KARMAYOGIN . Tawast Iroxas Yuso.
la 1, fogal Turla, Smlo P. O.,
IMITATION Aswa gandha Wine
Essence of dradesha
Tho Truns Indian wada u ASUSTRIAL SURVKY. ed to Rs. 47,602
ANO H.H. the Aga Khan be contributed His Excellency the Chivet mor of Bomday in Chuncil hus lind under considersthou the question of instituting an indus
a letter to Mr. Gokhale accepting an intil survey of the Presidency nud linn vitation to join the Transvaal Committee canino nisure racently initiated in and enclosing his subcription, His Higathe other pravilo to India for sudying DONNAYN: I feel that this is one of the the industrial position and wibilities of those areal. The trst industry lected nincerely hope that all classes in this
CALCUTTA country will readily come forward to for survey was the handlown industry of the Presidency and Mr. P. N. Nehta, a give their existance and support to our Incont holder of Government of India's compatriots in the Transvaal. The Fund
has reached the total uf Rs. 850. Scholarship for the wody of textile industry in England, was selected for it.
ENHANCEMENT OF LAND RANTS The Government have now decided to iu
A few days ng the Court of Ward Writute survey of the leather industry Manager innued uotice to the norrbants auf the Presidency. No expert with sulti- to the etľout that the rent of Chandine rient knowledge of industry being avail- faran land should be enhanced Aconrd. able in the Presidency the Governor-iming to the commercial advantage. On funcil han selected Mr. Guthrie, Who Saturday, the Magistrate and Collector liesiden having studied the chemistry of
caine and held a Durbar here. On Sun. Wellknown invigorating tonic of Farming at Leeds bad noven year' ex- day. Lo called the merchants in connec
Loody and inind. It had been recog. Terience of all the branches of leathertion with the proyed enhancement and industry in India. Mr. Guthrie will be asked them to consent to the propowal in
nised as the best tonic alterative uployed for * torni of six months frou order to save the eucumbered eutate of in Nervous debility Exhausion, laiss the beginning of January 1910. He in the Bhukailaab Rajas, un a wken of their of Memmory. Braiafag Dimness of
kod to report on several point. In high regard for them. The merchant, sight, Confusion of Ideas, loss of arcular' the following points should be in a body, objected to the onhancement, vigour, Nervoun hondacho, palpit fully dealt with (1) supply of hides and
on the ground that they had already beention of heart, Mental prostration ekins and conditions in which they rench overtared. Bulu Rasik Lal Pal said the tanner: () tanning processen at
General sleeplessnc and Babu Pulin Bebari Roy supported
etc.-40.. prent practised both in large establish
phial Re. Dozen Rs. 11. Pound henta and at anwall work: (!) dispone! that they might try to raise vu bucriptions of leather by tanners; (4) manu fucture
to help their Raja's enoun bered estates Rs. 3of leather goude:() economic condition of workers at all stages of the various but could not consent to the proposal. JATOCOS.
The merchants contended that the pro
posal was inconsistent with law. The Swadeshi Steam Navigation Com
A potent remedy for habitual.
ch pany, ( Ltd )TUTICORIN.
tipation cough gout rheumatism
worms, biliousness and piles. The A rare oportunity for Indian patriots. !!
best nervine tonic alministered in Do you want mother India to ascend her ancient-throne and lead the
coavalescent state. 4 ok. phin Rc. 1 world's nations? Then, help at once
Dozen Rs. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per pound. 1. this pioneer shipping industry financed, mannged and run by Indians on purely national linen,
ZARZINA. 2. this very first attempt on any large industrial scale to challengo the
An ideal combination of Iodinol Monopoly by foreign capital of the waterways of India
Sarsaparills with gold. The best 3. this only onterprise whose sole aim is to develop the soa-borne trade
remedy for all sorts of venerial poison of the Indians and pouplarino sea-voyage among all classes of them, by
And mercurial taint in the blood. 4 means of special arrangments made so as to afford greater facilities for
oz. phial Rs. 1-12. Dozen Rs. 20. the same,
Pound Rs 6-8. and 4. this only Company offering training Indian apprentices in navigation A FUND to be investod in shares in the company and from the income
of which Indian studente in navigation and ship-buildings, going abroad are to be maintained, is being vigorously collected by means of 1 Re. tickets and donations. PROPERTIKA, S. 8. Lawor, S. S. Gallia and S. L Miranda CAPITAL RA 2,000,000 divided into 80,000 shares of Rs. 25 cach. of which 34,000 have been already taken np.
It is used sucemfills in Acidity THE IMMEDIATE WANT of the Company is Rs. 50,000 or the value
Indigestion and diarrboon. Very com of 5000 shares to be realised within a month. The company will then
renient for Mofurtil inhabitants be able to start with fresh vigour on its mission of uneful work to nation
8 oz. phial As. 8.' Dozen Rs. 5-4. al development.
Complete catalouge sent froe on Remittance of Ra 25 or multiples thereof may be sent to the under
application. signed who will, on receipt thereof, duly send the application forma etc. For prospectus, tiekete, terms of commission eto, apply to the same.
& NBASU Tuticorin.. . ...
S. D. KRISHNATANDAR. 6-12-1909.)
Secretary Manager.