Sen and Mr. K. B. Dutt and terrupted and broken up by organ- tution the Convention has cut itself not for the new movement in Benised Conservative ruwdyimm. Since off from the people and few men Kalso nuch as for the old tiynat. then the Radicals have retaliated meeting in concleve elect the dele el Congress politick which Bengal, with much greater effect, first, with gates in the name of an indifferent
"goudhuinuured" inten uption, then or hostile poblic. The dying priat has left far behind. Behar sends with more formidable tamalt 'nud, in min strives to intrench itself in one independent inan in Mr. Deepfiually, we see the temper rising to this insecure and crumbling fortress Naryan Singh. All the rest are buuluto for city. Not only do we Every day will serve to tailermine of the significul clieNUN who cither real in one telegram of four Conser it more and more and the Nationalhave 110 patriotic feeling or care vativo mertings which were of ists are content to let time and not express them. It is possible interly nature, while Lord Keste incvílable tendency do their work thnt Sir Edward Baker, in order to won and Lord Harris were refused for them. Only by a radical selfrumove the stigma of tanr premont hearing, but the windows xt Dir. purification and change of policy ative subservieney from his council, Ure's lant meeting were broken with can the Conventions hope to murvive. inny try to nominato two or three a battering rum and soveral of his who will help to keep Sj. Haikum. atdience weto ent; and the other THE MODERATE thuonth and his friend in conte lay it conservative meeting was
MANIFESTO. nunce, but that purely intronal broken up, the agent lett seriseleng grace will not mind matters. The hy his lastilants and tho candidate Bong Council is likely to be an only hitsed by a skilful flight. Nor
The practical exclusion of the even more wlect and ytrepr were the worst excome of which our
educated clasice, otMer than Mahoutive Innly than we expectel. Wo n g men wero nected in the
merlang, landholikers and titled round the District Board MA proberention of the Boycott and
grandees, from the new Councils and oble constituencies for representative picketing, anywhere near the viu.
the preference of Mahumedans to of opposition and intendent opilence recklessness of which
Hisus has rang she deuthknel nion, but, for the mist puut, they English women have boun systema
the old Moderate politics in India. Inight almost 114 well as have been tically guilty during the last few
If the Moderate party is to survive. premerve for the aristocracy. In months. Clearly it is time that a
it has to shift its broo and alter its Ernst Bengal it is eviden: that the more capable nation onnytru anul
tactics. If its leulera ignore the Councils will be a Mahomelan and took charge of England.
strong (fismatisfaction an disillusion Enropean body. The Lahore Convention.
ment folt by educator Hindus all British Unitness for Liberty
The prospects of the Lahore Con ! over India or if they tamoty acquiBy all Anglo-Indian rupay it was vention seem to be execodlingly lence in a reform which seems to have
clouded. In the matter of the been deliberately framod in order clusive proof of the unfitness of the Presidentsbip thu aint has gone forth to transfer political preponderancu Tuddinn pouple for self-government from Bombay that Pandit Mulan from Hindue to Mahometans and that the Surat Congress should have inom shall be Presidont and unlong from the representatives of the been broken up by the storming of the disatisfaction with the Mehta clucatel class to the landed aristthe platform when pussions wetulculership has extended itself to tho cracy, they will very soon find thenshighly excited and relations between sn bservient Congress Committeesit Belves leaders without following parties at breaking point. Every is likely that the Boinbay non- The Moderate party at present + ordinary sign of excitement at a tion will give the lead to the held together merely by the pres public aceting 19 telegraphed to rest of the Conventionist colorier, tige and personal influence of the England under some such graphic
snall secret Junta of intuential titlu s "L'proarious proceeling it . The Convention is now at a men who leal it, not by any settled the Provincial Conforenie." But critical stage of its destinies Disit' mwilyism is a sign of unities owned by thu Panjub, troubled by The personalities of Mr. Gokhaic for liberty, there is no country so strained relations between Bombay and Sir Pherozshah Mehta in Bomutfit ny Englanul itself and logically, and Bengal, it has received the bay, of Sj. Surendranath Benerji sus lovers of Enginrul, our Anglo-Incrowning blow from the Government dian friends ought to pray that Gor which supports it; its policy hus Beugal, of Pandit Madan Mohan
been discredited before the country Malaviya in the United Provinces, stop much clisturbancus, or Rus- And once more it has been proved of Mr. Krishnaswamy Aiyar in xin, which knows how to punish to disgw to people that the Madras constitute Moderatiam in them, shonkl take charge of England methods of the Conventionist lend their respective provinces. What and tonch her people respect for Inw to nothing but rebutts, humiliation these old and respected leaders de And order. The excitement of the unil political retrogression in the cide in their close and secret deli. great revolutionary strugglu now name of roform. If this body is to borntions is accopted, no longer proccerling in England has alrondy survivo, there is need of a strong without cavilling, but still with in those few days induced such hand and skilful guidance, otherwise somewhat reluctant acquiescence by law! wwwse and disorler that it is the persent session is likely to be their party. But tho public minu boooming out impossiblo for the last. Already the Convention has now been too deeply stirred fur Con arvivo speakers to cun mand is becoming the refugo of an out the lenders to ignore the opinion of # public hearing. At first it wns of cute and vanishing coterie who the country. The rezignation by the Liberal Minister, Mr Ure, whoro no longer command the confidence Sir Phorozabah Mehta of his Presibeetings were systematically in of the country. By its very conati- dentahip of the Lithore Conventious