depreus, farther detention, in the the British race. What Bepin Babu coupled with a mighty thew and usual course, on the presentation of wishes to indicate by this phrase, sinew and a bulldog tenaci'y and the wix monthly report, a considera- the readinues to rise repression and courage, have carried them throngh tinul without any Parliamen- what are erroneously called strong all dangers and difficulties and tary Agitation. The discomfort of
menares, to intimidate i popular mulo there one of the first peoples the questions was, no doubt, great novement, is * tendency which of the globe. They have huc men and the long-established sentiment belongs not to British character of unsurpassed thought-power ind of many Liberal and not a few con- peeinlly but to human nature, and clourness of view and purpose, but Hrvative's was offered by the long should be considered th
should be considered the rult not the race is not thoughtful and detention of public men without a of character but of the prition. The clearmine; on the contrary on all trinl. But this in itself, though it Government in Indin favour repris questions requiring thought instrewed the path of the deporters Mion because it seems the only way telligence and synthy they are with thorns instend of its being, its of getting over what hey regard it anazingly nuddle-hender and man they would have liked, strow. with a dangerous movement. without only learn by knocking their hins muss, would not, by itsell, hnvse Conecasions which mean the imine against hard mugh facts. cured the release of the deportees. dinte or ruual cessation of their When this first happens they wear Even if it had, the release of one or huolute pranonintey. It is a profusely, rub their hins and try to wwwmore of the de portes woulil of incompatible interests, and until kick the obstacle ont of the way It's not have removed the policy of re- both parties can be brought to
n onsents to be kicked out of the pression. Only the rep-al of the modus vivendi, such it will remain. th, they won their wity nejene Act could have done that, and it How is that incompatibility to being otherwise, after hurting their must have been followed by the surmountel, for, at first night, it shine repiteliy they begin to new cruliention of executive illegalities Neem to be an insurmountable et the obstacle top, wenning and police harrassinent as well as of obstacle Bepin Babu wolies on the land kickings, and the getinte with it. the rondiness of Government to pass enlightened milf-interent of the In this pres4, fanuliar to all who repressive legislation, before the real British people and to a cortun er have to do with Englishnen from obstacles in the way of penceful pro- tent on their civilized conscience the point of view of contheting gress could be removed. Would in We think we may its well lete the interests, there is much tough agency in England seriously help civize conscience out of the practical sense but little thought towards such a consummation, that rekoning for the present. The and intelligence. It is on this
is the question. It means the diver- civilized conscience is it rumarkably conception of the British character s uf money and effort, and we qucer au capricious quantity, on that the Nationalist purty has luthmust mooi ressonable chance of which, frankly, w place no relinnce orto proceedel. The hard fact of return before we embark on it. whatever. It is wry sensitive to i continued and mercising Best Repin Babu urges that it will, indbreaches of principle by others and
hos of principle by others and an incomitable national movement. uksen his conception on a certain
very indignant when the site stemly NISHIV stane, hat ding of the British character and breaches of principle are questioned been the obstacles they hnse policy which we hesitate to endorse in itu own comluct. It see the sought to present to the Britisin
s entirety. It is quite lille that Dote in other eyes, it is stimately desire for an alte landship. Wir We have heard of certain irrespons
unaware of the beauty in its own. 10111114 present these stules trum sablo Englishmen longing for it viv- is always criticising other nations, being kicked of the wny by dent outbreak on the part of the but is ignerus or is furious i culti- pression, but the way to achie peoples, which would give them ancism of its own. It hay fits of that end is to show temacity and PXCU for equally violent cu CS sensitiveness in which it makes courage and power of ficiency tu crush Indian aspirations for over large resolutions, but it can never rivalling the British, and not to But we do not believe for a moment, be trusted to it in them con nitke an appeal to the conscience that some of the sponible ulticals, trary to its w intersts. This illid clear com
of the :-Au thnt we believe is all Bepan civilized conscience is not peculiar British public. We could Babu implios, cherished the same to the British prople, but belongs imagine huch an appel having in det. We think that all Govern in a greater or less degree to cry
treet in the 19 yet improbabile cir. warnt officials have regarded the out. European mation with the possible
cumstance of a Liberal Covenant break of Turrorism, small though crorption of Russia. We prefer
titjority depunt it was, with aliuran and the utmost infinitely to rely, if we have to rely on
for its existence un powerful inxiety tu got rid of it, and indeed anything, on the sense of enlight -
Socialist and independent lub We believe the institution of orga- od self-interest. Here also we
party. Even of this would be th: nisel repression to have been the differ from Bepin Babu. He Arges
result of the approaching will Icsult of an ignorant and unreason- as if the British were i thoughtful
elections, the appeal could not be ang alarm which hugely exaggorilled and clerminded people, and only
tect unless the hard facts w... the dimensions and meaning of the necdled the cinta to be correctly
there in strong evidence in och wutbroek, as well as wholly misunderplaced before then in order t..
itself. Our whole effort Should ..
Itselt wood the drift of the Nationalist
line understand their interests correctly. (levoted to establishing the Tuvont. We taku exception also
This is far from the truth about facts in it inuch more effionint and Bopin Babu's suggestion of the
British caracter. The English our thorough way than we have in bully in the British charcter being were, people with rough priusticul
erto dove, and the only willy wilir responsible for the repressions, common sense and business like the Nationalist party Lou n
if it were something peculiar to regularity and cfliciuncy which, its separate existonor, clear into