Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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________________ Marvelous! AT ONCE Pleie og Parchaters of 3 watches at a time will get pack. ing and portage "free. Ditawatables one. watch is given extra. A gilded chain containing magic locket, consisting of Hindu mythological plotures, is given free with every watch. 6. 8 Day Liver watch Nickel open face Ka. 8. Ditto willver open face keyless Rs. 10 Ditto hunter R. 12. 1. System Roskof keyless lever watch, A Re, 3-8, B Rs. 3, CRa 2-10, D Re. 2-6 enly. 2 Railway Regulator Lever watch A Ra. B Rs. 4 CRs. 3-6, D Ra 3-4 only. 3. PRESENTATION WATCHES:-14 ct. gold plated Standard Lever key less hunting wold R. 6-8 Ditto Orbis A Ra. 7 B Ra 6. Ditto Zerina Ra 8-8, Ditto Diana R. 6-8. Silver hunting Lever keyless 16" Size Rs. 9-8. Half hunter Re. 10-8. Silver open face keyless lever 18" size Ra, 11-8. Half hunting Ra, 12-8 Silver hunter key winding lever Rs. 9. Silver hunter Cylinder keywinding A Ra. 8 B Rs. 7 C Rs. 6- Ditto open face A Ra. 5-4 BRA. 6. Ditto half hunter Rs. 8-8. White metal centre-second keyless open face Ra 5. Ditto hunting Ra. 5-8. Ditto keywinding Re. 4. Metal hunter keyless Bengal watch Rs. 6-8. Half hunter Ra. 7-8. Ditto key winding A Ra. 5-8 B Ra. 5 C Ra 4-4. Ditto half hunter keyless A Ra 8-8 B Ra. 7-8 C Rs. 6-8 only. do waste Particulars, Laguage, eto. In a Catalogue free on application. dential. PRICES-LARGE BOTTLE RS. 2-8. SMALL 1-12. Postage, eto., extra. 4. Wrist watch Nickel, steel and golden with leather straps A Ra. 6 B Ra. 5°C Ra R. Laugin, & Co., CHEMISTS. 4 Ditto A Ra. 7 B Ra. 6 C Rs. 5, 5. Self-closing Braclets with watch gold 148, Bowbazar St., Sealdah Gorner, Calcutta. cased R 6 Ditto set with stones Ra. All watches guaranteed for 3 years. DASS & Co. 13, SHABHI BIURAN SUR'S LANE, Hatkhola Caloutta. SURABALL KASHAY THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Sura ball! Kasaya purifies the Blood such as no other medicine does. It is the best medicine for all diseases originating in Impurity or Poverty of Blood It is powerful and harmless alike. Por Phial R. 1-8. V. P. P. R. 2-1, SOMLATARISTA. 4 THE GREAT NERVINE TONIC. Semlatarista is Univalled in Nervous and cerebral Exhaustion. Is is a Sure and Infallible Cure for Debility of all Sorts, Loss of flesh, Lassitude &c. Per Phial Ra. 2... Per V. 1. P. sesk And you need not buy it 114 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Kaviraj DavENDRA NATH SEX and Kavara UPENDRA NATH SEN, 29, Colootola Street, CALOUTTA. Because:-A SINGLE Doss convinese ite-pag Because:-A DAYS Uns gives a complete re for all burning and inflamation of the passage. Because-A Wax'sUam onres radically restoring the lont health. Because:--Gonocooos the bacillithe garma which are the root cause of this nasty disease are TOTTALLY ERADICATED by Healing Balm, Beware of the rock ahead-and take care beforehand, lest life abell be a total wreek !!! The insidions are the worst enemies, and a stich in time saves nine. HEALING BALM:-Can be used by patients of both sexes all plasse and seasons. HEALING BALM:-Does away with the neomity to Injections and Stricture which is sure to follow it. HEALING BALM:-Is perfectly non-injurioms and a mach it does no injury to the kydnies the alimentary cadal. 1 One of the leading medical Journale he Indian Lancet says: We have no hesitation in saying that R. Laugin & Co.'s Healing Balm is a safe and reliable Thera peutic Agent and one on which medical mon nd the general public may, without any doubt, depend." & Dr, T. U. Ahmed, M. B, C. M. L. 8. A. (London), His Majesty's Vice Causal, says:- I can recommend thin Healing Balm strongly to the suffering publie. IMITATIONS---On all sides-Beware!! And insist on having the Genuine thing correspondenc› gonfi Telegraphic Address; HEALING" Calcutta. IF YOU ARE TROUBLED with nocturnal misslbns, nervous de biltty be loos of emery drising from youthful exches or fhem epileptie fits and trembling due to Hefone hab. its, then use DR, BANERJEESPILIS obtainable frems messus R. C. GUPTA & Bows, Chemists, and Druggists Clive Street, Caleutt at Re. 1 per phil CURE GUARANTEED. (Lond.), says have much pleasure in sta 2 Dr. Edwin 8. Pashong, M. D. P. & ting that Healing Bain certain has a mont striking effect on Urethral infections. No spesiffe effect. ease will be found to readet ita beneßeial and BEST BRAZIL-PEBBLES SPECTACLES. In countrymade gold and silver frames at moderate prices. Occulist's prescription acourately executed. Price list free on application. RAY MITRA & CO., OPTICIANS. 98, Clive Street, Calcutie. YOU GAIN 25. p. c. If you purchase Saptipur Dhusin, Sarts and Rumals from SANTIPUR DESIYA BHANDAR Ltd. Whole Sale & Retail. Biggest-Factory-Gold Medalist Weavers ནདར་ན་བ་་ཤ4་ཅ-རར་ KAMADEVA OIL This medicated oil has a marvellons rffeet in ouring all forms of impotenoy and lack et sexual vigour, Even in oongental malfor mation and arrest of development il has be used with much succom'er pbial Re.. Postage ab. 4. KAM CHURAMANI GHRITA. This Dedicated ühes ource all forms of Im potency due to excessive indulgence in cr & seminal lo loases is a excellent general tonio. I'er phial Rs. 3. Postage n. 4 SUKRA SANJIBANI RASA. Now it is time to plant Roses well-rooted Resegrafts our best selection No. 1 Ita. 4 and No. 9 Ra. 3 per dosen. Packing and carriage Extra Seeds for this season 18 Sorta Re. 1-8 Best quality for fair priba Trial order will convince youPrice-Bite free. K. L. Guoan F. R. HL S. (Bag). MANAGER Indian Gardening at 3 association, 1CP, Liwbaser, Street, feet 11 প্লট করত এজেন্সিতে । CALOUTTA. d The beat medicine for pormatorrhra Seminal losses. Very useful incase of im: potenay, sterility due to the absence of spermistonra disaharge on the slightest exei tament and various other seminal disorders. Per pigket Ra. 2 Postage as 4. If you use the three medecine at a time it ঘরে ঘরে গীতা । STATES STEFTATE WE SO TERRY of our your imotaney. Price of three I Pustages. 8. প্রয়োজনীয় গ্রন্থ বিরাজ করিতে পারে তা মূল্য বিশেষ স্বলন্ত করা । ,,,tge These thraedicines if taken togethe magically cure all form of impote Price 5-8 for 15 day' Kaj Ivar Nanas SAHAR AYURVEDYA AL-ANA hobbba hitrost


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