Intimitanplied, and the per general humanistic mining which i grants to maintain them merely as I nice of the rint In:zak of silent essential to national culture, has necessary feeders of the Calenta bationi in risting any attempt been sufficiently proved by the fail. institution. But unless moye. to draw bwk froin boycott has ntre of Mr. Pality Technical Collegement of this kind in supported by
in the innvenient to prefer to command adequate financial wise organization and energetic tuligt til lett foreign support. Unless this movement is propagandist emanating from an
als, but the withirawal of nctive carried on, as it was undertaken, as active centinl authority, it must Natiomintendevour hnu reulted part of a grint movement of nation- Roonrink under the weight in the top of progresu. Swaalrurgener, unless it is male, of unsolved problema mo. ochi m intality itsell, it no longer visibly to all, a nursery of patriot. surmounted difficulties and unrevancos. National Fluentionism and A mighty instrument of amended defects. The curricnluin
cuishow breathe active foren tional culture, it cannot mucceed. of the Council is extrordinarily hunt been withdrawn from it: it It is foolish to expect men to make elabornte and expensive, and in.
not abw'utely wrish beans gront macrifions while disconnging volves a great outlay for the forinaHertain mount of Nationalist their hope and enthusiasm. It is tion of library, laboratory, and
r.devotion his entrenched itself not intellectual recognition of duty workshops, and, Arranged as it is on in this list stronghold and holds it that compels sustained self-sacrifice the vicious Western systein of drir. nennst great els under the most in masses of hoen: it is hope, it is ing many subjects nt time into
couraging circumstances. A cer. the lofty arlour of a gront ense, it the growing intellect, is wlow, eamtuin amount only--becnego jart in the enthusinam of n noble and brons, A strain on the mind of the of the active enthusiain and wolf
courgeous effort. It is amazing students, wasteful of time, impos. Nerifice which created the move that men calling themselver educat- Hible without an unusual number of
int, has been lelibertly extruded d and presuming to dabble with good tenchers. The financial profrom it in obedience to fear or even public movements should be blind
blem created is one of urushing her motiver. part. has abandoned to the fnet that the ances or fail
difficulty, yet the ('onnel think it in ingust at the degeneration ure of National Education is inti
they have done their duty when of the system in incapable hande
toately bound up with and, indeed, they have created the problem and and the rest is now finding its selfentirely depends upon the fortunes
do not seem even to dream that there erotion buffed and deprived of the of the grert resurgence which give
is any all on them to solve it. Even chance of McCon by the name in- it birth. They seem to Inbour
for the Calcutta College in whose pity and weaknes at hendunder the delusion that it was an
maintenance they are more keenly LAIN. academical and not a national im
interested, they can only make feeble The National Council of Educapulse which induccil inen to rup
and pasmodic efforts when, as Inn, 14 it is at present composed, port this great effort, and they seek
annually happens, there is a deficit has convicted itself of entire incapato save the institution from pre
in the budget. The academical city whether to gan the meaning of mature death by exiling from it
problem of teaching so many subthe noretuent or to preserve or the enthnsiasm that made it pos
jects in so short a time without out cute the conditions of its succes. sible. They cannot ignore the
doing the exploits of the Calcutta 1. the majority of the members it service done by that enthusiasm,
University is a brain-killing and Ismeruly an interesting academical but they regulit merely as the
life-shortening machine, does not priment in which they can enInder by which they climbod and
seem to occur to these lofty and we Iwy mome of their pet hobbies or Are busy trying to kick it down.
cluded minds. They are content hatiny i generul vague «liutintuc. They are really shutting off the
with creating the problem and tion with the established University steam, yet expect the locomotive to
maintaining it by their system of sitem. To others the only valu.
exhininations. Even if funds were go on. able part of it is the technical ins"The successful organisation of
forthcoming, there would still be tinction given in its workshops. the Bengal National College in
the necesity of providing a regular The two or thrue who at all regard Calenttn was the work of its able
and plentiful supply of teachers part of a great national moveand enthusiastic Superintendent
trained in an entirely new systein of meut, are unnerved by funr, scoptinided by a body of young and self
instruction. This urgent problem ciun mod distrust and, by introducsacrificing workers. The National
the Council has systematically ing the principles of Chanakya Council which nominally controller
ignored, and not even the elemontury into its public policy, are dupriving in reality only hampereil it: all that
steps of establishing a Teacher's It of the first condition of its oonti. the Council contributed to the
Training Clase in Calcutta e xistence. It is fully to expoct Ayatem, wns its defects. The schools
and inuing a series of muitable that the nation at large will oithor in the Mofussil were created by the
books in the vernacular has been My husvily or make gruat sacrifiore enthusiasm of the Nationalist party,
Attempted. The only problems merely tu support an interesting the propaganda of its leaders and
which the Council seems willing to undemic onperiment, still loss to
the ardent self-devotion of little grapple with aro, first, the problem allow a few loerbod men to spoil bands of workers who gave their of supporting National Education he intellectual development of the self-sacrifice and enthusiasm to lay
without incurring the wrath of the duce by indulging their hobbies at the the foundations. The Nationalist
officials and, secondly, the problem iublia expense. That the people
officials ana, Council has never lifted a single
of evading the spirit of the clause will not support a mere technical education
I finger to help the Mofusil schools, finger to
which forbids it to subject itself to divorced from that I beyond doling out unaubstantial any
any form of Clovernment control,
Bool.Bool Soaps are yarivalled in the parket,