Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 557
________________ MRMAVOGIKOHE of the North way out for from outside. The shird the plant low to certain now karta or its progressive sympathies; but the Answer of the Buddhist and af punt reulta. rest of England'is the home of the Buddhistie Hinduism Buddhistic Hinduism. It Our The whole of envaahty may be inwervativo, slow-natured Auglo fute, it is writtun op our forehond, defined previny action leading Saxon always distrustful of new when our KAMA is exhausted to wribouquunt motion. Karmy and Julventures and daring innovations. then alone our enlumities will pass Karmapuul. The Hindu thony The atruggle seeins w us to have from un;"- this is the spirit of in that thought and feeling, as well been not so much one of opinions tamaie inaction juntifying ionell be actual speech or doerly, are part n of bloor and instinct. It is nisreading of the theory of Karma of Kurma and crosta effocte, and able that the Conservative vice! If we go hok to the trio Hindu do not accept the European sentia Lories have been attained not tonching independent of Buddhistic ment that outward exprenion af much by the reduction and trank. in Anence, we shall find that it gives thought and feeling in Apeech or ference of the Liberal vote as by 118 A reconciliation of the dispute by deed is more important than urush of Conservative Floctors to a view of man'paycholngy in which the thought or feeling itself. This the pills who did not votem previous both Fate And Free-will are recog- qutward expression in only part of flections. The unparallelled henvi. nined. The difference between the thing exprewed and its really ne of the polling shows how deep Buddhinin and Hinduism in that to are only part of the Karmaphul. ly the penplo have been stirred and the former the human soul in, no- ! The previous karma bos Not one fuel the inngnitude and importance thing, to the Intter it is everything.. kind of rent but many. In the first of the induer. The whole universe existin, in the plach. A certain habit of thought spirit, by the spirit, for the wpirit; or feeling producen certain action FATE AND FREE-WILL all we do, think and foel is for the And, speech or certain habita --- - spirit. Nature depends upon the of action and speech in this life. A question which has hitherto Atman, all its movement, play, ac- which materialize in the Dext ut dividuel hinan thonght and received tion is for the Atman. good fortune or evil fortutie. no final solution, in the freedom of There is no Fate except insistent Again, it producen by its action for the human being in hin relation to canlanlity which only another the goud or ill of other mecenity the Power in elligent or unintelli- name for Law,and Law itself in only of happiness or sorrow for ourselves gent that rules the world. We strive an instrnjnent in the bands of Na in another birth: It producer, for freedom in our human relations, ture for tho satisfaction of the spirit. moreover, tendency to permint to theedoen we move as our goal, Law is nothing but a mode or rule epce of that habit of thought ur and every fresh step in our human of action; it is called in our philo foeling in future liven, which inprogress in a further approximationsophy not Law but Dharma, hold volves the persistence of the good to our ideal. But aru we free in ing together, it is that by which fortune or evil forbune, happiness purwolves? We seem to be free, the action of the universe, the notion or sorrow. Or, acting on different to do that which we choow and not of its parts, the action of the indi- liper, it produces a revolt or reaction that which is chosen for 1s; but it vidual ix held together. This ac and replacement by opposite habits in possible that the freedom tay be tion in the universul, the part, the which m their turn nechat : illusory and our apparent freedom individuals is called Karina, work, opposite results for good or evil. may be a real and iron bonduge. nction, energy in play, and the This is the chain of karma, the We may be bound by predestina- definition of Dhaima or Law is bundnge of work, which in thu tium, the will of a Supruine Intelli- action decided by the nature of Hindu Fute and from which the gent Power, of blind inexomble the thing in which Astion takes Hindu seek suulvatiun. Nature, or the necessity of our own place --Arwahh 24 niyotum kurmur. If, however, there is no encapu previous, development. Ereh perute existen ench frotu the Law, if Nature in kuptrue The tirat is the answer of the de. individual has a swabhavan nature and inexorable, there can be u vout and subminive wind in its and acts According to it, orch group, salvation; freedom becomes a chi. dependence on God, but, upes we species or man of individuals har tuner, buzduge xteral. There a adopt .. Calvinistic 'lutalisin, the A swabhata of nature and acts loy no senpx, unless there is site admission of the guiding and over- According to it, and the universe thing with us which in free uud riding will of Glou dues not excludu Also has its kwabhava or nature lord, superior to Nature. This the permissiin of froduint the and netu necording to it. Mankind entity the Hindu teroking finds is individual.: The band is the is a group of individuals and erery, the spirit eser free and bitul unswer of the rolentint Herolityman nets neenting to his human which is one in ce aud intentceturunan 'onr Nature, the laws anture,' that in hrin law of being as lity with the Supreme Soul of the of: Naturo limit otur metiun, Calu d ibict five animals, trouw of other Universe. The spirit dues out act, and effuel compt that wit of Tips of individu. Each on IN Nature chit is the our developinent, and, if it be urged haxs cintinet ture of bis it . If the wpirit with, it would that we may determine effects by nod that in hin law up bring wbishw ! by its action. The duine orcating cumon, the w wer is that ought to guide him as an individuals that acts in Prekriti, N ya our owu astiyasite dutermined by But beyond wide wbuve time which determines the directement . previous or which we have mor laws is the gredo dhuront things and is the woyrve and outly. Do Outruled out wrich itself te of the universe which prátides that tiou of Law, o dharak Tho wul... * Doody wou potino to time certain perious tha dr Motion ut Purusha folds up the houbhana mwanaume USR CUATRJE BRO'S RAZOR AND SURGICAL INSTRULLA THIRR MALABLE IN TER MARIO ... w ww .


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