. .....5 na nakob pity in Heaven for the fair pretation of facts will come to as the ideal, it builda first-at the top risalm of France." An idea like unaought. We shall see the country New ideale have to be approcbed this was like tho compassion of a las united, where we were Buddha, and nowhere but in France told that she was fragmentary. has to be reached through the famicould it have been applied to the Thinking her united, she will actu
liar. It may indeed bequemtioned conntry. .
ally be an. The universo is the whether there is such a thing as a We must surround our children creation of mind, not matter. And now ilenl. There is an ideal and with the thought of their nation can anyone force in the world resist there is a form through which it is and their country. The centre of a single thought, held with inten- exprefael, but when wo reach the gravity must lie, for them, outside sily by threu hundred millions of ideal itself, we have reached the the family. Wo nust demand from people! Here we have the true eternal. Here all humanity is at them morifices for India, bhakti for course of a nation-making od uontion. one. Here, there is neither new Indin, learning for India. The ideal
nor old, neither own nor foreign. for its own sake. India for the sako PAPERS ON NATIONAL The limiting forms are some old, of India. This must be as the
some new: but the ideal itself knows 1yreath of life to them. We must THE EDUCATION OF THE HEART.
nothing of time. Yet the expresteach them about India, in school
sion 'new ideals' has a certain mean. And at homo. Some logong must The reconstitution of nation ing. European poetry, for instance, fill ont the conception : others must has to begin with its ideale. This, glorifies and cxalts the betrothed huild up the sense of contrast. becauso in a nation three primary maiden. Indian poetry equally idea. Burning love, love withont limit. elemeists have to be considered, lides the faithful wife. Both rro Love that secke only the good of the first the country, or region, 'second, only customary forins through which beloved, and has no thought of self, the peoplo, and third, the national is reached the supreme conception, this is tho passion thnt we must nind. Of the three, the last is that of holinoss jn woman. Olvi. demand of thein,
dominant and all-directing. By onsly, however, it would be futile We must teach them to think working through it, we may modi- to try to lend the imagination of an horoically. They must be brought fy or even ru-crente oither or both Indian child to this ideal, through op to believe in their own people. of the other two while tbeir influ- the characteristically Europoan con. Few stories are so moving ng that enre upon it is comparatively ception, and equally foolish to try to of two English youths who wer: feeble and indirect. Mind can re- lead the European child through the killed by an angry mob in the Pun- make any thing, however inert or prevailing Indian fort. Yet, whon jab, dying with the words on their rebellious, but a rebellious mind, education has done its perfect lipe, " We are not the last of the what can reach 7 It follows that in work, in the emancipation of the English I" Similarly we must learn national reconstitution there is no imagination towards great and to draw overy breath in the proud other factor so important as edu- gracious womanhood, it is clear that
eation. How in this to be made there will be an instant apprehenthe Indianst" This faith our child national and nationalising? What ion of this idenl, even in new diren must inherit from us, along is a national education ? And con- forins. The poetry of Tennyson with all other forms of stern and
and Browning will at once bo heroic thought. It is a mistake to further whnt kind of education of understood at its highest and best, think heroes are born. Nothing of fers the best preparation for the by the trained and developed heart The sort. They are made, not born; attempt to solve the national pro- and get it would have been a made by tho prossure of heroic blers? What type of education crime to try to bring up the Indian
child on it. Equal would be the thought. All human beings long would be not only national, but also No
folly nation-making ? at bottom for helf-sacrifice.
of trying to educate thu other thirst is so deep ny this. Wol Education has to deal with vari | European child on Sitat and Savitri desire destruction, not prosperity, ons factors, the imparting of specin instead of Beatrico and Joan of Are,
although the same child proces, the assimilating of certain and the good of others.
when Let us recognise this. Let us
kinds and quantities of knowledge, grown up, may well test the depth make rooom for it. Let us onpha
the development of the man him- of its own culture by its instant
Belf. Of all these it is the last sympathy with Mtze it, and direct it towards one
the Eastern
heroines. Hingle bhakti. Let love for coun- which is incomparably the most im
A national education is, firut and try and opuntrymen, for People and portant, and in the man, it is again
loremnost, an education in the 14Soil, be the mould into which our his ideals which forin the crition] tional iduulinn. Wo must reliver flow hot. If we reach this,
element. It is useless to Attlempt member however that the wim of
to teach a man anything which he education is eviancipation of Myinpaevery thought we think, every word
dous not denire to learn. It is ab- thy and intellect. This is not often of knowledge gained, will aid in
ennt surd to try to force on him an ad- reached by foreign methods. Dut in picture. With faith in the Mother,
vantage which he remista. Educa. the exceptional cases of a few indi. And bhakti for India, the true inter- tion in like mining. It begins with viduals it may soem oocur: Anl
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