vinin ide Yet it seeing very and more fully annet every day. In defining nationality as the htful if even Mazzini hadThir individuality, we now fully, rel individuality of peoplos. Manzini
realised the Mignifionnce of ongnine, ezprown iwolf, in the first struck an chontially own definition of nationality,
right nota. place, in the physical make and But What W h appò ipinition Nationality, he saya, is the indivi
movement of different human be with him is to-day almost ancienunlimy of the people. The com ings. The general physiologientific truth. And this larger and paratively recent researcher both
structure is practicntly the same fuller conception of nationality in psychology and -keiology have,
among all men belonging to any which we claim is only the result imparted a complexity and comple
particular noe or nation. But of the advance of our age over that new to the conception of indivi. there are almost endless variations of the great Italian Apostle of L ity, which it never had in within this general unity, of phy: Nationalism. V ini's dnyx The individuality of siological typer, almost every inili. man or woman is that undenia. vidunl differing from others on
MOONDAC UPANISHAD OF THE lle but inexplicable romething which some point, either in the angle of
ATHARVAVEDA, differentiates him or her from other the nose the
THE FIRST MOONDACA. men and women,. This something ernnium, or the pigment of the
FIRST CHAPTER is original and organic in the indivmkin. Thus, among even the white
1 1. Brahina first of the Gods was dual. It is not explainel by ACUR, some are blonde, some bru.
born, the crentor of all, the world's ansthing that is or can be known nette, some have sharp and some
protector; he to Atharran, his rolconcerning the individual. Neither flat features. In some the forhend in
est son, declared the Coul-knowledge heredity nor enviroment, which brand, the lips thin, cyes large, thol in which all sciences abid. seem to explain a lot, can fully ex- nose stright; in others the cranium
12. The Gol-knowledge by Brahplaiu thone individunt differentie has a suggestion of conicality, the
ma declared to Atharvan, Atharvan lions. Children of the saine parent, lips thick, the nose broad, eyes sinal,
of old declared to Angir: he to brought up in the same way, in and the wholo appearance has the
Satynvaha of the Bharadwajns told Huenced by the same environments, impress of the criminal and the
it, the Bharadwnja to Angirus, bosh whether physical, intellectnal, or vicious on it. These phyniological
the higher knowledge and the moral, develop different individual differenccs nro oftentimes indicaitius of their own. All that we tive of moral and mental difer.
3. Shunaca, the great hoitsecan sy is that there is something ences as well. But even with
lord, came to Angirus in the way of original and organic in the very ont any marked physiological dis
disciple and asked him, "Lord, make and constitution of different tinctions, there are fundamental
by knowing what is all this uni. human beings which differentiate intellectual differences between one
verse known ?" them from other human beings, and man and another, belonging not
4. Ho answered him, " 'Twofole! constitute the essential elements only to the same race or nation, or
the knowledgo thou must have, of their inlividuality. Psychometry the same social set, but even born
any the knowers of the Brahman, is engaged in discovering, if pos. of the sitme parents. These differ
the higher and the lower. sible, the physical basis of human enccs aru as original and organic ns
5. Of which the lower, the Rix chincter or individuality. Paycho- the differencer in their physiological
veda, the Ynjur, the Sauna, 'tbe Ingy is investigating the same ele- structures. Similarly, there are
Atharvn,Chanting, Ritual, Giraminar ments in the mental constitution mom differvnces between different
individuals. All there are what may Interpretation, Prosudy, Astronomy. of the individual. And though
be called structural differences, un Then the higher by which the la the origin and cause of the human ceniable but inexplicable. And
inutable is known. individuality lies still, ns perhaps thene structural differences really
. This that is invisible anul it will always do, in the realm of CutIntitute the fundamental bitnir ofl what we call the human personality w be grasped, without hue and
without relation, and has not yes: menta are buing Windovered inone or character.
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