Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 482
________________ MNIA YUGIN. wel privilege to real, it can onlyle of the Congress But the Police without kiving them an doubt whether any ful puti nuld not more helated or lamin Or much of his dele W e were at the i nit Ating by Mtatement of the view of the elit uf I liven privilege tu reulit I n the area. It quite ment, the dau euratel romantunity said that througbut it was tenue I lir. * that iur. who are up to be particularly in and dignitied and trictly in keeping #inment will only to kind to medify terested in the mure of the mouvement with the bent traditions of the one The Trul , it the earln pible What is een id by hundreds of that of cour , will not leren in he m. lw fulto e the new taper pated in multitude oil least the disappointnient of those of large change i vulving in tearing representations and put forth frusenres who were lewking to the Congres which the Itulation for the fut of platform with great deal more claim to be a boly of great nation! rivilege kranted to the Morten warmth and frvahnen, but without pro. import to give the people * wand is not platwald - lead in the during thy duciny - ffort on the bureaucratic criving the new measures in a genuinn and we uit believe that witin! mind, now offered in the form of au spirit in which they were conceivel." h an of the calibre of Sir I. M Meliinipid rebene with all its favour gone, Winfand to make himself pity to itu wirmth coolel down and its strength POLICE RAID AT BKNARES. p ral of that character. We have diluted. The condemnation of the reform Bahu (thanayam Ranerjes in a respeitne te merret of our opinion that the woheme from the Congren platform at able resident of Benares. There lived in ant. prato presentatwn, WA4110 this date iHund to be usele and portion of his houve & man of the until of Durga Dar. As the result of wone in m.mte. But at the RAMP te wein efretive performin, widening that it c hien that it is one of those blunders in the leading lights of the Congress who vestigation the Police came in which are manier mourned than reculied lowly the worry part of hind panekyrie And wurrounded the house to arrest him, "The periple must make the best of an they played at Madras made them welve on the 19th instant. The police demande infortunate tuition. For (invernment of the main factory, reponsible for the door, which WAN larred from within within the privileges granted to the shape which the Regulation have taken. Teing opened by the innates but they had Vsemiswald array the entire | The police king the wtable floor the patience to wait till it WAR July of Mrinlerna beth Agaitint thin Ciovern. They entered the adjoining house of ment and annut the Hindua. We put in cogniet A Hound witlom nor. Costin Halu, got up the roof and 1. Hindu politicians whether that is can those who wish to effected an entry into (ihananyam's house. run the huru # tinmatron they would rontmata and bunt with There were ladies in the house at the time the hound lore. with hanimit. Mont certainly not del persons in any way capable Therefore we would have likel wines of getting at the real game. Men who opportunity to remove began a rifting helt have prevailed than to Telhavet ieu munnented to act AM tools of enquiry in every nook and corner of the I lution which cannot mand y un never again expect to be lune. They seized among other things its shapers and framer the ansent of prati al men. Our impre an old "Bhojali wbich Ghanayam bad The 1/meute of Indu bharves: "It in that if the representation al kept as a mement of his decraned father in dillicult to rewist the conclusion that Durga Dan, however, was in finain Babu's Lowel to the Moslems were not a large the bug ly the mouth of its resi hutine at that time and he was arrested ** tin, the general electorates will dant han vistuully undemned the Reform Im plertad a much greater portion Scheme in the walking out of which there Volemns than they have clone. How it Mympathy Nanght hy it promote that my be it seems to us that H mmaliate duty of all classes aliko 1. Int by ginen le hy kon and to * with a single bye to the common pany, (Ltd TUTICORIN. dvantage of all. Working in that way multible to neutralino what A rare opportunity for Indian patriots. !! Parril bis Lern wrought, and to has. Do you want mother India to asted her ancient tbrote and lead the in the time when it may be found to worlel's nations Then, help it once I lth plitie and desirable, to with 1. this pioneer shipping industry financer, managed and run by Indi. w the prorrat roatriotion The l ink mon amongst the convento ans on purely milion lines, nomist have all conip tu the support of 2. this wory first attempt on any large industrial scale to challenge the The mxocutive here. Babos Surendranath monopoly by foreign capital of the waterways of India Banerjee and Bhupendra Nath line and 3. this only enterprise whose sule aim is to develop the sea-borne trarle M. A. chaudhuri, after prolonger pr of the Indians and puplarine Sereyage among all cle of thein, by laying with the Bengal Extremith, liave means of cialarmngments made St) is to afford 1..compelled to love them alono, at greater facilities for .by rate for this year The three the same untlemen, with barely half a dozen more and 4. this only company offering training to Indian Apprentices in Bongal, has arrived here. navigation. Front loay have arrived the Hon'ble w NCE Waha. Mr. D. AMUN, tabi invested in share in the company and from the inema Klate, Mr. II., kwhit, Mr. N. M. of which Indian students in navigation and ship-buildings, going abroad Salth and a fairly Inige contingent of te wuch expeted ta prin ne to be maintain is being gorously collected by means of R.. hty from the whole rewideney, indung Sul. tickets and donation The number from 1 vory dininting, ant more I'ROPERTIES. S. S. Lawo, S.SGallia and S. L. Miranda zen having me, No far, with CAPITAL Rs. 2,000,000 divided into 80,000 shares of Rs. 25 each of I WA Ballur A. (bunlar hava rut their lead. The Inited Pro- which 34,000 have been already taken m. NHL ontingent i ntimatul At mixty to eighty. The Central Provinces are THE IMMEDIATE WANT of the company is Rs. 50,000 or the value porly reprompted. Even from the of 5000 shares to be realiard within a month. The company will then l'unjab only about two hundred dele. at Are Ox!cted. - The Staterman. be able to start with fresh vigoui on its mission of useful work to nationThe Pinjal maken the following re- al development. marks in the vention Cangre If there were any furticular prof Remittance of Rs. 25 or multiples thereof may be sent to the underunded that Cangion has outlived it Nr of useful and now falls far benigned who will, on receipt thereof, duly send the application for at l'or prospectus, tickets, terms of cominission etc., apply to the same. .. .ils, it is furnished by draft rosoly e fanel by the wine lind of the Tuticorin. S. D. KRISHNAYANGAR. All lace C imit. There 6-12-11709. Secretary The Swadeshi Steam Navigation Com has talin CALAICH


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