Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 437
________________ MARMAYOGIN." llowing 40 noon after the publica. lic sentiment and baro won yloldedown At the close of the mani. of the Regulations, the speech body and soul to the rallying call offeelo there is a pious expression of Mr. Gokhale at the Deccan Sabba Lord Morley. Even so fervid an indomitable hapo characteristic of and the manifesto issued by the Anti-Nationalist - Dr. Raabebari the Moderate party, the party of the Moderates are tho first Ghove, to the groat discontent and obstinate illusions; the signatories, xions of the ornbarrassment felt by surprise of tho Englishman, bas it seems, do not despair of the the heads of the party. There can signed the document. The madi- Government necing the error of be no doubt that they have allowed festo show's festo show's clear sense of the their ways and modifying the elves to be tools in the hands short comings of the measure of re- regulations How to restore Lord of tho officials and were not pre- form which was acclaimed with such Morley's original scheme. There is purod for being thrown pverboard gratitude by these ano able poli- something heroic in this desnerata as the solo rocompense. ticians when the skeleton had not absence of despair. It reininds is The speech of Mr. Gokhale shows been filled in with its present gener- of the most beroic passage in Roman ous pudding. It is to be regretted that history when, after the inassacre of the line along which the Bombay Moderate lenders desire to pilot a false note has been struck by the Cannae, the beaten general and cause. their followers. It is the line reference to the modification of one of the disaster returned an almost clause and the complaint that the chalked out for them by Lord Minto solitary fugitive to Rome, preferring relief" thus afforded was insignifi- "relief" thus afforded wng insignifi. and other Anglo-Indian advisers. fight to a soldier's death, and the Aiv ennt and many distinguishud men A great deal of feeling has been whole Roman senate come out to created against woull still bo barreul out of the meet him and thank him that he had Mr. Gokhale Council. Are the distinguished throughout the country by his justi not despired of his countıy. What fiction of the "stern and relent- mnen of Bengal paupers cringing for is it that the Molerato lenders less" measures employed by the personal dolcs that this kind of lan- hope? Do they hope that the guage should be used or this kind Government against the National regulations will be so modified as to ist party and the Boycott toove. of argument advanced? Wo cannot mit all the distinguished men ment and by the Bumbay Govern. congratulate the framer of the mani- whom they are interested in sccing ment's use of the new repressive festo cither on the form or the mat. at their back in the Councils / Or legislation to crush # personal ter of this unhappy sentence. The do they hope that the fundamental adversary in Mr. Gokhale's interests. recognition of cines and creed as a defects we have enumerated will be basis of reprosentation, the exclu The Modernte leader hos with a removed by sort of spontaneous wion of popular interests in favour of beinted adroitness need the dis repentance and confession of originqualification of the Nationalist, the dignified clements in the com al sin on the part of the GovernMr. N. C. Kelkar, to rehnbilitate munity, the illusory nnture of the ment? If so, what other basis himself, if that be possible, by non-official majority, the limitation have they for their incurnble hopechampioning the cause of a political of the functions of the Councils to fulness except the faculty of the upponent. We do not know whecriticism without control and the chameleon for living on unsubstandenial of freedom of cloction are tho tin air ? The modifications of which ther Mahratta sentiment will bo shallow enough to be misled by this real genvannen of the charges against they speak are not modifications, but Lord Morley's measure, and the bar- maneuve. The disqualificution of A radical alteration of the whole ring out of certain Mr. Kelkar is an incident wo wel. distinguished spirit and details of the moure. men is a mero incident which can come as a gain to our cause. On Wo also do not despair of the other hand, apart from the certainly be used in newspaper arti wholesome change in the attitude empty formula of protest and a cles and specches as an indication of of the Government, but we do not formal recognition of the sentiment motive, but ought not to have been believe believe in political miracles. There of the country against the defocts introduced into a grave document is no progress in politice cxcept by of the measure, the speech is merely of this nature. The effectivo re the play of cause and effect, and if A repetition of Lord Minto's appeal presentation of the people the Wo want a particular cffect, wie to give this vicious, injurious and presorvation of sound democratic must first creatu the suitable und insulting measure a fair chance - principles of represontation in the effective caure. The only chic on the very shadowy possibility to formation of the electorates and that can bring about suralicala which the Moderate leaders still freedom of election are the objects chauen change in the attitude of the profess to cling, that all this alloy disinterested and patriotic men Government by thu failure of this will be changed to pure gold in should hold before them, not the misbegotton scheme and the necu-sthe next throe years. Mr. Gokhale privilege of ontry into the Councils ity of substituting one better couis still the political henchman of for distinguished men. ceivou and more liberal. And the Lord Minto and echoes his senti! But while the manifesto ountains only way to bring about th. ments with a pathotic fidelity. a full and exhaustivo statoinent of failure and the consequent necombi The manifesto of the Moderato the objections to the Reform, it is is to focus the whole opposition of lowers in Calcutta in of more im- silent as the grave with regard to the Hindu interest and the popular portance. The Bengal veterans have the practical methods which the interest, with whatever Mahomedari not yet lost casto by publicly turn- Modorate leadors propose to adopt Assistance we can get, in a bone ing aganist their oountrymen and in order to bring about real reform. mout of abstentiu fw the pr.. approving Government repression; Will they follow the Bombay lead sout Councils and an active agitn. they will keep some touch with pub. Will they strike out a line of their tion by efectivo means to the USE CHATTERJI BRO'S RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS THE BEST & RELIABLE IN THE MARKET


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