M Roman success was in the organisa- the Moslem and his cnlture and psychological ond formation of tion of such a Government; even so, traditions and absorb them into it- human receptacle of energy. it failed, for want of geographical self. It is possible that the Maho. foundasoental physical unit is compactnors, to create a world-wide medan may not recognize the retot, in which the tejar, the Roman nationality. The failure of inevitable future and may prefer to and light and electricity in an the British rule to root itself lies throw himself into the opposite is involved and hidden. All cnt in its inability to become one with seale. If so, the Hindu, with what is latent in the retus. This ene the nation either by the effacement little Mahomedan help he may get, may be either expended physic out our national individuality or by mukt win Swamj both for himself or conserved. All passion, the renunciation of its own separate and the Mahomedan in spite of that dewire wanti's the energy by pour uride and self-interest. These thing resistance. There is
yosistance. There is nuutticient lit. either in
sufficientit, either in the gross form are therefore ucocesary to Indian force and manhood in us to do A sublinter subtler form, out of nationality.geographical separtness, grenter and more difficult task thnn bowly. Immorality in act throw geographical compactness and a that, but we Inck unity, brotherhood. out in the gross form : immora living national spirit. The first intensity of single action among our of thought in the subtle form. was always ours and made India a selves. It is to the creation of that either case there is waste, and people apart from the earliest times. unity, brotherhood and intensity chastity is of the inind and perc The second we have attained by that the Hindu Sabha should direct well as of the bly. On the ot British rule. The third has just its whole efforts. Otherwise we hand all selfcontrol conserves prung into existence.
must reject it as a disruptive and energy in the retues, and conse' But the country, the swulesh. not a creative Agency,
tion always brings with it inere which must be the base and fundit
But the needs of the physicul la ment of our nationality, is India, a
are limited and the excess of one country where Mahomodan ind
The practice of Brahmacharya
tulist create a surplus which he Hindu live intermingled and side is the first and most necronry
turn itself to some use other 11 by side. What geographical buse condition of increasing the force
the physical. According to can Hindu nationality pussen? within and turning it to such uses
ancient theory run is yola Maharashtra and Rajasthan are no ng may benefit the possessor or
water, full of light and heata longer separate geographienl units mankind. All human energy has
electricity, in one word, of li but merely provincial divisions of a a physical basis. Tho mistake
The excess of the return turnet single country. The very first made by European materialism is
into heat or tapas which stimula requisite of Hindu nationalism to suppose the basis to be every
the whole nystem, and it in I wanting. The Mahon.eduus baso thing and confuse it with the
this reason that all for their suprateness and their refusal source. The source of life and
of self-control and austerity are en to regard themselves 19 Indiana energy is not material but spiri
tapis ir tapya, because they tirat Mahomedaus afterwards on taal, but the basis, the foundation
erate the heat or stimulus which the existence of gront Mahotnodan on which the life and energy
it outre of powerful action and nations to which they feel themstand and work, is physical. The
CENN, secondly, it turns to trip selves more akin, in spite of our ancient Hindus clearly recognised
prer, light, the energy which in it common birth and blood, than to us. this distinction between Kurm
source of all knowledge thirdly Hindus have no such resource. For and pretinthet, the north pole ant
turns to tiyut or electricity, wh or evil, they are bound the mouth pole of being Earth or
is at the new of all torceful not to the soil and to the soil gros matter is the piratistha,
whether intellectual or physical. ose. They cannot deny their
the vidyut again in uvolved the Brahma or spirit is the Karn. To
or porannsikti the primal ener Mother, neither can they mutilate
raise up the physical to the spiritual which proceeds from other. T her. Our ideal therefore is in is Brahmawharya for by the meeting
SWADESHI LOOMS Indian Nationalism, largely Hindu of the two the Energy which starts Flynhuttle l ehest and in its wpirit and traditions, because
from one and pro * the other peditable without root. W hi the Hindu made the land and the
is enhance and fulfil itself. ea tiner uns without breakage. I people and persists, by the great
This is the metaphysical theory. tertiis apply to D. R&to Bess of his past, his civilisation and The application de pilds on a right
AKOLA, his culture and his inviucible understanding of the physical sind
G.I.P.RU virility. in hold ng it, but
potrag: ODDO BOQDORIDROCOOO mg শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত গীতা। wide enough also to incluie
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