KARTANO a. *** I feel that this is more powershidabes itself to the discovery im w 'the French than the wrongent huñan effort
Illumination point sround which istakividuality "We feel the loannce in the nir from
understood, in Fraternity, there and sociation, liberty and law, foto, so the gospel of the French above and below and foresee the way ucillato fur over in resultlons clash of iron and inexorable forens
Revolution, ww either adolher namo hostility; sheir people.is, tun nften for latrian equality or a more goberin whose collision all pr of mate-thi Trunt trefil and tilt. In meritiment which had no neconTweeful Nationalism will disappear, merous it is true-in upeu rebellion
mry relation with the goneral philoir not for ever, yet for a long, á Agrinat other caster, and seeking to
sophy of that epoch-making movedinstmusly long season. ..
enjoy in its turn the rights giren by.. ment in. Eumpe. French humani
God to all; their republic is the tur- tarianism was really more sentimenTHOUGHTS AND COMMENTS bulent intolerant domocracy of Ath- tal then rational Philosophical
ene, their war-cry .' (BY BIPIN CHANDRA PAL).
cry of vengeance, humanitarianisin CAN only grow
and their symbol Spartacus". And . IV
from a clear and strong conception Nationallam and Nationalists.
thus summing up the life and of the organic unity of the human • Mazzini was, As I have said, the
thought about him, Mazzini declared race. It is an essentially spiritual · first grent apostle of Nationalism
that this was "the eighteenth cen conception. It is not merely itt Burupe. "We--the men of the
tury over again-its philosophy : thesitio but almost paatheistic in prenont"-ho suid, in a pamphlet
ita human synthesis; its materialist ita logical inplications. It is at called Faith and the Future, first
policy: ita spirit of analysis and almost new conception in Europe. written in-1835, "are standing be
Protestant criticism; ita sovereignty The full significance of it has not
of the individual ; its negntion of tween two epochs ; between the
yet been grasped by what is called an ancient religious formu'n; its tomb of one world and the cradle
modern humanity. The French cistrust of all authority; its spirit of another; between the boundary
Revolution hul almut no idea line of the individual syuthesis and
of emancipation and resistance. It of it. It is completely antagonthe confines of the synthesis of
is the French Revolution over again; istic to that ideal of almont nbroHumanity." His voice war, as he
the past, with the addition of a few lute individualism which forted the himself confused, but one among
pre-sentiments; servitudu to old very sonl and essence of the French many that announced nearly the
things surrounded with a prestigu | Illumination. The humanitarante idens. But no one perhaps of
of youth and novelty." And ro- ianism of the French Revolution
cognising the character of the times was therefore his time su clearly recognised the
mere generous he cried ont almost in deep agony linitations of the gospel of the
sentiment. It was the expression of spirit--"The French Revolntion French Revolution as he seems to
of a broad human, ayunpasby, not crushes us, it weighs like an incubus the assertion of a systematisert have done. Summing up the current
upon our hoorts, and forbids them ! philosophy. Claiming freedom for iduals about him, he said that the
to bent." doctrine of rights, the last word of
themselves, the highest good,
But Mazzini not only reengnised individualiam "rules us atill with the limitations of the munge
i they wanted it also for others. nuvereign away; miles even that of the French Revolution, but
This was the underlying meaning Republican party which assumes to actually worked out the logic of
of the gospel of fraternity preachel be the party of progress and initia- that great gunpel of human freedom
by the French Revolution. This tion in Europe ; and the liberty in Europe, bringing out its noces
aympathy war, perhaps, not a little of the Republicans-although they mary and natural implications more
prompted by an intenwe hatred of
royalty rationally and completely than per
and the aristocracy in instinctively proffor the words duty.
generrl. Fraternity, - Mazzini crifice, and mission is still a hape any other had done before. theory of resistance; their religion- The French Revolution had started
pointed out, "dous not not supply
any general social terrestrial if indeed they speak of anya with the cry of liberty, equality and for
nin; it does not even imply touls of the relation between God fraternity; but it did not fully rea
the necessity of an aim. It has nu and the individual ; the political liye the organic relation existing
essential and inevitable relation organisation they invoko and dignify between them. Equality necessari
with by the name of social, a mere series
There is no
purpose or intent.calculated ly followed liberty. of defences mined up around laws
to harmonise the sum of human liberty without equality, Fichte
facultion und forces." He pointed fruned to secure the liberty of euch declarud. You cannot have indivi
out that fraternity, though a neto follow out his own aim, his own dual liberty in a nociety based upon
Cesnaky link between the terminliberty tendencies and his own interests ; ineynality. The special privileges
and equality-which mig. uy the their definition of the law.does not of one class would inevitably inter
individual synthesie-dues not purs gu beyond the expression of the fere with the freedom of the less
beyond that synthesis, that it ac. gobern! will; their formula of favourel clanned. This much the
tion is limited to the notion of inAssociation is society founded on French Illumination fully repugnis
dividual upon individual, that it Rights their faith does not over- ed. Liberty and equality, there.
might be denominated clarity. pubg limita tynood out ngarly fore, formed really an organic wholo
and that though it may cubstitutu deatury ago by a man-himself the 'the une nécesitating the other. But'
starting point whence humanity Jacarbation of struggle to declam- pure "dylus Tisti" ÞAS no such Anh calurighta
advances in search of a rucial aynTheir theories of necessity relations with fratornity. 1...
then it may not be mubotituted government are theories of intrunt: Fraternity in the formula of rocio- Port Mynthesis" , this awaidalbomis por tions and be disciple of anciation ini discovered that myntberig para hed-up sportinica Monaliam,"re 'is very fechly graipedihy, individual the conception of Humarity.