0. I. P. Rog
Flybattle Loots cheapes and met 000
profitable without iron parte. Working Nore.This poem is founded on the historical incident of the heroic.
on fner count without breakage. Po self-sacrifice of Baji Purbhou Deshpande, who to cover Shivaji's tert
terms apply to D. B.'& Ca retreat, hold the pass of Rangana for two hours with a small
AKOLA, company of men agninst twelve thousand Moguls. Beyond the single fact of this great exploit there has been no attempt to preserve
GRAND FRENCH GOVERNMENT LOTTERY hintorical aocuracy.--AUROBINDO OHOH. A noon of Deccan with its tyrant glare
Siz drawinns in 1910, no postOppressed the world; the hills stood deep in hage, ponement; the first being on And swoltering athirst the fields glared up
the 28th February. Longing for water in the courtes parched
Contains 4 prize of 1,000,000 franca Of streams long dead. Nature and man alike,
each ; 9 of 500,000 frs; 4 of 200000 ft
8 of 100,000 frs, 9 of 60,000 frs; 640 of Imprinoned by a bronze and brilliant sky.
1000 frs etc. etc. Sought an escape from that wide trance of heat.
Price Rs 18 each ticket particippting in Nor only on innoimate hills and treen,
the above six drawings. Nor on rare herdaman or the patient bind
Our combination group of 10 Title Tilling the earth or tending sleeplessly
Numbers of the above Lottery Tickets The well-eared grain, that burden fell. It bung
divided in 100 shares (members) are form Upon the Mogul horsemen as they rode
od no us to enoble all people to partako
in the above. Price of each Combination With lances at the charge, the anrf of stool
ticket Rs. 2-8-0. Plesso register your About thom and behind, as they recoiled
name or apply at once for detoiled notice Or circled, where the footmen ran and fired, And fired again and ran; "For now at last,"
MESSRS DARTUELL & Co. They deemed," the war is over, now at last
PANDICHERRY. The panther of the hills in beaten back Right to his lair, the rebel crew to death Is hunted, and an end is made at last." Therefore they stayed not for the choking dast,
ALLAHABAD & CALOUTTA The slaying hoat, the thirst of wounds and fight, Founders of Steel Trunk Industry The stumbling stark fatigue, but onward pressed
in India With glowing cyes. Far otherwing the foe,
BSTABLISHED IN 1 Panting and sore oppressed and racleed with thirat
Bent Machine mado, Stove painted. And blinded with the blazing earth who reeled
STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES. Backward to Raigurh, moistening with their blood Their mother, and felt their own beloved kille
FACTORY :A nightmare hell of death and heat, the sky
11, Maniktoln Stroot, (Rambagan. A mute and smiling witness of their dire
7/1, Cornwallis Street, (Kalitol. Anguinh-abandoned now of God and man,
BRANCH:Who for their country and their race had striven,
161, Bowbazar Street, (Baitakkhana) In vain, it seemed. At morning when the sun
DEPOT CHKATRA BHANDAR LIO Was yet below the verge, the Bhonale aprang
. -1 College Squart At a strong mountain fortress, hoping so
CALCUTTA To olutch the whole wide land into his graapi But from the north and cast the Moguls poured,
WHOLESALE & RETAIL Sworde numberless and hooves that shook the billa And Barking of a hundred gune. These boro
AN INDIAN BOARD OF The hero backward. Silently with set
ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS. And quiet faces grim drew fighting back
B. MUKERJEL & Co. The strong Mahrattas to their hills; only
Diplomed Accountants & Anditors Their rear sometimes with shouted slogan loapod .
(London) At the purauer's throat, or on some rise
Clive Street, Chlulla Or covered vantage stayed the Mogul food
DALANTEPROMTT AND BATISTA FORT A moment. Ever foremost where men fought,
WORK AT Moderate Fees. Was Baji Purbhou seen, like a wild wayo of onset or cliff against the surge.
Gold At last they reached a tiger-throated gorge Upon the way to Raigarh. Narrowing there The hills draw close, and their forbidding aliff
.. FOR Throaten the prone incline. The Bhonsle paused;
wanako POOTBALLS, His fiory glance travelled in one swift gyre
Agents wanted everywhere. Hill, gorgo and valley and with apood returned
Lists free on application. Mightily, like an eagle on the wing
SEN & SEN To the dark youth beside him, Malauro
1, Chowringhae, CALAUTTA The younger, with his bright and burning yes,
5 silver Medals