Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 566
________________ KARMAYOGIN... Svili. Pitnnep, who took web a largo the word "ajivikebi" with MrTotho left of this mom, as of the word "ajivikebi" with clowl chiol, inscriptions for the new thi Bengal Inacriptions for the w An antadu tlu e ve..the entrancu loon but the inscription was cut a deeply in Civilian. Pada inne h ich is almm a perfect cir- the rock that the lottery are still faintly part i part in decyphering the chancur in plante, hasing A dinmeter of 19 fret travaille. which there inseriptions are writtea. The domed rool. The The remaining three chven Are all in the top line loeun brukwu off and the pillar hes alusta cave hay seen Nagarjuni hill. "The Ciupika crve now whole of this elabunte cave has been Nagarjuni la lewia wplit vertically apparently by Neht. Thin cave contains p allihe glow hos aktono 'Maire de leading up to to Thin.cave contains shoes ktone na wing. The inscription had been cul leterecording the fact that which seems to be of comparatively rely corened up and was only discoveed ere. in the thirteenth cent origin and more likely to have beenTADO when excavations were carried on cent origin and . Awiha gave the care, in the thirteenth C hi piro, to the Ajivika Ascetickmale for the benefit of pen viriting by the Nepalese authorities at the ... mer that all the caves with the Mall NO which has been built in tion of Dr. Fubror. The front of the enve than for the use of the the agilile exception of the Lomas Rishi silting up has been going on rapidly nie the Allvikus, who are notice who dwelt in the cave. The in- notice w ave, were given to the Ajivikas, who are then and the lowest line of the inneription Leventh pillar edicteription has been translated. This gopich pillar edict Meription B lue mentioned in the seventh is now ruly a foot shove the present .. of Aunka along with la lang with the Brahmins and Cave WAN letowed by his Majesty DNA a level of the round. Ipfowa JHNIM BA Conalituting & sect distinct from wect distinct from rathn immediately after bin mermion, an will, in all prutability, again be conecaled duhet tha Hudhists, and that afterwarde at terwarde at the venernble Ajivika, to be dwelling from view. It is a matter of regret thas teapota were made by some other reli. place for themi, m long sun and moon proper mesures are not taken to preserve tolliterate the inscrip endure." It is loteresting to note that from willition of injury this unique with chimel in such a manner m to the lant prie "long run and tucon inihanrial of the past. cease be name of the Ajivikas. onduro" e in the reveath pillar The ancient name of the village given The Low Rinki cave, which is next inscription of Asoka The inscriptions in in the iomcription--the actual word in uptorched, contains no Asoka inacription, the other two CAVO Aro a reproduction of Lamminigame- preserved altiont un. Irut it apparently belong to the same this with one night variation in spelling altered in the name of the tappe or tract period. It differs from all the other cavo excepting only the fint word which in the containing Paderiya and about twenty ra living considerable amount of ele. name of the cave. These care tear the other villages. The tank in which the Imitate stone carving over the entrance. names of Vahiyka and Vadathiks. The mother of Buddha, according to tradiThis eniving is of a period much later nane of the first of these was originally tinn, Lathed after the child's birth is to than that of Anoka and it woense probread na being Vapiynka and this name found on the south side of the mound. able that an inscription existed outside supposed to be derived from the well (vapi) the cave and that it was cut away wlion which lies a low yards from the door of My only regret after seeing this pillar was that the time at my diaposal did not the carving wm alded round and above the cave. The characters for "Handp" perniit of a further excursion into Nepal the original doorway. The fourth and only ditler slightly, but a scrutiny of the to viuit the other Asoka piller at Nigliva laut lave in the Baralar bills to much inscription lenve no doubt that the addi. in the Nepalese Terni. which recorde a aller than the caven just described. The tional truko which difforentiates the "H" Airt room vialt of Anoka to the stupa of Konakais only fourtoon foet lobg, from the "P" I really part of the original hena Buddha. The distance of this pillar eight feet brond, and the inner room chinel-work. which in circular, hwa diawoter of eleven from the Paderiya piller is about thirteen These three caves of Asoka's grandson miles, but it appears that the Nigliva fort and is not finished and polished like consint of one room only and it truck me pillar has been moved from its original the inner room of the Nigoba care. This that the general Bnish of the workman. Inte, which is known in the Viowa Mitra pwition-Pionrer. whip was of inferior quality. The Gopika Cachan a very clear and legiblo Inscrip- CAVE in the longest of all the seven cave Thx UMBALLA HOMH. on which trunitorato runs as follows: being 'over 46 feet in length, while in Awong the house wearches at Umballa Lajina plyndrina duvad usi bhini. breadth it is only a few inches lena than in connection with the bomb explosion, touniyatu kabhe khalatiknpavati dina the Nigoha cave. The other two envon it was reported that the house of Januana Ayivel, has been rondored, King are, however, very small, being both lors dar, a werehant, was also searched l'iyudmi in the thirteenth year of his thun nevontown feet in length. They are Jamander writes to the paper to my roign (literally, Anointed twelve your both clone together but the Vadathik'ave that the house of a clerk of his arm was Twewtowed this cavo in the Khalatika hilli in auch wecluded situation that it mearched. on the Ajivakas. Attenpta bave boon Actually owcaped the notice of a pre-Mu. wade to obliterate the first three letter tiny archulugint, who took copies of the ASK FOR SWADESHI LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. SHARMA BISCUITS Head office-BOMBAY MANUFACTURED BY I'nder purely Indian Warnaynnt and worked on u Neirutine bataia with Premiu THX lublei gorpared by un eminent Fellow of the Institute of curine of SHARMA HINDU BISCUTS London and governed by u Dorid of Directors of commercial repute und reputability , FACTORY, DELHI. Our Hrif-profit rates as low as other's Without profit rates. (THE LARGT STRAY MAXX*Y IX IXDIA) Policies indisputable, non-forfitable and automatically GUARANTEED DELICIOCH AND BEST kept in force. Economical management and IN THE MARKET. hence premiums Tep, low. SHASTRIC RULES OF PURITY SCREApply for further particulars to PULOUSLY OBSERVED. SECRETARY, BENGAL BRANCH. or, Clive Street, Calcutta A TRIAL. IS SOLICITUD. BOLD NETWER. 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR BENGAL Wanted agents throughout Bengal & Assam on liberal commission. The Punjab Trading THE CALCUTTA HOMEPATHIC PHARMACY. | Company, 39, Canning Stral, Chalet ESTABLISHED 1860. 8h Agents--A. C. Murma & Co. The Arut pure and independent Homeopathic Pharmacy in the Enst. | 77, SUTTA PUTTI, (Croma Stroot) Homepathic drugs and requisites are being imported monthly from Europe und Anrerion FOR Dr. A. N. Mukerjo M.D. (Philadelphis) can be consulted daily from ARTISTIC PROTB ELB LI. + to 6 P. X. BERIGNY & Co. B. DUTTA & BROS. 12, LAL BAZAR STREET, Calcutta. 307, UPPER CHITUR Roan (Jannikamiho) Calcutta Pemale artist for Prurdah nombie.


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