Abraham oborrverd, significant. MantriAprendeinned. Enquiry into high fort! BENGAL AGRICULTUR td Ran that he must not produce the kinin price in advocatell Laws restrict.
DEPARTMENT. Intter. In spitn of thin, the letter was in the alienation of land are condemned
The (uleutta Gazette publishes the full produced and filed Orxhibit. These and an enquiry thoreon in anked for. Re
ing Coverminent Resolution on the R. with the other mireunstances were cutti. u similar to those purned last year
port of the Department of Agriestu ciently indicate of the motive of the ar. are al included dealing with:-(1) High.
Bengal, for the year, ending the Wh soil. It must be wilde herr, e caires for Indian in the Army (9) latween than two pun WA, Mr.On Swadeshi (3) Education. (4) Omnibus
CROANIZATION. chees vel. Mr. Abrahmin, that lonfor t lution, including Military Chargen,
The question of the nrganization - Sention, of Judicial and Executive, Re- roming ARTt Superintendent of Somention of Judicial And Executive, Re
the Provincial Agriculture presive M MILTON And Land Tax
Service 1 hline thing was a law offer to the THE P INS IN BENGAL.
till under consideration. The present (Havernment, for convidem in time, lor.
The Bengale" in the coure of an all of Provincial Officers convite of Nidor lining High Court Vakil. In the Art Saturday wiote :
Axaltants who are being trained from fare of thrun with it was for the sun . The hopen of united (uncreus, we
empioyment en tenchers at the Provimin! iude the motive of the weed in all the fear, Arn o le realized. At least thin
Agricultural (Ullege, travelling in iar per tane h ark to brine Alt Yar. The fact is to be deeply regretted.
Apecten, 7 superintendenta or overnin viction of the man, arred in P for Bengalhavet it beart on united
in charge of agricultural station, tint with the rint. I reals, Mr. Tamer (mg . We trunt, however, that the
inspectors of Agriculture, I ansintant my. the Helena vakil, waid that the whole matter will it be permitted to lie where
cologint and 10 turned in the arm was
I wanitant entomologit. the it is bout this the printions will be
Three students returned from Ammia Vanntinn lit wann Mastri and K r eumel uuder me favourable condi.
in 1907-08 after receiving ayrimitual kan "The word om kw . Intion and the kind of A 'uited ngrang
training at the Cornell Univernity, Ant the almenon of these won the pinion of eventually reachel. The enuntry wonld
were appointed as Aunitants in the Krana Ranauglit Tutto le takrat urally like to know the rooms of his
department; And of the two where whold it guide the court in forming in enn foilure. The All Iudin onference of
ed during 1004-09 one entered the departe lucion Itinet that must for the oth Miten hul greed to the almoluto
ruent ah & probationer. data for the cut to l.y. "Threr factuand unenditional mulicription to what is
AGRICULTURAL STATION, have not mean evidence. The ituprar. popularly known am the creed, the first
Six agricultrul stations at Dumra won or opinion of Keri RiR t evi. article in the ('unstitution. ThiN article
Hankipore, Salour, (hinhin Burlan olenen. Further, the law o r that for Jays down that all government within
and Cuttack were at work during the an ofenon of lordination there must be the Empire in the g lof ('ongipan api
year. Stein were taken to wtart the reproantation, it twint not be misreprei rations and antitutional agitation, the
nuore station at Kharagpur in Midun method for its attaininent. natu. Then eleniruts have not been
. . . . .
pore to l'epresent the lateritoare and prove to exist. Hence the paper course Olijuction was lowever, Laken now to
at Ranchi to represent the Chota Nagw to diwharge the wed.
the subscription to the creoul luy the representative oi the other party.
pur plateau; but the projects have been They
kept in beyance for want of money. THE CONGRESS. declineal" to sign any personal declaru
The experimental work at Fraserganj DRAFT RESOLITIONS tion on the point in Rendition of entry
NAH topel owing to the difficulty into the ConTM." If so bow evuld they The draft relations of the Indian
enter the thing National Congre for the coming sexion
UMTVinion; and the two small jute ser as at pirment contititel, and how could there be #
for maintained ut Berlum have wonen published. They express
'nited Inre.
l'un her were closed as the work can liv appreciation for the Reform Scheme, but THE PRIMIDENT E1. . .
done equally well at the Chinua and clippintment that thu original clat 3 The "Malrau Mail" commenting an Burdwan Mtations, ..f the Indian (huile Act was not wlupt! Puncht Malan Mohan Malavya's election KUTENTIFIC EXPERIMESTR.
(the one dealing with Executive Conan rilent of the Lahore CongTV The experimental cultivation cit) They also protest in the way. " A CONTtive Him , he in various kinds of crops including juta wulation under the 4 W ( HI, I triet loyalist und unternomment of cotten, Han, sugarcane, potato andre implain that the durated layer not
barrott, the herray of Bengal. The WAH Camed on at various place in the Kiven a legitimate share in the Council, biro mailo hy the All India Congress I'rovince with diverse mults. Export and av that the claims of the houMore
Committee is to be mended and we iments with jute Cutuducted at the ition of the learned profesiet leve
trust that inter his guidance the pro wan natin on the lines laid down 1. ignored; all that disqualifications
rding of the Laborp tangram will bens the Twpicalieneral of Art ultrictions of
Art andinnifelul ureful were the fi were attended with suvenful results Faryalid unti ly wide varmer the Alt Congre held in Man.
and Moved cuncluively that, with dur have been imperl un candidates for ele.
care in cultivation and retting the to: And that the regulation lack #
Burdwan cultivators could produce from hot and progresive wpirit. The treat. Flyshuttle Loom cheapest and most puntable without in
the Narayanganj se
te Work mount of In luna in Neth Afriu in then
as good items un fiunt ments without borunkage. For
is to be found in Eanter Bengal. The Jealt with and the usernment are urgettem apply to D, B &
cultivation in Hebar Ly indigo planti to take further step. The Partition of
has been discuttinued. Hengelupuestolakalist. Deportations
The oxperiment with cotton line
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