nif that degradation bad been of his do painten to point for them pictures for the use wual in India" will band urb. 1.herato choosing. No other GAUSA than wolject traditional in Nortb Indian Cul the way. Why not? A.Nr. Buro prieta the withdrawal of state protection and ture, the portraits of King and mainta out, there are thirty bols of art in aa the change in educated Indian taste the love of Laila kod njour, picture area of thout hundred muar.mile in (which dora deserve contempt) are at the of the care ur of war; and there On l amlon, having one four huodmed pru of the evil in this case. wanting lao Niulu subjects Cm
P H And instructon. The wouls are This change of tante in okrentially knob
ing Mahadeva and many picture of the Up l y her prut. do not 1..-hnen--for Indians are not content to Lord of the Etetunl Suow. llim elf. All why it should be therwire in India 1. politically and e m ically.endent, the things, which more wympathetic and unly wunder wh Finelinhasut &# Priit munt fawn upon their rulers to the more understandine men like
more understanding men like Mr. Har whole rally want i revive the art od .xtont of anglicjwing their bote and ell and Mr Percy Browne bukva collet ell and Mr. Percy Browne have collect
industries of in
industries of India Nardi u effective their lives. It app to be the ambition ed in their wchool of Chlutu od JAMADUIT A ll she then to vomitu of more to be English in all but colour. horo aud muude the basis of their teach unfully with the of England. I un not surprised at Mr. Burn's tace ing Mr. Burun ignores, It is only wch The animal work of Ind . No inunt, that out of over two hundred pr. portfolio picture which he book, forma m in the art of the Ciresha or of pnta al fashionable Indian wedling, in the riven unity that are rightly to the le... Europe." Ouly one only sixteen were of Indian origin. 1 be considered apart fruta architecture; but whom as princ. wan conned to an An should say that this cight per cent frirly Mr. Burns infornis us that paintin; in Kliend, animal and unromantic to ale reprenout the "Indiannews" in the mind wie was never wo ennwiderek
lako Binay, rould think that. The of a thoroughly anglicine and weated" TW causes of decline of ludian crafts crafts of lo he are ind, in a bad way Indian of to-day. One other instance of Mr. Barnslu omitted to mention: one but they could have hy true Mr. Jurn's Apwront ignorance of Iudian in the wing away of many entive cu Datonal impulse luy * tude swalehi pint Art. He ways that in India "printing and by, as in Taujore where the court was But a wwadenoi that works only to get sculpture had never been couridered except the great patron of these suinptuary art er inntato Eurumun factuit, fu
parts of the dernrative scheme of the other the fact that India in tav. temporary political enl will to 10 bulding or some other comprimite werk." ereign State with Ambasalurs and con- thom nor will four whole of art 13 It would take too long to show here, that wuls scattered through the world to end India, wdministrated liy men who 1 the stateniant, which would be equally hore information of the true reruirent prepared to with rrutiante true of Medieval Europe, in querely all of these countriey with which Inha on the finalleriespit Europeu ther way of saying that all the arts were might will cruduct en whe chil, anwyle iv. i hand inthic or third harmoniaod in one grent unity, lawed as export lime in the products of Auinptu- en cli") in povernment and other all art must be on rrehitecture. The mo
publie bruikling have them any the more dern method of painting pictures and Mr. Burns in prolalily right in think t lut, by the way, was an ouwen
ticking them indiscriminately on nails ing that Indian Mudent must for a time that the Vironia Memorial building in about the walls of houses eines A Bearbe brought Irk into lower touch with Centra, den after much contriver
wrhaps to the abunlute divoree of art turs. But are Englishment the right My, the Bur r , 1 owly from architecture Ani prible; but it in men for this work? And most it not h ing in the innow ! tot a sign'of tante on which to congratu. rather be by harmonining life with antire i MI Huins ha Inte the moderne. The old Indinna knew than ly merely imitating nature in */ in which under rufen are maten letter, that walls were to be winted on, Xchool of Ait/ The Indiau tatwee with lue their wide their thinkinde and that the heart and centre of the tem his
Two think I needful for them. This in May of Joulins ple was ita image; and neither printing one that be wholl he returned with the
wated with the attach : and perhaps there in . Tur image wore executed apart from any traditional art of his face in order that winclou BIVIRKA due pae tu the de consideration of the placn they were to be he may kuow how to ser, the other that he man fortseturn to the But opy. But I have poken of Mr. Buru's le saturated with the traditional culture
lule it is true that art het stands apparent ignornce, and in so duink I re. of the East, that he may kuow there to n
till, and it is net sufficient to wh and ferred to the fact that he here ignores the for it wouki meaningless taliane the
tu roty olleghs, nethelen Indra portfolio pictures of the Mogul period devotative art of people upon rare plant
IN , au ly never will lea in Northern India, and he he he placed forms, however Leautiful) which have
changed that the whole wpirit of her ne of these exquisite things on the wall not appealed already to the race-imagi.
deritative ant must be changed to It of his shool of art, into forced to rup t ion and have to part in the race-life
is where the same that a return to er that be is not aware of their exis- ar in the literatur. All this merely gren
mature, must be re iuwverity An lence. The old Mogul noblox had the I to bow that the wok of truly uning oral tante not to do the wall of their the arta anel crafts of India can only be
.. house with misrellanetis pictures lang done by Indians Enghishmen can at luat that all angles (An they may be wen h ut help as foto have done but some the lums of educated Indiana to day) have bindered to but to employ the moont skilled miniature Mr. Burns is afraid that government,
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