THE NATIONAL VALUE an artistie ideal, the misconception and the intuitive gaze of the Indian OF ART.
of the true aim of manual training, eye must be recovered and the whole
the imperative financial needs of VI
nation lifted again to the high le these struggling institutione makvel of the incient culturor
ing for a predominant commercial higher. The value o Art
him in the education given, the human con un
mastery English ideas, Willie a t the 18
English methods and English Tysimple milf, which we
predilections in this so-called naht. tel. W e also
tional ducation have rendered Intally pintulot its valor
nugaton the initial advantage. The alitor in union. It 14 h
SukKTR SEDITION (ASK. Atudents have faculty, but the The allegeul wadition ane against Vin vel that nunca
touching yiven thein Wister and mul Chetumal and Cloverdhanlal Wip. neglect on met of such high
mine the faculty. The untion cerdeal with at the Noi Curt Sokkar, Irwin in the future of its uned the indisduul kuin nothing by
fere Mr. Boyd, Sensione Judy, on the people of the training of some of
ay which
14th. turming out figures in
The pronection in conducted liv the higher interactul monul and
Mr. lxlchand (hurheil, M. Au Inithtully copy the vulgarity and
P utor, Nind, isted by the Pub Unthetic ficut in the young
ugime of English commercial lie Ihneutet, Sukkur. The term s The system of mucation which,
product or by multiplying mere represented by four pleaders. The instordeko pang artistic training
copies of men ur things. A free has excited to the interent that though part :14 privilege for a fw speerund ictive maging of form and
the morning wu* intensely cold, the count lists forenkly introduces it 114 #
lloume WAM HO eruwoud that many wire hue within oneself a free and self
obligeel to keep standing. The tint purt of cultur: no les necessary
v trained and reproducing with in
W merupied in the examination than literature or science, will love
tinctive See not the form and OTURM-XRtination mainly of the A114 taken at great step forward in the
Temurevent of things en ont- Superintendent of Pulice. Ypanday the perfection of ninal educntion and
side, for that is a smaller capacity three sub-in-protots, who conductolth the general dillusion of a broadcasily mastered, bui the inward
hearch in the hours of the used ja bru! human culture. It is not
an, il Sudhu Sing, afterdar to the vision of the relation and truth of nrcomary that every man should be
Cullectuir of Sukkur, were examinert. Thr things, an yo quick to note and
examination of the lub witnow we an artist. It is necessary that
distinguish sensitive to design not finished when the we wan putponed every imu should havo he artistic
and to harmony in colunr, there are till the 17th. ficulty levelepel, his taste trineu.
the facnlties thnt have to be evoke:I, his sets of beauty and insight into and the formal and mechanical english TURINTINK. form and colour and that which is
inethel is les for this purpose. The turprutine fatturies in connecting "xpressed in turn und colour, made
Iult the revival of u truly
with the United Province Forest Depart habitually stive, cormct and sensination Art is alrendy an accom
ment continued to work profitably tive. It is noces try that those
yeur though a large tank of the pro plished fact and the masterpieces of who crutt, whether in great things the school can
maineil unsold at the end of the year.
really challenge com- and the price obtained were the or small, whether in the usual parison with the best work of other an informer year: masterpiece of art and genius or
countries. Under such circum. in the small common things of 11 stance it is unparlonable that the Farotti ihnt Aurround Atun's daily life, ante fonul teaching of English In it intue of the 17th November 7th should be hubitunted to produce scholaud the vulgar commercial brings to light the appointment rerut And the nation habitunterl to exams and methods of the Went should made by the invernment of Pengal peat the beautiful in preference to list in marmilnt. The country
Amintant Superinteudent of Police of
** gentleman formerly a planter, who th-ngly, the role in preference to len yet to evolvent system of enero
ne seven years ago was admitted to the the vulgar, the fine in preference to tou which shall be really nntional provincial expeutive serve as a l the crude, the harmonions in pe The tint of Orcidental ileals anel Navisinute." In the latter racity * ference to the audy. A nation and suitable methols hits Alle tuld he was eni ployeu rtlenient surrounded daily hy the beautiful. e purgolt of om minds, and
tticer. with an extra allo Or, laut it uuble, fiue id harmonious becomes nowhere more than in the testchmy
H ertext that he never wroected in
eing the departmental examination that which 11 habituated to run which should be the foundatiot
and his transfer to better post in the template but realises the fulluess intellectual and asthetie rovn
whice is "naturally wxribed to favouritof the expanding Spirit in itselt tion. The spirit of old Indian Art lu b ystem of National lucat must be recovered the inspiration
it in certainly difficult remarke tion inaugurated in Bengal, be and directness of vision which wven
Truth". account in any other way kinning has been three by the im- now suboists among the PONOSFORS
for an appointment which is in any purtuner had to drawing and of the ancient traditions,
event, munk injustice to police office the
u waiting promotion, to shy nothing at chay. t g itements of man inborn skill and taste of the 'nce, fully qualifiel ceputy wagleruter." mal mining the absence of the lexterity of the Indian hand
If you are really after the best thing in the market use THE ORIENTAL ACTUT SURS. Thwy are talk of the day, the price of the Swadeshi, have the largest of all Sales Keep the skin beat. Are the cheap. ) est for the values and sailable everywhere. THE ORIENTAL SOAP FACTORY