Better than still to serve desirelenly... . LUCIFER SIRIOTH.
Pursued by a coinpulsion dull and beroe."
Looking through all vast time for one brief hour - 0.0
Of rest, of respite, but instead to find
Iron necessity and pant in vain LUCIFER
For space, for room, for freedom. What mighty and ineffable desiro Iinpels thee, Sirioth? Thy accustoined calin
SIRIOTH. la potently subverted and the eyes
Thou intendent That were a gods in sweet tranquillity,
LUCIFER. Confesw a human warmth, troubled glow.
Sirioth, I do not yet intend; I feel. SIRIOTH,
SIRIOTH. Lucifer, son of Morning, Angel! thon
For me the sense of active force within Art mightiest of the architects of fate.
Set me to work, as the stars move, the sun To thee is given with thy magic gaze
Resistless flames through space, the storm wind
rhos, Compelling mortals as thou leanst sublime
But I have felt a touch as sweet As spring, From heaven's lucent walls, to sway the world. And I have heard music of delight Is thy felicity of lesser date
Maddening the heart with the sweet honiec stale
Of delicate intolerable joy. Prince of the patient and untiring gods,
Where, where is One to feel the answering blive? The goals who work? Dost thou not ever feel Lucifer, thou from love beganst thy toil. Angelic wearineus usurp the place
What love ? Where the great flame and the august desire
'LUCIFER. Wote wont to urge thee on? To me it seeing . Denire august to help, to serve. That our cternity is far too long
SIRIOTH. For Hervice and there is a word, a thonght,
That is not mine. To embrace, to melt and urix More goulike
Two beings into one, to roll the spirit LUCIFER.
Tumbling into a surge of common joy,
'Tis this I seck. Sirioth, I will speak the worl. Is it not Power ?
Will He permit?' SIRIOTH. No, Lucifer,' tis love.
I foel, a prohibition. Some one used i Love? It was love that for i trillion years
A word I could not grasp anil called it sill. Cave me the instinct und immense demand
LUCIFER. For wervice, for activity. It fuden.
The word is niew, even as those things are. Another and moro giant passion comes Striding upon me. I behold the world
SIRIOTH. Iminemurably vast, I see the honvens
I know not who he was. He laughed and said
"Sin, ein is born into the world, revolt Full of an nzure joy and majesty.
And change, in Sirioth and in Lucifer, I see the teening millions of tho stars.
The cvening and the morning star. Rejoice, Sirioth, how came the Master of the world
O world! And I beheld as in a dreain To be tho inter? Did He seize control
Leaping from out thy brain and into mine
A woman beautiful, of grandiose mien, Pushing somo ancient wenker sovereign dowo!
Yet terrible, alarming and instinct From sway inmemorable? Did Ho como
With namelere mennce. And the world was full By poncefil ways, permition or inheritance,
With clashing and with cries. It seemed to me
Angels and Gods and men strove violently To what He is to-day?' Or if indeed
To touch her robe, to occupy the place lle is for over and for ever rules,
Her benutiful and ominous feet had trod, Are there no bounds to His immenso domain, Crying, " Daughter of Lucifer, he ours,
O sweet, moriblo and mighty Sin " No obscure corner of unbounded space
Therefore I came to thee. Forgotten by His fate, that I may seize And make myself an empiro as august,
LUCIFER Enjoy a like eternity of rule?
Sirioth, await
Her birth, if she must be. For this I know, SIRIOTH.
Necessity rules all the infinite world, Angel, these thoughts are mighty as thyrell.
And even He perhape submits unknown Put wilt thou then rebel? If He begrent To a compulsion. When the time is ripo, To conquer and to punish, what of Thee?
Wo will consult once more what we shall do. Eternity of dreadful poignnut pain
AUROBINDO GHOSE. May be thy fate and not eternal rale,
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