Book Title: Karmayogi
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 466
________________ KARMAYOCIN. PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS. nok for hinwell, Mr. Cukhulu said No. 1, Hogal Kuria, Simla P. I., BEWARE OF IMITATION Aswa gandha Wine that the notion taken againnt Mr. Kolkar chances were that the person himself! INDIAN CHEMICAL I created very painful impresion might be loved in hin view by the rowwhich unle removed by an early re- ponsibilities of his powition. AND neration of the order in quentian But whatever might be thought of that lound to impir the value of the all felt it to be their duty to enter their of rforms in the eyes of the rigest protest against the application M e and to interfere seriously with its of that cand to a man like Mr. Kelkar. They all know Mr. Kelkar well and working in the Tea. M OKILRA NYLII, Dr. G hale, in opening the powered that he knew him very well. He had no il that it was with deeper bitating in waying that there wa TO CALCUTTA. fram wenye of public inty that thug in his views or in his career which Inv were sembled three that mening could in any way justify the strong He 24 no doubt that the Reform Re. tion taken by the Governmeut ngainst sation hnd barli received with deep dis- him. Mr. Chokhale did not whare Mr. printment throughout the country rx- Kolkar'n views in some matters but that pt among Mahnmedan cicle. It was did not prevent him from entertaining a rely that a Inger prentation wincere regard for Mr. Kelkar who WLA A given to the Mahames than could generous and fair-blinded opponent with 1. jrtified on any fair or reasonable b 4 an honourable record of public work i. "The differ inne in the trtment behind him during the five years that .. the muniti in regard to the Mr. Gokhale was President of the Poona franchise and the qualifications for randi. City Municipality. Mr. Kelkar WAHA Wellknown invigorating tonic of ! Wanite intake and will entirely member of that body and ho deemed it body and mind. It had boen rucogneury. While the merits of the l.i4 duty now to give a public testimony nised as the best tonic alterative her Iny hidden away w r Amal of not only to the real and capacity with crul and it defecta a inequitien which Mr. Kelkar did luis work, but also in Nervous debility Exhansion, Los w glaring and lay on the wife. The to the inanner in which be approached of Memmory. Brainfng Dimness of t important lunt of the reform wannil municipal questions from the Hand- sight, Confusion of Ideas, loss of The dargest of the functions of the point of public cool only. That such vigour, Nervous hendache, palpitaLaineilm. That WAN undoubtedly value man whould be disqualified under clawe tion of heart, Mental prostration while and would largely uniwer their pre. (i) and that the action should be taken General sleeplessius ctc --4 oz. trouuirements but the distribution of nt a time when the one thought of every entation and the elerton Whihoily houkl below to work the reform phial Re. 1 Dozen Rs. 11. Pound y provided were heriously defective: Mcheine B6) A to remove mucbn po Rs. 3-8 and he was convinced that the Regula rible of the existing friction wax what he tion would have to be revined in regard confessed ho failed altogether to unders both before the next mlectionnementand. In his humble opinion the step om. However it Wan just now the taken by the Government Wim most ill. duty of all to nonke the best of whint they advised and unjunt and waiteulated to luud got as the Viceroy had urged them Cant worious discredit on the new reforum de the other day at Madras. But the in the eyes of the public. The imprem A potent remedy for habitual Canin matter they had asembled that evening nion producod Wall Mont Fainful And Mr. tipation cough gout rheumatism to consider wall of Auch nature that an Gokhale sincerely trusted that the worms, bilionsness and piles. The mestint protot W44 newy Against Government would see it way to re- best nervine tonic ndministerod in vhat had heen done. The Bombay consider the matter and remove that Convalescent state. 4 oz. phin Re: 1. Hvernment ha disqualified Mr. Kelkar in preint. Iker clay (i) of Regulation which Dozen Ra. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per pound. The Hon. Mr. (ioklalo writing to the pwere tovornment to implify Times of Indir" "re" ita criticism non it, in its opinion that person WAN justifying (overnment's action for dis . Much reputation or antecedents that hin qualifying Mr. Kelkar says:--Even frir- An ideal combination of lodi. lection would be contruty to the public minded and generous men have been interest. Now on the free of things this Sarsaparilla with gold. The best known all over the world to corumit An exceptional power intended for errors of judgment under the stres of remedy for all sorts of venorial poison save and oxreptional Care only. All strong omotions or owing to a mistaken and mercurial taint in the blood. 4 linary AM4 including those of gross sense of loyalty to their chiefs. For oz. phin Rs. 1-12. Dozen Rs. 20. moral delinquenre in which no disquali Mr. Kalkar'a conduct in the contenipt Pound R. 6-8. hentiow would be easonablo were provid. Court case, the High Court sentenced el forly launch from (a) (b). The power him to fourtien days pimple imprison. conferrou by clauso (i) was an idditional ment and a fine of one thousand rupees wer wbviously intended as a reserve to That the High Curt did not taken A wet cases of perway of known and ir very serions view of that conduct may iconritable Itility to the very existence he concluded from the furt that it did ...' the British (overnment who could not notaneel his "wanadan pleader." et le touched by any of the previous Mr. Chokhalo concludes: ." You my Us The very fact that aven doport. that notion of lovorniaent will commend persone were not expreanly disqualified troll to all honent and straight think by the tegulation shows how extreme It is used sucessfully in Acidity ing men, but I have discumet this the cases to be and bow strong and matter with cores of my friends as Indigestion and diarrhoca. Very conleur the grounds of netion before clause honest and straight thinking as you can venient for Mofursil inkabitante. 11 ) could be put into operation. The find any where, and I have not yet moet 3 oz. phial As. 8. Dozen Rs. 64. winker wie of opinion the clause hoold one who duen not deplore what lovern. Complete catalouge went free, OR urved from the Regulation Altogbthor. Ipent have done. Perhape your remark Thn ('bunalla vore so contituted that the application was intended to illustrate the use of . presence in them of person avon irre. what you have not belated to call goncilably bontilo to the British rule "Caol and Humbug." . & M. BASO could do no real harm; whereas the Manager. Essence of draksha ZARZINA. PTYCOTIS


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