AXOPER SEDITIOW CARE The freab oliurges were franied against
MIROUETOX C D MUKKUR SITION CEx. Lalchand Peluk, for two bruka "Amanat
Thenatament de n orth by Lul In the Socht" wlition can judg. Men Khlyant" and "Ungli Pakar-Ne
Lajpat Rai in the Special Magherate's mont. Verumal Chetumal hur beeu tan Pauncha Wakru," the latter being
Court on Man lay at should have gone ported for three yeur wader Bertinn translation newn chaplars from Boely,
to clear all minonaception about them 134A and Aneu a thousand rummer under "Exnwlon of England." The scauned
even in mind the mont projudiced. It wection 153A. Gordhanrl has got fire
will have been seen that the farmidable plendol not guilty tn Inth charges var transportatinn innder anntion 124A.
books which he wanted to be sont to him And har lumen ned Rx 50 cedar section Tas NITRA DACOITT.
from England, and which have been 784. The Court wat eker with a Friday before laat Babun Nant represented by some eritice me intendo cnwd who rapeatorl shonth of Bando topal Ciupta, Bhuban Mohan Mukherji, to nel young Punjab on fire are not only Matarain." There was great sensation.
bis brother, and Krinto Dhone Mukherji, very innocent reading matter, but that The majority of the crowd wept bittorly. sons of the accused Bhubnu Mohan, Josue of them ar
some of them are Among the classica of All were taken to jail in Agarri along # gosh Chunder Mitter and Hiahnupada English literature. No Ubrary with any w
ech. farlon lined with crowd. Application hul Chatter who were arrowted at Bibpur pretenalono to be called m since heen made to-day, at Karacht, in in connection with the Notru dacoity, library meant for political studion, can the Court of the Anointant Judicial were conveyed in ticos harrian to the I do without ruch lionka M Lecky'. Hir. Commissioner of Sind, for release on bail Alipore Jail, sscntted by ten armed police,
Wies, Justin McCarthy historical works of Virumal, the printer, pending appal. They will be placed on trial before the
the "Story of Nations or the History Dintrict Magistrate of Allporn.
of the French Revolution". The application was refuaod in the judg.
Then, if The following porns an under Arlest
Tunter'. "Britah India" And Thorburn'. ment which is not yet Available hors in connection with the dacoity:
"Panjab in Peace and WA could corrupt TR "KIIULNADABL" SEDITION CABL. Lalit Kupar Chuckorburty of Natin
the tuindo of Indian youths old onough to The printer of the Khulnabasi hu been whu is alleged to have turned approver;
understand thoun, it would be the great #reteil under sections 1844 and 163A
Bhunan Chunder Mitter, Tincowri Doment condemnation of the Indian Civil for publishing A poem-ay ma, Chme Narendra Nath Knee, Rajani Kanto
Service, wouie of whose distinguished memmnothor-in ito issue of the 30th Arwin Bhattacharji, Hona Chandra Sen, Buruth
bers have written book by no mean Tunt. The poem appeared with the name (hunder Mitter, Bireudro Nath Muker.
complimentary to British administration sf the writer, Panchanan Ghose, who has joo, Nani Gopal Gupta, Bhuban Mohun
in India. The literature of biography mt yet been arrested. Their honnen Mukerjed, Kristo Dhone Mukerjos,
would be incomplete without the Life of were mearched. The prens and the office Jogesh (hunder Mitter, and Bishnu.
Luther, the great reformer, And of Char. room have been looked up and placed pada Chatterjer.
les Stewart Purcell, the prince of con: under police guard.
A warrant of Arrent in believed to have
titutional agitator, HOUR SEARCR AND ARKEST AT MYMKX. been issued agninnt Haridus Chuckerber
For the runt, we think there can be no BINO ty. Some of the accused in the Halud.
tuisconception loft in the unprojudiced On the 21st January, At about 5 P.M. Lari dacoity crae are also alleged to have
rulud an on what Lala Lajpat Ral moant Joachandra Roy and Satishchandra Sen, taken part in the Netn dacoity.
by exprenging the four that the discontent Sub-Inspector of Police and one con
In connection with above dacoity, Babu
Among the agriculturists might "buret Hallo visited Habu Caganchandra Roy Satish Chandra Mitra WAN nrrwted op out prouinturely," which wu tantamount Mukteer'a boue at Mymensingh and arrest. Friday laat at his rewidence in Rajpur, in
to expressing the bope that it should not, ed his non-in-law Jnanchandin DAS * 24-Perganalm. It will be leneuvered
Lecause he was not favourable to the
spread of agitation amongst the ignorant wtudent of the Necond ulnus of the Local that his brother, Dr. Surat Chandra
CIANAE. Zulu Nchool.
Incidentally, the publication of The Sub-Inspector showed
Lalit Mitm, hnd also been arrested.
the letters has thrown good deal of a telegram from the CI.D. Iuspector now Kumar Chakrabarty, the alleged Appruvor
timely light on the vered question of at Bajitput directing the arrost of the was for sometime in the employ of Dr.
"Arya Samaj and politica." It has shown lmy. He was kept in the Kotwali hujut Farnt Chandra Mitra. On the day on
how even a popular leader of the Samaj till soon when the police sent him which Dr. Mitra WAR Arrested, his house
ran the risk of being buyeotted by his to the Magistrate. Babus Adharunth
was thoroughly searched and wone phiale Sen, and Mouluohan Neogi, pleaders saw
colleagues, which gindually led to him of acid and a copy of Sahityuxur were the Magistrate and prayed for lil. The
withdrawal froni Active partnership in it Magistrute released him on 2000 in two taken away.
work of it governing ledion Be it wreties It is runoured the arront in in connec.
noted that this took place long before the tion with the Dacca Ry. train dacoity,
present hue and cry winnt wie Sarung The details are not known. Infurnis. Flyshuttle Lomus cheapes and most
Ma political bruly begin. We think Sir tion has been received that Juan's house profitable without ima parte. Working in the village Garuitola, o miles off from
Louis Dane's attention may be drawn to ou finer counts without breakage. Fu. Bajitpur, WAS warebed by the police. tortue Apply to D. B. & Co
this fact in view of bin Apparent helief Nuthing incriminating was found.
AKOLA, that the m
o dy, or local bran. U. I. P. Ry. ches of it, y le diverted from it profes
and social and religious riuso into pulitka!
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