Ziel Hug. Editor of "Porhwn," who Tur H. COUNT TRAGEDY. *A tried under Section 124A, Lendered Developments of an important cbrize
an apology which was forwarded to ter have taken place since the perp DRAS LA FACTORY. Government.
petration of the reent High Court wat On the 23rd Jannary demonstration Ishri Pershad, Editor of the "Bedari," IRRA. Terday at midnight the Police A given of the capability of the Madras against whom there was a inne of Jafar three houses in the northern clans fartory rently installed in its nation instituted by the police slao ten t ion of the town.. About 1-20. m.works 10 turn outlawwar Anil the dered on Aprilogy which was forwarded to " Thunwly Superintendent Crengin Indies and gentlemen who attended were the parter.lieneral of Polire. A charge aid by Inspetor Mulcahy of the conducted mund the works by MORA WA Alrendy ftatueel against the scenen. Joralagan Ilin Ntation, Turperter School and Jamen Short. The manufac. In contin with the Lahore edition Penit of the Kamartali Police Station ture of woda water littles was performerlue, M. Kelkar, Eilitor of the "Mar d
of linen raided premier 1x European workmen from Germany
Int" WAH examined before the City N 278 per 'hitpar Rond oecupind and the manufacture of tiles of Manga Magistrate. The examination W rohy one Hemanta Krunar (hatterjee Inre pattern Wa rformed by Indinn garding the reproduction in the " Marn his family. The Alien who were workmen. A very interesting time was
hinteor other Indian papers of an arti. Armed with the way warrant in the went by all prosent.
ele liv William Jennings Brynn entitleler of though w eh of the pre
British rule in India" published in the miner al the doctor's nephew, KICK FOR KICK.
New York "Sun"dated July 20th WMI. Bali Juin Nithi Mukerjee wbo An incident took placent the Lucknow
Witne in reply stated that he reprodue lived in the host with his wife and Railway Station on the 23rd January
od the article for which he was neither two chillo and who h leen employed A Bengali Vakil, in Bengali drva, WAA
warned nor recuted a far is here in the Bengal Nervarist ANA whorthand laying ticket when one of the threr
member The Hindu," the "Madras writer under the Hon My. Wherler, tourists, six feet high, went up, and find.
Ntandard" the "Hengalee," and the main Nuclear to the Government ing the ticket winck
l'atrikn" of (Slutta alan reproduced nerupird, hawled
Bengal. The
lot of
Iwice weird out and kicked the Vrkil. This gentle
the article. The "son" of New York letter, prout and look and two photo man got his head out of the window, look.
and "Indin" of London were reived by graplar one WAR that of Talu Delen ed at the offender minarely in the face,
witnes in eachange for the past twelve dr Nath Dry, Inte teacher in the repeated the operation on the tourist
tenta (intral llege, the nther le years, the former very irregularly rept and then asked wnat he meant. The
if went by any interested pity. Witness ing a group of laut Stuents of We tonrist growlod at him freely.
Wege iluding the teacher who is had no prerannal knowledge of the article The
being distributed at the endenttia on Vakil returned it more fiercely and that
now employed in the leadmaster of the grenn in pamphlet form. This clined the Jherir High School. The search which wilenced the offender.
examination and the evidence will be W ceneindel klout 7 , WAR NU
Mubmitted through the District M in pervised by Mr. Togart Deputy Commi. A NAKIK ACARCT. trate to the Lahore Count.
wioner of love. Before the l'olich with One Bhasker Ganesh was placed before
diew, the room of Justindo Nath was the third Magistrate ly Inspector Sulli.
luckel uply the Police ** superinten van of the Criminal Investigntion De. L'ATIALA EDITION CAX.
lent creagan intimated that he intende partment who informed in Worship When the Special Tribunal, leuring
continung the earth, mennwhile that the Arctixed WAS Arrested in Romliny the l'atinta Sedition 'ANC, Assembled thin
countable Wall placed on poril kard on Friday Innt in connection with the morning in the Maharaja's court , the
lutymt ride the room which in situated Nasik tragedy. It appears that Bhasker Provident intimated to the defence Men
at the upper rey of the house while was a student at the Victorin Jubilee ders that the Maharjan order on the
another contable Was placed on guard "Pechnical Institute and that he completed petition, filed by secured, paying for the
at the gate of the boun his course at the Institute in Denmaler Maharaja's clemency, had not been wriv.
Nimultanearly with the love Henrib. Irat, MSI as Mechanical Engineer od yet and that they intended telegrupil
the Paline, hended by Inspector L.you He then went to Nanik and was arresteding to His Highness for intruction. In
tailed preime No 19 Hematolle latin en suspicion on his return to Bombay on the meantime the caso WAN powtponed in.
tapi ly Jotun Nath's uncle Hul Friday. Hu Worship remanded the definitely.
Anth Bundoo (hatterjee. This genareused into Police custody till Monday
Jala Munshiran, a defence pleader,
sletan, it is mil, had under the dire for enquiry. made a complaint that the police were re.
tion of the Translator to the Govern fusing to sign the list of things which
ment of Hungal translated into English LAHORE EDITION. wern being returned to the accused. Court
the Bengali dements wheh had en The hearing of the Lahore medition promised to look into the natter.
mule rahibith in the well known Alprar
Three applications for bail were made, CAMEH WAR resumed after the Mohurrum holidays by Mr. Harrison, Apecial but no orders pused.
AS POR Magistrate
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