Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 522
________________ 8. . . . . . . MAK - www. hmonia train between aldah B. Cabin and use them were wait to either crowd: Mr Gany peod, Mr. &pe. thulo out of Houth Africa or call them Pandit Gokarenseth, Syed Kankui galli, while the mwengers in the Almed. Mt. Baharu LA vairiar siffer bim by locating the toonentity, if not to death. The wenk ed the meeting. ieition in between Kankurguebi ander then youted General Botha'n election Mr. Vertus thought rotallation w (unal Juution. The guard did not per speech to whow what the intention of the perhaps the only counse left for both the Mnally heal suy report but comes to that (overnment was. Toe General sid in Indian Government and be Indiana conclunin from the description given of four years' time, if given a free hand, he Mr. Sen quoted Lord Lallsdont nom the spot. In the evening Mr. Walker, would turn out all Aviation frons South sertiorin 1890 made to justify the Vat District suptiintendent of Police, visited Africa. All wearures in the Colonies were against the Boers nad repeated Lord the stati). Fical enquiries will be he wait, intended to prevent Indian Curzon's view of the Trauer situatinn taken up await tu-day nodwont probally from going to South Africa any more to emphasise the gravity of the question. wilothing detinite may be arrived ulin refuse the chilren of twee renilent Pancit Gokarannath related Mr. Nu for the prilion do not hurt locul in the colonies olucation and make their Cibandil jail experience to show the stat man brut believe that the what must have daily lives miserablo by im wing rowtrie of whien the leader in nude. 1. fired by wme pen who is not tion of the winnen und degraded Syed Zahar Abined waid mubinision to Jenident in the locality. type, restrictions that to welf. rempecting the South African disabilities would nesit nian could endme for moment. But rubansion in all other parts of the BATRANSVAAL INDIAXS. what malo them rected thghwut tish Empire. LUCKNOW MEETING the world and entitled them to the rex Mr. Banani Lal, in a humorous speech, whoward low there could potably be i The l'ullie weeting on the Transvaal port and love and gratitude of their situation w hell lunt evening instead thought of class of creed interests in the countrymen here was their refukal to of Saturday, there being large and struggle of the Indians in South Africa riure all rights of citizenship in South and said that the jingle of Manley With representative gathering "The Hon'ble Africa on condition of lenging the who bext noi that wuld be made to express Mr. Naim, Advate, presided. He to all new comer'. The honour of Indians introduced Mr. Plak am Mi. Cibuni, Nympathy with those on the thick of the * a race they loved more than their fight. nephew Mr. Gandhi of the Than va own prinn rights and conveniences "A food was then opened and coutailu and ake the rudience to show prati nel this the colonial Covernment refused tione in silver, nickel and copper weir cal symptly with the Indians in South t reet and the Imperial Clovernment made and some promines were also . Africa. tenforord inchility to lirip in the hintter. Among the latter the unit prominent Mr. l'olak delivered #long Mpeech The only course left with twofold to stop were Raja Prithipal Singh with Rs. 1.1. detailing the harviship suffered by the immigration of Indinn Inbour under Thakur Jagannath Atasay, Talaylu. Indians in all the four home of Natal indenture to Natul and help the planive R 150, Babu Islwidual 1. 15 nuit Orange Freestate, wwwny and the T ater in the Travel to carry on Mele Naim, Gukurannath end den Rs. TAD found the Month African fight. To vive up the fight win to ac- 100 each. Promines of Rs DO, 25, 20 were Union. The deputation at WHA cept the inition of lavex and belots for many. Collectione sud precisen together to come to Iudin contul of four Indians within the British Empire. would amount to several thousands permis front four communities, Fliudu, Hence was the urgent need of Mitation lo romponse to thank, Mr. Wolak mirt Mishonolin, P. and Christiin, lut of a perintent and Hustainel elracter. he wrcepted them as representative whilo he alene con cont, the Mr. Gandhi explained in Hindustani thune who were Bylting the battle nga others were arrested and iso priminel on hut Mr. Polak waid in Englinh. Three fearful udds. the eve of their departure. In Afrien, he olutions were then adoptel unaniRaid, they come muske 10 distinction...t Hous, the first being to partition to THK NAHEK TRAGKDY. Neler ox Creel, luclourlux as they were Imperial (invernment to remove the Mr. Stevenson- Moore, Director ot andur inabilities comuwis to all. The xri ne of the Indinna and konnt the Crimiminal Intelligence, Nevel at spruker took Colony ly Clony uul de Incline equality wish ether race through- Nunik on monday in connection with tailed the grievance of oth the inden out the British Empire, and the Indian the murder inquiry. turvellilurers and free Indiana, grie Government to retaliate by preventing The total numbers of prisoners under yances that atfected them in their every immigration of Indian labour to South trial has now reached forty-five. day lifu. 110 pointed out with what Afrien; tle necond to express warm aphardness the coolies under indenture precintion of the brave stund malo by were worked and how the arrangements Just out! Just out! the Indian against the iniquities to lond to a bronking up of froily tius and which they had been subjected, and the THE to degradation and demoralisation. Ho third to Atart an Indian South African HINDU SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS League for Oudh to carry on the Agita. vloerved in his address that suicide tion by investigating facts and collecting SCIENCE AND ART. among the indentured coolies was 667 subucriptions SECOND EDITION. per willion while it was only 18 or 14 times los in India. Cousplaints wysinst SWADESHI LOOMS. Price Rs. 1-4-0. BY viu players were budgeul round with t'lynhuttle Lotus cheapest and most restrictions KISORI LAL SARKAR X.A.B.E. that exposed the prohtable without ima part. Working ou mor count without breakage. For untold Labowme to sufferings both in Extract from the Hook named RAX tertus apply to D. B. SC. jail and in garden, A. KK1BUNA, HIS LITS AND MAYING "" by Prof. ERALD ΑΚΟΜΑ, F. Maxmaller page 04. from Indians the disabilitiou heaped 0. I. P. Ry The difference between Babakti deve. tion and ana knowledge is fully tirant ed by Bubu Kishori Lal Sarker in his Hered office-BOMBAY intertiog book to Dr. Hubule, Sabiedene of Hanove Uuder purely Indian Waliwwent und dorked on a Somija buwis with Premia (Germany) Both the t o p the . M end Teblea pripw by an eminent Felony I latitute of Actuaria of ! say the hand Bhakti are vety valuable hand-books for prar London and governed by a Board of Direitore op Wagh Neal kadon of Indian Philouby and commercial ropwde and rape tubility. servilor, iapplication to only Our Talf profit rates as low as other's Without profit rates. and to be pritjony .. ELAMU AUTROR. Polcles Indisputable, non-forfitable al tomatically kapt la force HINDU SYSTEMU MORAL SCIENCE Seoond edition Price Hal. Esantemleal management and lonce prealus vary low. 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