while observing the letter so as to citizen. If they are against spiritu citizen. If they
notieng what we are writing, prevent the invalidation of its en
aliut, it clony not help the latur mechanically, therefore, ways this dowinents
that it supports religion or plans profund thinker, nubomatic writing But if the National Council is
the imagination and fitte. '. tb the same kind of content to fail in its duty, the conn- motion of enlind Fiet ! . p o "The one little try cannot be euntant to allow this what we desire to them or w hom this sublimely great educational enterprise to rilicule, widence is what we have licitam e nt in that auto perish. We do not knw how or to weigh, not supported argonate wring hos no resenblanco bs whom the Council i c . It ments or questions of fitness or pro- whatever .. mehanical writing. seems to have followed the example Ibility. The improbuhle may be. When a tus white mechanically, of so many bodies in India which true. the probable entirely false he ne mut notice what he have started a democratic institu- In julging the evidence, we must waiting: when he writer automatie. tions and ended as close corporations attach e rin importance to the ally, he sterrefully and hun wf-electing and it recte. Put opinion of men who have denit his whole attenta fixed on it. If it is impossible to alter the cut with the facts at first hanit. Recent. When he writi fuechanically, hin prent character of this bowly and ly two puch men have put succinct band record thing that it is put into it keener blowl and clearerly their arguments for And in his mint.write: when he brains, some other centre of effort Against the truth of spiritualism, w w ately. his hand must be created which will under- Mr. W. T. Steal the timone eon. tauscribes whething which it is take to grapple with the probleins jurer, Mr. Maskelyne. We will wot in his mind to write and which of National Education, the supply deal with Mr. Milakelyne firmt, who is often the rower of what hin of trained and self-devoted teachers totally denies the value of the facts wind would tell him to write. and of books which will guide them on which spiritualism is hasel. Mr. Mr. Maskee nther gives the in the importing of knowi on Miskyne put forward two the installer land writing in letter tiw lines, the reawakening of in- Intely inconsistent theories, first. alle en putting an ok E-post, hope and enthusiasm in the thnt spiritualis fraud and which hen afterwarvi quen
untry, the provision of the neeme humbug, the second, that it is all time she could not remember. Thin <try funds to the ruofus chels
concin ntality The first counts to monuire than a fit of the forcing on the Council by the wins the theory which is hitherto thent-timeless in which an old prosure of public opinion of a more been heel by the opponents of the forgotten fact rose to the surface of national and more hatuna Hrs- new plietotnet, the second the the mind and by the revival of old 10 of teaching. But the first con theory to which they are being hlut with reproduced on the paper, lition of success in the reawakening driven by an accumulation of in but.. mink mot of immedinte of the national movement all along disputable evidence. Mr. Maskelyne. COTINH AN
N IN the mind the line, and this can only be done himself profused master of returned to the present. This is by the organization and resolute
juglery and illusion, 18 natur mental phenation e ntially of activity of the Nationalist party. ally dip to put down the salle class in our continuing
all medicine irregular unintentionally to write the date. STEAD AND MASKELYNE
otpetitors in his own art; but the of the last year even in this year's
fact that somjuror ein produce in letters. In other it is the riviThe rexed question of spirit
ilmy phenow , is no promoval in the other the puristence of in communication has become a sub-that all phenomen ne conjuring. oli habit. What lies this to do with Het of permanent public controver- He further argue that the spirit the phenomenat of antenatie writing
y in England. So much that is of Tintie phenomet hul been prol which are of an entirely ditferunt the utmost importance to or views duen when he could porntale Mr. Channel tot attended by then. of the world, religion, science, life. Stewl towe pot conditions which mindenes at all! Mr. Maskelyne phulsophy, is crucially interested preclude fruml. We must know
makes no attempt to explain the in the decision of this question, that
Mr. Maskelyne's conditions and have writing of facts in their natur in Tintash proof or disproof, establish- Mr. Storl's corroboration of this knowable to the medium, or of ment or refutation of this genuine
Mtatement before we can be enre of reputed predictions of the futur, and significance of spirit com
the value we must attach to this kind which are common in Antonistic munications can go disregarded.
of refutation. In any case we have communication But to discussion of the question
the inilipoutable fact that Mr Sterul On the other side Mr. Strud which proceeds merely on first prin
himself has been the medium in arguments are boundly me cuisin. ples can be cofanywalne. It is one of the most im p udcing 11 hin Leber, fint, on matter of evidence, of the vnlue of bent uncertained of the phenomena the nature of the communications
of the meaning of Mr. Maskelyne knows that Mr. Stout from his son and others in which he the evidence. If the ascertained in an honourable than inenable of could not be deceived by his own inc# are in favour of spiritualism,
| huge and impudent fabrication mind and, urcondly, on the fact that it is no argument against the facts
not only statements of the post. that they contradict the received compelled
but predictions of the future coeur o fall brick on the
freely. The first argument is of me logines of science or excite the wholly unproved theory of the subconscious mind. His arguments
valuc unless we know the nature of adreule alike of the enlightened
do not strike us a very convincing the cominunication and the minib sceptic and of the matter-of-fact Becans we often write without lity or imp l ity of the fourth 'The Bengal soaps are the cheapest and best in the market.