Though I wao trongly convinced at school only. It was equally impossible For EPT OF TAE New POLICY UN ART that time, without any deep wtudy of to carry out the instruction of the
TEACHINA. Indian art, that the wytem was funda. Secretary of State to make Indian Ar! An educational policy, Lowever play mentally unwoud, it was not easy for the basis of the teaching, whom the wible it inay seen in theory, must alway young official, in a very mubordinate poni. wtudenta had no Access to good Indian be justified by romulta, and in thin respect tion in the clorational service, to reverne examples. As in Madra, the art gallery the new departure I ventured to make iu pntirely the policy of his predecesora in attached to the school contained only the teaching of Ann Art in Calbatta ham in face of trong public and otlicial European pictures, a collection much more than fulfilled ny nout sanguine ex
pinion, and it for the sympathy and inferior to that of many wall provincial pectation. For fifty years the Indian encouragement of the then (overnor of towns in England, but it was not so Hchools of Art, under the old European Madian, Nir Mountmart Elphinstone en ny to reverse the policy of my predece ayntem of teaching, bad not produced Cirut Dull, I would have given up there in this chal, As it was a Government teacher qualidad to take entire charge of attempt in de pair at the beginning of my collection which had been inaugurated one of them, and hardly a single original
Mirial career. As it was, I was compell. under Viceregal patronage. After non painter of conspicuous ability, judged by . the wine compromine. The difficulty I obtained the content of the
modern European standards. The effect Madras Fine Arts Society remove its committee of the gallery to coninience an of the new syatem of taking student back ptures from the Art Gallery: Indian Indian metion, but it was not until to their own national traditions WAS AS
Ample were introduced throughout the good many years afterwards, when the astonishing is that of the first downpour the school, both in the workshops and in Intter way well establimbed and contained of the monsoon rains upon the parched the drawing clancy; the "Antique "canto many wtriking original examples of Indian vegetation of the sun-baked Indian soil. were undisturbed, lut were not used in painting, bronze, &c., that ventured to The collection of Indian paintings which the drawing I except by a very few ak Government to provido sufficient I started in the Calcutta Art Gallery ini. students, montly European who puid funds for extending the Indian Rection by mediately attracted the attention of higher fees the learn picture painting and welling the collection of European pic highly gifted art student, Mr. Abanindro Hulpture. I n congratulate Mr. tre. When the latter were finally pub Nath Tagore, whose name as an original Hadaway, the presnut Principal, on
up for sale a considerable outery was artist and the founder of the new school having got rid of them altogether, and I 1 nised in the Bengali press because it was of Indian painting, ia now well-known to Auklad to hear that he is carrying out Raid that throngh ignorance and incapacity artists both in Europe and Japan through further reforms, which I was not able to
As a teher of European art I was lower- reproductions in "The Studio" and in ccomplish in teaching during the time I
ing the standard of the achool. In the "The Kokka." This collection WA AS WAI in chilfe.
whool itself I met with a storm of oppo- much revelation to him w it was to niyTHE CALCUTTA SCHOOL OF ART.
wition from the students, who were secret. self, and has been to otber European In the Medina Hchool of Art the ques.
ly napported by Home members of the artists who have seen it. It changed ention of the traching of the fine arts dud
staff trained on uld system. At one time tirely the direction of his artistic studies Lot borumo pirming one, Lonto the
ouly one student was left on the school from the usual Academic rootine of Eu. uchal was enkontially a craft wchool; and
benches while the rest were holding masa rope which had had such a deadening with the help of Bonde very excellent
meetings in the maidun outile. Some of influence upon the originality of all luIndian craftsmen as teachers, and by
the ex-students combined with theme dian art students up to that tinie. When ferma inducemrots to the monun tafts
rebels to open an opporition establiwh. H o years afterwards, I was fortunato nian, it WA ontblo to maintain Indian
mont, paradoxically called "the Indian enough to socure his co-operation in the tradition to the workshope both with
Art School," so that wuch knowledge of school work, he quickly drew round him tegard to drawing and design. But
the European methods as they possessed a small land of pupils whose brilliant work when I came to take charge of the Cw1.
should not be lost to the citize of Calin an Mtoniuhingly whort time bar cutta Nohoul of Art in 1890 I found that
cutta by my reactionary policy. Such compelled the attention of the Anglo-Inthe question ould not be abelved. The
properlings may soon to be very ludi. dian and Indian public. conditions were much more hopeles
ruun and unresonable, but are easy to This new school, founded on a vevival than they were in Madran. The organi
linderstand when it in considered that of Indian twitons of painting and sculpwation and proposent of the whool wat
sary few Bengali in Calentta had ever ture, will, I am convinced, havo a far-re. entirely that of fourth-rate provincial
had an opportunity of seeing any good aching influence which will not be confped art school in England thirty years ago
prinetin of indigenous Art, and that for to the fine arts. It is in school of idealist, The netlana of teaching and the exalu
generations all art students and English for otherw ! would bot be Indian ples were precisely the main Madras
educate Indiana lund been taught to be. The ideal 4t popularly suwned to be an fuir proportion of student belonged to
lieve that Indian Art Waly a relia ofa uupractical person and in our Indian adthe stor of traditional handicraft, but swi barbarous age.
ministratiou 14 generall, unlod with Calcutta the students were for the
grave u piciun. Yet I woull vonture to went PARLORI of Bengali teachers, clerk
TRE and wort landed proprietors, who either
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