Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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________________ MARMAYOGIN. ... 500. Brunat has hinderten Stoti y binonget the laun hotel char a c mery intanod of parentale Dri di entrate on o kay, joka tid inluono le bétod, on the tomb of Multed to theit footpacity for render-Bebywood, Prince of Awtria at Cancom for the complexity of natur, adus A weekly Rerew of National la notili, with tta cubala on the square with which they imitated without plan of a funerary monument with door Religion Literttere, Science, Philosophy, ale. understanding of bronze daciascened with silver, some In Gothic titoon And until the Renais quite in the Munas stylo. At the church PUBLISHED ON EVERY wance, it is way to find still in many ob- of Montevergine, where the moerdotal SATURDAY. . jocus of Western industrial art, frequeat ebair is made of wooden penala carved with trace of the influence which the decora- animal merlallion, quite like Kryptlan Contributors-SRIJUT AUROtivo formalus of the Munalman, East on mialver: at (aroli in the Abruari, BINDO GHOSH AND cised nipon them. They are recognisable where the door of a little church akowa OTHERS. in many oxamples of copper conting operato banda of sculpture in which I Rates of Mubacription ( both known as Dimanderien in the beautiful Cable characters are faidated: in thel in Town & Mofussil indecorated silk textiles of the Italian work portal of the cathedral of Trani: in the clusive of Pustage). shopa, and in the Brat efforts of Italian pulpit of Bitonto, and in the culolsters at SUPERIOR EDITION potter. This last matter has been opeAmal, (the same thing is to be ob Rs. As. P cially studied by Mr. Wallia, who has sorred) Yearly very critically studied the artistic permet There evidence of the indvance of Half-yearly ... 3 0 0 : tion produced in Italy through Amals, Oriental art can be traced even in much FOREIGN, Pins, Genos And Venice, allowing more modern times, in the 18 th chatury, the products of Oriental pottery to find (oven) when the insistent induence of 090 Halvorly ... 5 0 • place in the Italian markata, to inspire clansic antiquity eclipeed everything else, srebaie and AVAGO pottery like and in the 17th and 18th centuries when those which Profesor Argnani new factor appeared, wit, the tase SINGLE COPY TWO ANANS. found in the trenchon at Frenza, inspired for saatern gooda; And until the present by the engraved pottery of the Eastern day. Moreover, the last word in this Subscriptions are payable strictly shores of the Mediterranean, and to be matter has not boon said, and it would be in mirence used in Arehtlectural ornament. There impossible to too strongly 1.colomend the For Sample Copy please send have actually been found bowl or fragatudy of the arta of Islaw to decorative ? annics and 9 pies Postage menta of oriental pottery, enclosed in artista and workmon. In the great beau. Stamps. external churob walls of the 13th and ty of its formulas, by its fancy, always POPULAR EDITION 14th century, whilot on the other hand kept in bounda by tho snoet strict logical Yearly ... ... Rs. 3-12 the importation of pottery from Spain laws, by the glowing brilliancy of its Half-yearly ... Rs. 2-0-0 (a rebound of the Oriental in ponce) WM colour there is no art which other greater Single Copy 1 Anna, #o very extensive that the very world decorative rich now and more sovereign RATES OF ADVERTIMEMENTS Majol derived from the name of Majoro harinony. It contains fruitful seede CASUAL WM stonos adopted the form for every which may if trauaplanted bring forth 6 Annas per line or Rs. 2-8 per kind of pottery, and the very workshop abundantly. inch per insertion for the Ist four of Italy started from those productions of Modern Revieta. insertions. 5 annas per line or Rs. 2 lustro warthenware to achieve thou mar. per inch per insertion for 8 inser. volo which the workshops of Derita and tions, Gubbio bave produced a masterpiece for over. CONTRACT RATES. THE CALCUTTA HOMEPATHIC PHARMACY. ESTABLISHED 1866. For one year-2 annas 6 pics The first pure and independent Honnøopathic Pharmacy in the East. per line, Re. I per inch or Rs. 10 Homeopathic drugs and requisites are being imported monthly from Europe per column per insortien. and America For 6 months—3 annas por line Dr. A. N. Mukorjee M.D., (Philadelphia) can be consulted daily from Re. 1-4 per inch or Rs. 13 per 4 to 6 P. M. 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