which he is a very saborBut no long ns there is not chitta adminstrative machinery. They were
dinate official, and to the settled policy of Ruddhi, instond of doing this office originally in tituled when Lord Maene.
the great department of State which han perfectly, it itself remains in perfect Iny's view of the worthlessness of all
the control of the design of public build Iudian culture governed the whole educa.
inge. Even within the narrow limits of ud corrupt and as to the confu. tional administintion, with the intention
his jurisdiction he finds many, and great, on in the mind channel by fall of bringing to the bonighted East that
difficulties to contend with. The Acboola judgment, falsu imagination, falsc which noademia Europe still believes to
are placed, not in the great centres of memory. fulso observation, false Lo the higher artistic culture of Greece
Indian Art and industry, but at the princomparison, oomtrast and analogy, and Italy. But about thirty yunin ngo,
cipal dents of government, which are al falsu doduction, induction and inthrough the influence of Sir Georgo Bird.
the centres of Anglo-Indian university wood's writing, different viows of artis
life and of European commerce. forcico. The purification of the
They tie policy in India began to prevail at the
are, therefore, quite out of touch with hitta is essential for the liberation, Indin Offion, and the Secretary of Sunto
real Indian art, that is the act which purification and perfect action of has since repeatedly Afirmed in despateb
enters into the religion, life, and work of tho utollect. es that the intention of the Schools of
the great mass of the Indian people, out. AURORINDO CHONE Art in India is not to foron upon Indians
wido the very small sectiva koown the Europonn ideas of art, but to promote tho
"eduvated" class, or those wbo lave been A DAILY ASPIRATION FOR development of Indian art and craft upon
taught in Anglo-Indian or European their traditional liner
wells and college. THE NATIONALIST.
The great majority of the students who The ways and reade of accomplishing I bolieve that India is one,
atteud the School of Art are not properly thin tuk may be a matter of opioion, but
peaking, art studrn.s; they aro pither indissolublo, indivisible. I do not think that nuy art teacher would
drawn from the great Artintie and indur.
trin tee which nuniber, roughly, some National unity is built on the now question the windom of the principlo
ten million cruftanien, renprenenting Incommon home, the cominon intor- which bra Leon thus laid down for the
clian traditional art practice, nor are they, guidance of art abonlu in India Every ist, and the common lovo.
generally, students who have abowa any artist in Europe deploro thọ tendency special Aptitudo for artintio I beliove that the strength
puruits. of Oriental artists and craftaven to insi which spoke in the Vodas and
Lato blindly the products of modern Euro-SWADESHI SUGAR Upanishwin, in the making of relipean commercialist, and when some years
The Sugar inanufactured by the gions and unpiros, in the learning ayo the Japanese Government sent a Com.
Cawnpore sugar Works L are corof scholars, and tho roditation of mission to Europe for the purpome of
tified by respectable persons in the saints, is born onoe more
Sala A Indies' golden different parts in India a but its mongst us, and its name to-day
ulo watch, cost price
gonnineness and purity. In order to s Nationality. Rs. 276, Offered at Rs. 225.
minke it conveniont to the public wo . I believe that tho. prosent of
have arranged to keep in stock 21 India is deop-rooted in her pnst, C/o Madagor Kardayogin
neers packets which we can apply und that before her whines & glori. WANTED AT ONCE, AN ENG- on order at 11'Am. and 10 m per que future.
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